
Vol 2 Chapter 1262: Nightmare of the Original Sin

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Langzhong, the ancient Qingfeng seems to come to a mysterious place.

This place is chaotic.

With it.

The voice of nothingness sounded again.

"Don't believe in cause and effect ... don't believe ..."

"It's fake ... cause and effect are fake."

"Don't believe them."

"Don't forget, never forget ... you cut off all cause and effect, so you have no previous life, no present life, and no afterlife ... you belong to you and you are the only you."

"Illusive Mountain ..."

"I'm waiting for you in the False Hill ..."

"Waiting for you ..."

"I know, and I'm convinced that you will come back someday."

"I am waiting for you."

"Wait for you ..."

This dream is again.

Since merging a drop of blood of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng had previously had a strange dream. The voice was also heard intermittently in the dream, and it also said that the cause and effect were false, and also mentioned the false mountain, and said that he had to wait With yourself.

This was the case with previous dreams.

The dream is still the same.

Who is the owner of this voice?

The ancient Qingfeng is really unclear.

He tried to capture the source of the sound, but it was useless. The sound seemed to come from a distant place, leaving him nowhere to be found.

He tried to ask.

Of course.

No one responded to him.

"I have my own wisdom and my own delusion. I can discern things and me ... thousands of holy, thousands of demons, let others say ..."

I don't know how long it has been here.

The voice came again.

Still repeating that passage.

What exactly does this sentence mean, Gu Qingfeng still can't understand it till now.

He knew that the so-called False Mountain was the Wudao Mountain.

Just that voice said don't believe in cause and effect, what is the meaning of cause and effect?

And who are they waiting for?

Wait for yourself?

Gu Qingfeng didn't think so. He thought that it should be related to the blood of the original sin, because before that, he had never dreamed, and continued to have such dreams after he merged the blood of the original sin.


The voice came again.

"is it you?"


Gu Qingfeng was in a state of anxiety, and was about to respond. At that moment, the voice seemed to be talking to himself, and said again.

"No, not you."

"I know it's not you, how could it be you ..."

"Fake is all false. You said that you are also false. Everything is false and false."

"Ha ha, vain ..."

"Oh, how are you doing?"

"will you come back?"

"No! You won't come back ... you said you will never come back after you leave."

"No! You will definitely come back, you also said that you will definitely come back after you leave."

"I am waiting for you."

"Don't leave me ... don't, will you?"

The imaginary voice seemed to be talking to himself, and what he said seemed a bit inconsistent, and Gu Qingfeng, who was listening, became more and more confused. He tried again to communicate with that voice. Unfortunately, he still couldn't communicate, and I don't know where the voice came from.


Gu Qingfeng felt wrong, and faintly felt as if someone was staring at himself.


Who is it?

where is it?

In the chaos, the consciousness of Gu Qingfeng is like headless flies, and the dream is very real. The reality is just like the real chaotic world. Gu Qingfeng has no sense of direction in the dream. I do n’t know why. No, there is only a touch of self-consciousness in the chaos.

That voice no longer sounded.

But the feeling of being stared at was even stronger.

He just hurried through the chaos, feeling stronger and clearer.

It's close!

just in front.

Gu Qingfeng is sure that something must be staring at himself in front of him.

Continue shuttle.

It's coming, it's coming soon.

The ancient breeze at this moment was like turning away the clouds and fog to see the bright moon. Finally, he saw it.

That is alone.

To be precise, Gu Qingfeng did not know whether the other party was a human or not.

It looks like a person, but the whole body is covered with white cloth layer by layer, it only reveals a pair of dark eyes like black holes.

"It's you!"

Gu Qingfeng didn't know the person in front of him, but he had met once.

And I was extremely impressed. I still remember clearly that in the northwest of China, on the way to the Moon Palace, Gu Qingfeng also felt that someone was staring at himself, but not in a dream, but in the real world.

Gu Qingfeng also played against him. Although he didn't win the match at the time, he intuitively told him that the opponent was very powerful, beyond his imagination, and might be not his opponent at all. For the first time, Gu Qingfeng felt extremely small.

"it's me."

The other responded.

The voice also felt a sense of nothingness, as if it came from a distant place, it was strange.

"who are you?"

Gu Qingfeng couldn't see through the other party, and even couldn't detect the other party's existence, but what made him strange was that for some reason, the other party had a very familiar feeling.

"Who are you? I am who we are. We belong to the same person, even to the same person."

When hearing this sentence, Gu Qingfeng was shocked.

What does it mean to belong to the same person?

What is called even belongs to the same person.


Gu Qingfeng remembered the blood of original sin.

According to rumors, the blood of the original sin belongs to the blood of the original sin hegemon of the innocent age.

The same person is familiar with the same person.

Gu Qingfeng tried to ask, "You are also the original sinner?"

"Yes or no."

"How to say?"

The other party did not respond.

Gu Qingfeng did not ask again, although he heard people say that the blood of the original sin may be more than one drop, and the blood of the original sin is definitely not just himself, but when he really encountered the blood of the original sin like himself, Gu Qingfeng was still Feeling a little strange.


He said yes or no.

What does it mean?

It's a pity ~ ~ The other party didn't say it explicitly, he couldn't think of it.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng asked again, "How many original sinners are there between heaven and earth?"

"Not much, but not much."

Just when Gu Qingfeng was silent, the previous voice of emptiness came again, and he was still talking to himself about what was false.

"Since you are here, it means that this dream is not just a dream that belongs to me, but a dream that belongs to people like us."

Although the other party did not respond, Gu Qingfeng had the answer in his heart, and said, "Moreover, the voice of this dream does not seem to be addressed to me alone."

"This is a nightmare and a curse," said the man wrapped in white cloth. "It is a nightmare that belongs to the original sin, and it is also a curse that belongs to the original sin. But everyone who is the original sin is subject to the nightmare of the original sin, and the curse of the original sin.

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