
Vol 2 Chapter 1253: 1 life 1 move

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In any case, Gu Qingfeng did not expect that there is such an unknown resentment between Humanity and Tiandao Xiandao or even Three Thousand Avenues. How it sounds strange to hear this.


Who can imagine that a long, long time ago, human immortals had no distinction between high and low?

Who can imagine that Sanqian Avenue will join hands to pit humanity and even tamper with the roots of humanity, so as to weaken human blood? Stifling people's qualifications and potential?

What is the purpose of Sanqian Avenue?

It's never too obvious.

In order to prevent the re-emergence of humanity and to better enslave humanity, as long as humanity is the cornerstone, the magic path of the fairy path will become stronger. After all, in this world everyone asks for the magic path, and in other big worlds, there are many. And demon road.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help thinking of the humane essence taught by the master when he was in the Qing Dynasty, and then recounted these words said by the master today. He asked tentatively, "Master, you taught me the humanitarian essence that year, and I want to revive humanity. ?"

"Reinvigorating humanity? You misunderstand, disciple ... Although I have been involved in humanity throughout my life, I do hope that humanity can be reinvigorated, but it is not easy to reinvigorate humanity. This fact is too complicated and too difficult. For the past few years, I have only thought about it. I have never hoped to revive humanity. "

"Teach you the essence of humanity. I just hope that you can abide by your nature and don't forget your original intention. As long as you can do these eight words, you will be very satisfied as a teacher."

"Strictly abide by nature, don't forget your original intention."

Gu Qingfeng repeated eight words. He understood, but his inner feelings were a little complicated, and he said, "Master, have you already seen that my presence would pose a threat to all beings in the world?"

Master Zhenjue didn't speak, he was silent for a long time, and then he said, "Fool, everybody's birth can't be chosen, the birth is not important, what's important is to be ashamed of your heart, your life is very long and very long. The ups and downs of life will inevitably lead to loss of nature. As a teacher, I hope that you can return to nature in the loss and find yourself ... "

"As long as it is worthy of the heart, what ca n’t be done in heaven and earth, whatever it takes to be alive, practice the mind, practice the mind, and the way, as long as the heart is right, the immortal path is the same, the magic path is the same, the path is natural, three thousand Avenue, one way and one. "

Gu Qingfeng thought about the master's words and seemed to realize it. Then he knelt down on the ground and worshiped: "The student understands, thank the teacher for teaching, the student must remember it."

"It's good to understand ... It's good to understand ... Go back, wherever you go back and forth ..."

After the ancient Qingfeng worshipped, although he was full of perseverance, he finally left.

After the ancient breeze left, a sigh came from inside the stone room.

"Hehehe ..."

Suddenly, an eerie laughter came from somewhere, saying, "Really, do you regret it? Hehehehe ..."

"I'm afraid when you taught others the essence of Taoism, you would never think that he could conceive a Tai Chi Jin Dan, let alone think that he could conceive an endless amount of Tai Chi Jin Dan, and no one knew. What is the worship of the living beings in Vientiane, right? Ha ha ha ... "

The voice was weird. He couldn't hear whether it was a man or a woman. His words were full of taunt.

"Because of your devotion, you created one of the most mysterious and unknown variables in ancient times ... hahaha ... so that now the world and the avenue are in danger ... haha ​​... More terrible is He also gave birth to a pilgrimage of all living creatures to worship ... Hehehe ... Although I don't know what it is, one thing is certain, if ... if he wants to compete for humanity, I'm afraid ... No one is his opponent, ha ha ha ha! "

"If ... if a man of original sin, but also a person of original sin related to the era of injustice, ask the king of man in ancient times and dominate humane ... Oh my God! I can't imagine what it would be like . "

"I used to think I was a wicked person, but now I understand that the real wicked person is you! Hahaha ..."

At this time.

Another old voice came: "Demon girl, hugh nonsense, if the predecessors did not teach others the essence of the Tao, whether it can be successfully opened in ancient times is an unknown number. With his creation, once lost The nature, the consequences are unthinkable, I am afraid that it was not only the ancients that ended! "

"Hum! Old man, don't you want to be sensational! Do you think your aunt is terrified? Although the boy named Gu is extraordinary in nature and is born of original sin, if he wants to stir the world in ancient times, he is still very tender ..."

The old voice retorted: "He may not be able to stir the world by himself, but if he loses his nature and cannot find himself, it will inevitably affect the intensification of causal black holes. Even in ancient times, it is not impossible. You also have Having said that, he came from the original sin. As the original sin, it can naturally affect the causal black hole. If the causal black hole really comes, you do n’t need to say that, you also know the consequences. ”


The voice called the demon girl snorted, and said, "Take less causal black holes to scare your aunt, do you dare to say that he didn't regret it?"

When questioned, the old voice did not respond.

The voice known as the demon girl said proudly: "He must have regretted it. He taught the kid the humane essence that he just wanted to resolve the imminent catastrophe of the causal black hole in the era of injustice, even if it could not be resolved. At least, it can also slow the catastrophe, but it is absolutely impossible to think that the kid today has kicked the door of humanity with one foot. "

"And ... hehehe, as far as I know, to cope with the catastrophe of the causal black hole, the existence of humanity is the most important thing, hehe ... and I really feel that he actually let an original sinner unintentionally push away. Humane door, ha ha ha ... I ca n’t help but want to laugh when I think about this aunt. ”

With it.

The third voice reminded me again ~ ~ Let me say that the old man taught the kid the essence of humanity, the original intention may be to cater for the coming black hole catastrophe. As for that kid, he gave birth to the so-called all-life floating slaughter Vientiane worship. Maybe it ’s really beyond the expectations of the father, but you do n’t want to think about the character of the father. The elderly have eaten more salt in this life than all of us have eaten together. I'm afraid his old man wants to open long ago, let's worry about it here. "

Along with this, the fourth voice was remembered.

"Master has always been unpredictable. Let's take a move, and it's just a move. If you take a move, it's definitely a key move to decide the winner."

Soon, the fifth voice remembered.

"The old man watched chess for countless years. His elderly man only took one such move in his life. Whether this move is right or wrong, winning or losing, I will wait and see."

You do n’t need to argue, you really feel senior. ”

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