
Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Original suspicion cloud

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Gu Qingfeng knew that Jun Xuanzhang always came without a shadow and disappeared, as if heaven and earth were omnipotent, at least, in the impression, there seemed to be no place between Xuan Xuan and Xun Xuan who could not go there.


he knows.

But what surprised him and what depressed him was how this dream came about, Jun Xuanzhen also came.

If it was an ordinary dream, Gu Qingfeng would not be so surprised, but this dream is not an ordinary dream, and only when he communicated with the person wrapped in white cloth, did he realize that only the original sinner can enter this so-called causal nightmare.

But why is Junxuan here?

Is the person covered in white cloth lying, or is Jun Xuanxuan the same original sinner?

Just as he was puzzled, Jun Xuan, who appeared in a flash, seemed to be able to see through his inner thoughts and whispered softly: "Don't be surprised, because ... because I'm just like you ... all ... all of the original sin. "

Good guy!

Really so!

Gu Qingfeng looked at Jun Xuanyuan in horror. He just speculated just now. He didn't expect it to be true. He stared at Jun Xuanyuan and wondered: "You are also the original sinner? Have you fused the blood of the original sin?"

"Yes ... it's been fused ... it's been fused a long time ago ..." Jun Xuan said confusedly: "It's really a long time ... a long time ..."

Jun Xuanxi is still the same as before. There is no emotional color on her beautiful face. Her eyes are cold and cold, but she is full of endless blankness and horror. Her figure is like a burning flame in chaos. Swaying like a rose blooming in the dark.


Gu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief. For Jun Xuanyun, he could not see through before, and now he is even more through. This woman has too many mysterious and unknown mysteries. Every appearance in the impression will surprise Gu Qingfeng. This time No exception, he never thought that Jun Xuanxuan was also a person of original sin, which was really unexpected.

"Good what do you do with the blood of the original sin?"

"No ... I don't know, I ... can't remember, I forgot ... I really forgot ..."

Jun Xuanyu is lost.

Since Gu Qingfeng met Jun Xuanxuan again after waking up in this world, he has never seen Jun Xuanxuan when he was awake again, and he was so unconscious every time he saw her.

She said she forgot.

She also said she was lost.

What are you forgetting and why are you lost?

Jun Xuanyuan didn't know it himself.

Fortunately, the ancient breeze is used to it.

Suddenly remembering what Jun Xuanyun said just now, he has no previous life, neither does he, nor do we have any previous life. He asked, "What do you mean by what you just said? Who has no previous life?"

"You ... have no previous life, neither do he. We ... have no previous life."


Gu Qingfeng wondered: "The one you said, but the one just now?"

"It's him……"

"You know him?"

"No ... I don't know ... maybe I knew it before, but I forgot ... I can only feel that he is dangerous ... you ... be careful."

Even if Jun Xuan didn't say this, Gu Qingfeng himself understood.

The man who was wrapped in white cloth did something for himself the first time he met. He just appeared somehow just now. Although Gu Qingfeng didn't know what the other party was going to do, one thing was certain, he was definitely not here to make friends.

As for the danger is not dangerous, he doesn't care much.

He himself is already very dangerous. No matter how dangerous, where else can it be dangerous?

However, Jun Xuanyu said that there was no previous life, which made Gu Qingfeng quite puzzled, and asked, "What does it mean that I have no previous life? And are we still?"

"No one in the era of the Tao ... has no previous life."

"But I'm not a man in the era of infidelity."

"You exist because of ... the blood of the original sin ... and the blood of the original sin belongs to the era of iniquity. In a sense ... you are not different from the people of the innocent ... "

"Does this work?"

After hearing Jun Xuan's words, Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a while, it seems that there is such a bit of reason, but after another thought, I feel that it is not quite right. What exactly is going on.

to be frank.

Since the beginning of the search for cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng has become more and more confused. To this day, he not only does not know whether he is a man, or even whether he was born from the mother's womb.

"You ... are upset, right?"

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, Jun Xuan murmured quietly, and said, "Blame me ... blame me, it's not good ..."

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I don't know ... I forgot ... I really forgot ... I've been trying to think, but I can't remember anything ... I really ... are useless."

"Come on, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to blame yourself."

Gu Qingfeng was talking, but was interrupted by Jun Xuanyu, saying: "No, it must be related, I'm sure your existence must be related to me, because ... every time I face you ... ... and also guilty. I don't know what I'm blaming myself for, or what I'm really guilty of ... "

There was a trace of pain in Jun Xuan's beautiful face, a trace of blank pain, and she seemed to recall it vigorously, saying, "Maybe ... maybe because the sun is quiet ... If ... if then, I ... I stop Canyang Wuyou, no ... exactly, to stop the blood of original sin in the hands of Canyang Wuyou ... you won't have so many ... troubles ... "

Hearing that there is no secluded sun, Gu Qingfeng immediately asked: "Do you know no secluded sun?"


"Where is she?"

"She fell asleep ..."

"She really fell asleep ..."

"You've seen her, haven't you?"

Gu Qingfeng nodded, she did see Canyang Wuyou, but it wasn't Canyang Wuyou herself, but a lingering knowledge of Canyang Wuyou.

Until now he still remembers clearly, that is nine years ago, UU reads wwwww. uukanshu. After he was judged by the sacred, the physical body was reborn and his consciousness entered a state of chaos. At that time, a trace of residual knowledge in the sun of the sun appeared in his chaotic consciousness.

It was thought that Canyang Wuyou used the blood of the original sin to conceive himself, at least, Jun Xuanyu said so.

Gu Qingfeng has been dubious.

Later, I encountered a trace of residual knowledge in Canyang.

This isn't the case for Canyang Wuyou.

She said that when she got the blood of the original sin, she only wanted to seal it, but later she realized that the blood of the original sin had been underestimated. She said that the blood of the original sin had changed. She did n’t know what method to use to conceive the original sin in the Northwest. man of.

Wuyang Wuyou said that she could not stop the blood of the original sin, so she could only wipe out those who were born of the original sin, but the more she got killed, the more confused, she lost her self when she killed her ... and finally had to seal herself.

(End of this chapter)

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