
Vol 2 Chapter 1364: Let it be!

"What's more, it's not necessarily short-lived happiness that the child pursues. This happiness will certainly be lost afterwards."

Cangyan looked at the chess game and asked lightly, "Do you not even know?"

The ancient unknown shook his head in response, responding: "He is a variable or a variable of the Wudao era. The world is unknown, the destiny is uncertain, and the cause and effect are not traceable. The only thing that is known, traceable, and traceable is this variable himself."

Closing your eyes, you seem to be anxious, and the ancient nameless name says: "Wudao Mountain is full of unknowns, this world, this destiny, this cause and effect, this future, all this is ..."

Cang Yan didn't ask again, and she knew very well that if Wugu said that Wudao Mountain was full of unknowns, it must be full of unknowns.

Li Gu looked at the chessboard without a name, smiled, and smiled helplessly.

Cang Yan asked, "Are you going to see him?"

"I don't want to see him if I can."


"He misunderstood me deeply."

"But you must see him, don't you?"

"The world says that I am the messenger of fate, the embodiment of cause and effect. I don't know that I am just a passer-by of endless years. I can neither represent cause and effect nor destiny. Unfortunately, no one understands."


After all, the ancient namelessness disappeared, as if it had never existed.

After leaving Gugu Anonymous for a long time, Nalan Qianqiu carefully asked: "Master, after the unknown senior said that Wudao Mountain came, everything was full of unknowns, but you did not say that when Wudao Mountain came No matter it is Sanqian Avenue or Tiandi, the ancient Qingfeng will be wiped out at any cost, and there are also those who are from the era of the Tao, Jun Xuanyu, and you and the unknown senior have also appeared. Why the future is still full of unknowns, stumbling his existence Is it immortal? "

"Immortality is not terrible." Cang Yan said: "The terrible thing is silence, and even more terrible is that he may have transcended life and death. There is no difference in life or death for him. He is alive and he is alive. . "

"Can't an unknown senior shoot him into the market?"

Cang Yan shook her head and said, "Guixu has long disappeared ..."

"What! Guihui really broke up?"

With the news of the collapse of the return of the ancient times, Nalan Qianqiu has always heard of it, but it has only been heard. It is not clear whether it is true or false. At this moment, listening to the master sister said that the return to the market has long disappeared, which shocked her. Endlessly.

"The return to the market just disappears. No one knows whether it collapsed or not." When the words turned, Cang Yan picked up a glass of wine, drank his head and drank, and said: "However, from all the signs, even if the return Collapse, I am afraid it is almost the same ... "

"You can't kill or die, and you can't break into Guihui. Are we really going to take him any way?"

"It's not that there is no way, it's just that I don't know if it's feasible or not ..."

"So ... if the Wudao Mountain comes and we can't kill him, then ... what's the worst result?"

"Three thousand avenues will disintegrate, this day and this world will be destroyed, and the world of Wudao will return to heaven and earth. At that time, people are not human, ghosts are ghosts, immortals are immortals, magic is not magic, nor is Buddha. Avenues, any laws, any order ... only endless chaos, only endless chaos ... "

The words of Cangyan came, which made Nalan Qianqiu somewhat desperate. She didn't know that the Three Thousand Avenues were broken up, the world was broken, people were not human, and immortals were immortal. What terrible appearance the world would have without any order, she did not know, or I can't imagine it.

"How could this be……"

Nalan Qianqiu's face is as dead as she is, and she is also somewhat unstable. She said: "The unknown senior is known as the omniscient in heaven and earth, and is also known as the messenger of destiny. She has no way to get stumped."

Cangyan's voice will always be so bland, as if it doesn't have any emotional color, saying: "Did you not hear what she said just now? Although she is the messenger of fate and the embodiment of cause and effect, but that's all. She can neither dominate destiny nor cause and effect, neither can it represent cause and effect or destiny ... "

Drink another glass of wine.

Continued: "She said he was just a passer-by of endless years, she was just a passer-by, and still the poorest passer in my opinion."

"Why?" Nalan Chiaki couldn't understand.

"Causal fate may be far away from us, far away, and may never be touched, but causal fate is very close to her, close at hand, and may even be reached with a raised hand."

"Sadly, we can't choose our own cause and effect, she can't choose, we can't dominate our destiny, and she can't dominate."

"A man who is known as the messenger of fate and the incarnation of cause and effect cannot choose his own cause and effect, nor can he dominate his own destiny. Don't you think this is pitiful and sad?"

After the ancients left anonymously, Cang Yan continued to play chess.

This is an endgame. This endgame has been with the ancient nameless for a long time. ~ For a long time, she even forgets when she started, I only know that the endgame is still the endgame. Nothing has ever changed.

She pinched the sunspot and fell down, saying, "If cause and effect can be chosen, I believe she wants to cut off the cause and effect more than anyone. If this fate can be dominated by herself, I also believe that she wants to change her destiny more than anyone. , Unfortunately ... unfortunately there is no if. "

Maybe I thought of something, Cangyan held the glass and did not drink it, but just put it by his mouth, and said, "And even if this cause and effect can really be cut off, you may not be able to get it by then, such as 婳So, now you let her cut off the cause and effect, she won't cut it. "

"Even if this destiny can really be changed by yourself, you don't really want to change it, as in ancient times ... like him, his destiny is now in his own hands, but he may not really be like changing his destiny."

"Do you know what causality is? This is probably causality."

"Do you know what fate is? This is probably fate."

Looking up, he drank the wine in the glass, closed his eyes silently, and Cang Yan sighed again.

This sigh.

The sigh is the endless sorrow in my heart.

Perhaps it was because Cang Yan was about to leave again, Nalan Qianqiu quickly asked, "Master, are you leaving?"

"The Wudao Mountain is coming soon ..."

"What about me ... won't you let me go with you?"

"You go back for now."

"Go back? What am I going back to now? Is it for you?"

"Who isn't?" Cang Yan asked, and said to himself: "Everyone."

"But ... what about you? Don't you care about me?"

"Let her go."

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