
Vol 2 Chapter 1266: who am I

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to be frank.

If that drop of so-called blood of the original sin contained only the spiritual will of the unruly uncle, although Gu Qingfeng would have a headache, it would only be a headache at best.

Containing spiritual will, one's consciousness will only be affected. No matter how dangerous it is, it will only be assimilated by the spiritual will of the unwise master. Of course, there is another possibility, and the most dangerous is this unwise master. The spiritual will gave birth to a new consciousness, and then devoured his own consciousness, occupying his own body.

These things, if you change to other people, you may be afraid of fear. After all, the noble respect is the legend and the taboo in the taboo. It is also known as the first person in ancient times and the master of the terrible original sin. Once the old man's spiritual will conceives a new consciousness, it will be absolutely terrifying. I am afraid that few people can compete with it.

Even though it is the arrogant ancient Qingfeng, facing the legendary taboos of Wudaozun, they have to admit it.


He practiced for five hundred years, and all his creations are mysterious and unknown. Among them, there is no creation that contains spiritual will, nor does he not have the consciousness that wants to devour him, occupying his physical creation, and his consciousness is almost swallowed several times. Occupy.

Fortunately, his will is tough and his luck is quite good. He finally survived the danger again and again.

If it is said that the blood of the original sin really contained the spiritual will of the insincere, it also gave birth to a new consciousness. If it wants to devour its own consciousness and occupy its own physical body, although Gu Qingfeng has no confidence to keep his conscious physical body However, he will always fight hard, and even if he can't, he will never let other people take over his own body, even if the other party is the legendary taboo of the original sin.

He is not afraid.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

What really made him creepy was that he was afraid that the blood of the so-called blood of original sin contained more than just the spiritual will of the innocent uncle.

and so.

He looked at Jun Xuanyu, trying to get the answer from her.

After a while, Junxuan said, "The drop of alive blood of original sin that you merged is not just the fusion of that person's spiritual will."


What are you afraid of?

"What else can that be?" Gu Qingfeng held back the numbness of his scalp and asked, "The stumbling blood contains the unconsciousness of the unruly uncle?"

"And more than that."

Good guy!

This ancient breeze was really a little panicky, he thought about it, and asked again: "Don't you tell me, the drop of so-called blood of the original sin is not only conscious but also alive?"

"And more than that."


Gu Qingfeng suddenly yelled.

He ca n’t even imagine it. It ’s just a drop of blood. It ’s rare to be able to contain the spiritual will of his mother. It is even more unique to give birth to self-awareness. However, listening to Jun Xuan's tone, it seems that more than that.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help wondering how bad it could be?

When he asked, Jun Xuanzhen didn't respond in time, but stood quietly opposite, looking at Gu Qingfeng so, with a beautiful face, he was full of sorrow, full of confusion, self-blame, and It's doubtful, it's very complicated.

"Don't look at me like that, it's weird."

Gu Qingfeng was a little hairy when Jun Xuan looked at him and asked, "How bad can it be?"

Jun Xuan still didn't speak, she still looked at him so much, her lips moved, as if she was still talking, then she slowly closed her eyes and shook her head, wondering whether she didn't want to say it or not.

"Sister, don't be afraid that I can't bear it, just tell me if you have anything, so that we can be prepared."

Jun Xuan still didn't speak, just shook her head constantly.

This made Gu Qingfeng, who was already a bit creepy, even more panic-stricken.


In the dream, the ethereal voice sounded again, with wisdom and confusion, discerning things and me, a hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, turned into heaven and earth harmony, without seeing good and evil, leaving only cause and effect Thousands of holy, thousands of demons, let others say ...

"Don't believe in cause and effect ... don't believe ..."

"It's fake ... cause and effect are fake."

"Don't believe them."

"Don't forget, never forget ... you cut off all cause and effect, so you have no previous life, no present life, and no afterlife ... you belong to you and you are the only you."

"Illusive Mountain ..."

"I'm waiting for you in the False Hill ..."

"Waiting for you ..."

"I know, and I'm convinced that you will come back someday."

"I am waiting for you."

"Wait for you ..."

That misty voice has been repeating these words. The words that Gu Qingfeng said to this voice were just curious and doubtful, but I do n’t know why. At this moment, when I heard these words again with a sorrowful mood, the kind The creepy feeling grew stronger.

It seems like something was realized, and it seemed like something was caught.

But what he realized and what he caught, Gu Qingfeng felt very vague, just like the chaotic world of dreams, very messy and chaotic.

"She's right."

I do not know how long, Jun Xuanxi opened his eyes, stared at the ancient Qingfeng, and said quietly: "Do n’t believe in cause and effect, never believe in it, it is false, cause and effect are false, you should never forget, and never forget ... ... you have cut off all causes and effects, so you have no previous life, no present life, and no afterlife ... You belong to you and you are the only you. "

"What do you mean? What cause and effect are false, and you don't want me to forget anything? And when did I cut off all cause and effect?"

Gu Qingfeng's mind suddenly came up with a bold idea, saying, "Did you think of me as the unwise master? Or did you fear that I would become the second infidel?"

"Do not."

Jun Xuan shook his head and denied, saying: "You are not that person, remember! You are not that person, you must remember! Do not forget!"


"Because someone wants you to be that person ~ ~ and someone wants you to be the second one!"


"Or cause and effect, or fate, or original sin, or something else ... I don't know ... I forgot, really forgot ... I just know that everything has begun, when you merge that drop of original sin The blood, when you embark on the road of seeking cause and effect, it has already begun ... but remember, you only belong to you, you are the only one, you do not belong to anyone. "

"Don't get lost ... don't get lost on the path of cause and effect. Once you get lost ... you will become that person and the second original sin ... don't get lost on the path of cause and effect ... don't ..."

"I will be waiting for you in the False Hill ..."

"Waiting for you ..."

"I know, and I'm convinced that you will come back someday."

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