
Vol 2 Chapter 1272: Gozen

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"I wonder if the ancient dweller ever heard a word?"

"What is it?"

"There is a fixed number in the deep, and a variable in the cause and effect."

"Variables?" Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes slightly and groaned, "You mean my existence is a variable in cause and effect?"


"I don't feel anything at all, and how do you know."

"The reason is very simple, because the blood of the original sin is a variable in itself. The ancient dweller, because of the blood of the original sin, and fused with the blood of the original sin, is naturally a variable, and it may also be a variable in a variable. "

What are variables?

Gu Qingfeng has also heard about the so-called celestial cycle, retribution for cause and effect, and the variable is a cause and effect error, but also a wrong cause and effect, in other words, the cause and effect should not occur.

A wrong cause and effect, all the series of cause and effect produced are all wrong. Although this kind of error is still in cause and effect, it will not obey the law of cause and effect, and will not be subject to the cycle of heavenly nature. Are unknown.

And this is the so-called variable.

"It is a variable and naturally does not obey the law of causality. Therefore, the ancient jushi just said that you may be a **** in the hands of destiny. This sentence is not accurate. Everything in the world and all beings are indeed chess pieces, and they dominate the game Perhaps it is really destiny, and if the ancient jushi is really in this chess game, the old man would never belong to destiny or cause and effect, but belong to the ancient jushi yourself. "

"The old man just said that I don't know what the ancient dweller really is, and what kind of causality is involved behind him. This is the same reason."

"No one knows how the ancient dweller went, and no one knows it, the old man does not know, the three thousand avenues do not know, the gods and gods of the heavens and earth do not know, and even the destiny of cause and effect is unknown."

"If anyone between the heavens and the earth knows the way of the ancient jushi, then this person must be you."

"Old man is still the same sentence, cause and effect may be able to dominate the destiny of all beings in heaven and earth, but you ca n’t dominate the destiny of ancient dwellers. All beings of heaven and earth may be the pawns in the chess game dominated by destiny. The difference is that it is causality that governs our destiny, and it is not causality that governs the destiny of ancient dwellers, but you. "

The old monk's words touched Gu Qingfeng so much that he fell into deep contemplation. He thought for a long time and seemed to understand, but he was even more confused.

"If it ’s not causality that governs my destiny, but myself, why do I feel like this? At least, I feel that I have been led by causality. Some causality may have been caused by me, but some causality came somehow. . "

"Ancient dweller, one thing you must understand is that a variable is just a wrong cause and effect. Although it is not subject to the law of cause and effect, it is still in the cause and effect. As you said, some cause and effect are caused by you that year. The inexplicable cause and effect may be related to the blood of the original sin, regardless of whether it is caused by you or the blood related to the original sin.

"If the cause and effect in my body are all the wrong cause and effect, and the wrong cause and effect produce the wrong cause and effect, wouldn't it be wrong ..." Gu Qingfeng asked: "Should there be more than just one variable in my history?"

"It really isn't."

"What's their end?"

"Since it is the wrong cause and effect, what does Gu Ju think will be the end?"

Gu Qingfeng laughed abruptly and asked, "If I say that this wrong cause and effect has continued like this, what are the consequences? Will it cause a lot of disorderly cause and effect ..."

Somehow the old monk didn't answer this time.

And the ancient Qingfeng can guess how much.

Since one's existence is a wrong cause and effect, and if the wrong cause and effect continue, it will probably affect the cycle of heaven and earth, then God will definitely not allow this wrong cause and effect to continue, and he will definitely obliterate himself at all costs. Cause and effect, thereby avoiding cause and effect confusion.

Going around, going here is still a dead end!

This can't be avoided.

This doesn't matter, Gu Qingfeng doesn't care too much.

The key is the so-called wrong cause and effect, which suddenly reminded Gu Qingfeng of something.

He has been heard more than once by people who have visited causal black holes, and said that causal black holes have begun to recover in ancient times. The existence of this thing is like a causal vortex, involving many irrelevant causes and effects, leading to many confusion Causation occurs, the harm even causes the law of causality to collapse.

According to rumors, the causal black hole is related to the Supreme Master of the Taoist era, and some even say that the cause and effect black hole is the original incarnation of the Five Masters.

At present, Gu Qingfeng has merged a drop of blood of the original sin on the unreliable, causing his existence to become a wrong cause and effect. Once the wrong cause and effect continues, there may be many chaotic causes and effects, and it will also endanger the law of cause and effect.

Gu Qingfeng thinks about it, but he doesn't think it is right.

Shouldn't his mother be the so-called causal black hole?

Do not!

It should be impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

Gu Qingfeng wanted to ask, but he just talked to his mouth, but he didn't say anything. It was too evil and terrible. The evil door made him a little panic, and the horror made him not want to know about the problem for the time being. answer.

Just as he was about to leave, the old monk's voice came again.

"Guju, please remember this sentence, everything is unknown to you. Causality cannot dominate your destiny, and no one can dominate it. Only you can dominate your own destiny. How does this road go? How to go, everything is in the hands of the ancient layman. "

"If you want nothing, this day doesn't exist, if you want it, this land is indispensable. If you want this cause and effect not to be wrong, then it is not wrong. If you want to dominate fate, it must bow to you!"

The voice of the old monk came again, as if the ancient Buddha was chanting, and the sound was astonishing.

At this moment, the world of perishing bones is no longer misty, but becomes clearer, like flowers and trees are blooming ~ ~ like mountains and rivers are changing, like everything is renewing, like years are passing away, like life and death In reincarnation.

Looking at mountains is mountains, and looking at water is water.

Looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water.

Look at the mountains or the mountains, or the water.

Like a fairy, like a demon, a fairy is a demon, a demon is a demon, and a demon is a demon.

Good is evil, and evil is good.

Light is darkness, and darkness is light.

Yin is Yang, Yang is Yin.

Everything in the world has become blurred in Gu Qingfeng's eyes, but it is clearer in his heart.

He understands.

Finally understand.

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