
Vol 2 Chapter 1302: Please close your eyes when he comes!

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In the night sky.

Xiao Jin'er, who was originally a madman, suddenly lost consciousness and fell from the air.


The trial from the laws of the world did not stop because Xiao Jiner was unconscious.

The huge eye of judgment, hovering in the middle of the night sky, is like the eye of a storm. When it rotates, the dark clouds that stir the entire sky are spinning wildly, and the vast and majestic world is rolling and rolling. The power of the violent and mysterious rules exploded, terrifying.



The wind was rising, the thunder exploded, and the whole world seemed to be shaking.

A purple gold brilliance emerged from the eyes of judgment.

Within Guanghua, it seems to contain supreme power, like infinite mystery, and more like a condensed form of billions of thunder and lightning.

Like the Wrath of the Dragon.

Roar of Thunder.

More like the hands of the world.

This scene shocked all the practitioners present, trembled, terrified, and frightened, even more amazing.

Too strong, too scary, and too spectacular!

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is small.

When the world trial came, everyone had a feeling that they were small like ants.

"no, do not want!"

In the air, Su Shi did not hesitate to burn his own immortal, overdraft his own cultivation, risking his life, forcibly ingesting the power of the immortal, looking at Xiao Jiner who fell from the air without any consciousness, and looking at the horror falling from the sky In the extreme world trial, Su Shi rushed to the past desperately.


Her eyes were red, and she sacrificed the power of burning immortals to perform the magical power of magic, making the sound of shouts into a blast, sitting in thunder, into rain and cloud, into everything in nature, penetrating the clouds, wearing The earth spreads to every corner of the world, every inch of land.

"Ancient-clear-wind !!!"

Su Shi screamed Gu Qingfeng's name wildly, while she screamed, she rushed over.


It's too late.

When she rushed over, the huge world trial like Dragon had already fallen on Xiao Jin'er.

"Do not--"

A cry, containing too much anger, too much helplessness, too much despair, and too much unwillingness!


When the world trial fell on Xiao Jin'er, a deafening blast sounded, followed by a vast and violent and turbulent wave, and it broke out in the air, like a tide in the sea, tearing the wind , Sweeping clouds, crushing nature, shattering the void, madly devouring everything that crushes the air.


Su Shi was suddenly horrified by this terrible wave, spit blood in his mouth, and his body was forced to fly out.

far away.

Shang Guanyu and Shi Tian also offered their strength to resist the first time, but they were still retreated by this wave of shocks, and they had a new understanding of the world trial.

Don't say them.

Even the mysterious three giants, including the female ancestor Ye Tianlan, marveled at the trial from the laws of the world.

When the volatility spread, everyone had a doubt inside.

Is that Jin Jiner, who came to this world today, is dead in the era of injustice?

Was it obliterated by world judgment?

do not know.

No one knows.

Because the fluctuations in the world trial were too sudden and too violent, everyone was resisting with all their strength and had no energy to care about the life and death of Xiao Jin'er. At this moment, when the fluctuations dissipated, everyone looked up and looked over.

Just this look, everyone was shocked.

Above the night sky.

That round of blood moon was still hanging there, and the seal of the Buddhist scriptures shone with the light of the Buddha and sealed it.

The judgment of the world, like the eye of a storm, is still slowly rotating in the middle of the night sky, the wind is still whistling, dark clouds are still condensing in the eyes of the storm, and the entire night sky is still changing with the rotation of the eye of judgment.

Everything looks the same.

Even the huge and terrifying purple-gold trial that emerged from the eye of judgment is still standing in the sky, like a towering mountain, and a 10,000-meter-long dragon, more like a **** thing that can destroy everything. Purple gold lightning.

and many more!

This doesn't look right!

According to common sense, after the trial of the world law, it will disappear immediately, like a thunderbolt.

But now this world trial, after the trial, why hasn't it disappeared, instead of disappearing, it has stood so immobile in the air.


Everyone was puzzled, as was the world's law enforcer Lie Shan who called the trial.

What about the disaster star Xiao Jiner?

Where is she?


The crowd glared, looked around, sacrificed consciousness, and looked around.

Looking down the huge world trial, finally, at the end of this world trial, a man was found.

But that person is not Xiao Jiner.

But a man.

A man in white.

It was incredible and shocking that the man lowered his head, holding Xiao Jiner in a coma with one hand, and the other hand was ... supporting the huge world trial.


Propped up.

When the world trial came, only the outbreak of the wave would be terrible. Even the big Luo Jinxian would not dare to carry it. This is just a wave. It is impossible to imagine how terrible the power of the world trial itself is.

And this person turned out to hold such a terrible world trial with one hand, and the world trial was still in the air, still unable to move.

Who is he?

Who is it?

When did it appear?

do not know.

No one knows.

The white man was holding Xiao Jin'er in one hand, holding the world trial in one hand, and lowering his head, and his black hair was dancing in the wind. The presence.

How could this be?

I don't know.

I only know that this is a man in white, and there is no cultivation, no goodness, and it looks ordinary!

Not repaired?

No good luck?

With this in mind ~ ~ everyone's name instantly emerged.

Thinking of this person's name, the female ancestor Ye Tianlan couldn't help closing her eyes, and there was an unstoppable excitement in her heart.

Thinking of this person's name, the three mysterious giants of King Zixiao, the three princes, and the big palm reserve, the original calm look suddenly became complicated. The three closed their eyes at the same time almost as if they were helpless. It seems like hesitating about something, and at the same time seems to be worrying about something.

Thinking of this person's name, the Xitian Buddha headed by Pudu also closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, as if sighing.

Thinking of this person's name, Zhenyang Jiuxian, Zhenting Xianshi, including the elder Xian Dao Lin of the Xian Dynasty, all blushed, seeming to be particularly excited.

Thinking of this person's name, the clouds of immortals, headed by Lie Shan, all face as death, all trembling, all frightened, all afraid.

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