
Vol 2 Chapter 1288: Begging Little Jiner

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It was discovered that when Tianzhao appeared for the disaster star, Su Shi rushed to Qingzong for the first time, but she never thought that the disaster star would be Xiao Jin'er.

Su Shi knew that Xiao Jin'er was extraordinary.

She is also watching Xiao Jiner grow up, knowing that the little girl has been different since she was a child. In the past many years, the little girl has not grown up and has not matured as an ordinary person. Instead, she is still cute and cute as a child, naive Innocent.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that the little girl has been weird since she was young.

For example, the little girl can communicate with all things in the world, even if it is a ferocious beast, she will become docile when she sees Xiao Jiner, and she can see through the other person ’s mind.

What's even more incredible is that if the little girl has a pair of wise eyes, she can see a lot of strange existences. These existences are more mysterious than even Su Shi can detect, but she has many such friends.

Moreover, the little girl seemed to have the ability of an unknown prophet. Many times, what Su Shi didn't know, the little girl knew everything.

The little girl is weird.


Su Shi knew.

No matter how weird it is, Xiao Jin'er can't be the disaster star of this ancient age.

Su Shi couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, looking at Xiao Jin'er in the blood-colored beam of light, Su Shi's heart was bleeding, Xiao Jin'er looked very painful, the blue hair became silver-white, and a cute and lovely face The paleness was without a trace of blood, especially the bright eyes, the dim red was looming, like a pair of blood eyes.


Su Shi tried to pass by, but when he touched the blood pillar of light, he immediately felt a terrible power.

"My sister! Don't ... don't come over!"

Xiao Jin'er seemed to be very afraid of hurting Su Shi, and she stepped back. She shook her head, bit her lip, and cried, "Hurry up! Sister, don't worry about Jiner, you go ... hurry up."

"Jiner, tell me what's going on, my sister will help you."

"Sister Xi, go, don't worry about Jiner, don't worry about me ..." Xiao Jin'er kept shaking her head and said, "Jin'er just wanted to help the big brother, but ... but I didn't expect it to become like this Jiner doesn't want to hurt anyone, Jiner really doesn't want ... Jiner is so scared ... "

"Jin'er, don't be afraid, you haven't hurt anyone." Su Yue advised: "The so-called Blood Moon does not mean that you must be a disaster star. Even if you are a disaster star, your sister will certainly Guarding you, won't let you hurt anyone, let alone anyone hurt you. You have to believe in your sister, who promised you that you can do it. Don't you believe in your sister? "

"No! No! Sister Ji, Jin'er doesn't believe you, Jin'er just ..."

Xiao Jin'er seemed to be enduring something, her three thousand hairs became more silver, her eyes became more red, her complexion became paler, and the power contained in the blood pillar of light became more powerful and terrible.

"Sister Ji, Jin'er doesn't worry about any disaster, and doesn't worry about it at all. Jin'er just doesn't want to turn back to the past, doesn't want to wake up ... Jin'er doesn't want to ... Jin'er doesn't like her former self, she doesn't like ... ... "

Why don't you want to go back?

Why don't you want to wake up?

Su Shi was a bit incomprehensible for a while, stumped what Jiner said was the previous life? But Jin Er was not a reincarnation.

and many more.

People who are not reincarnated do not mean that there is no previous life.

It's just that it's almost impossible to awaken previous lives without being reincarnated.

Even awakening is mostly memory awakening.

It has no effect on this life.

Thinking of this, Su Shi tried to ask, "Jin Er, did you say it was a previous life?"

"I don't know, Jin'er doesn't know ... Jin'er just doesn't want to go back, don't want to wake up ..." Xiao Jin'er begged: "Sister Xi, go, OK, don't worry about Jiner."


At the moment of the rush, in the night sky, the **** full moon suddenly spun up, and the **** beam of light also became more powerful. Xiao Jiner seemed to be lifted up as if held up.

"no, do not want!--"

Xiao Jin'er looked up at the full moon and stubbornly said, "Jin'er will not return to the past, let alone wake up, no ... Jiner would rather die than return to the previous ..."


The **** full moon slowly rotates like a giant wheel. The **** light pillar holds Xiao Jiner's non-stop lift off. Xiao Jiner hugs herself tightly, as if she is blocking the **** light pillar and the **** full moon.

Su Shi raised his hand, the sacred Guanghua beam of light, trying to stop the **** beam of light to take Xiao Jin'er away, but Guanghua just touched the **** beam of light, and suddenly made a crackling sound. Instead of the cold blood beam of light, it made Xiao Jiner wow Spit blood.


Su Shi panicked and shot again. However, when Guanghua touched the Bloody Light Column again, Xiao Jin'er spit out another blood. Only then did Su Shi realize that the original Bloody Light Column had begun to merge with Xiao Jin'er and hurt the Bloody Light Column. , It is equivalent to hurt Xiao Jiner.

How to do?

Su Shi panicked for a while, instead of trying to attack the Scarlet Light Column, but using other means to see if she could stop Xiao Jiner, unfortunately, it was useless, and she wanted to stop the Scarlet Light Column without hurting Xiao Jiner. Totally impossible.

"Sister Ji, Jiner doesn't want to go back, doesn't want to wake up, doesn't want to hurt anyone, doesn't want to, but ... but Jiner is about to hold on now ..."

Xiao Jin'er touched the blood in the corner of her mouth, clenched her teeth and insisted, raised her head, and her eyes became more and more red on a face that looked as dead as possible. She looked at Su Shi and begged: "Sister Xi, you Can you kill me? Would you please ... kill Jiner? If ... if you can die in the hands of sister-in-law, Jiner will be very happy, sister-in-law, do it, okay? "


Su Shi was terrified ~ ~ During this time, she was distraught, her eyes were red, she shook her head fiercely, and said, "Jin'er, don't give up. There is absolutely nothing in the world, everything will be fine Get up. "

"No ... Jiner can feel it, sister Sister, please, kill Jiner, okay ... Jiner is really painful now, sister Sister, you go ahead."

Su Shi didn't feel the pain of Xiao Jin'er, but just let her kill Xiao Jin'er, how could she do it?

She didn't know what happened.

Now I have no thoughts to think about this. The only way to do it today is to stabilize Xiao Jiner first, and then think of other ways.


What can I do?

Su Shi thought, but the more he thought, the more chaotic his heart became, and the more he became worried.

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