
Vol 2 Chapter 1384: Fairyland like Youdi 1

"Also ancestor, there is a sentence, Chidori may say that you may not be happy."

"What is it?"

"Old man, you have lived this long, tens of thousands of years. Do you think your life is meaningful?"

Dan Qing's ancestor was stubborn and said, "Little girl, how can you tell me, my ancestor is meaningless?"

"Old ancestors, don't deceive yourself. Your old man may have made sense in the secular world before becoming immortal, but since he became immortal, he came to the wilderness and worshiped the ancestor, and you rarely leave Xiao Luo again. Is it a mystery? For so many years, you have either been in retreat, or you have taken some elders to go out to practice, and you have to teach our children and grandchildren to go out to practice, do you really think that life is meaningful? "

"Well, you little girl, your words are becoming more and more boundless. My ancestors, if I do n’t take your grandpa, your father, they go to practice, how do they grow up? What do I do if I die outside? My ancestors, if I do n’t teach you to practice, What do you do if you make a good deal? The ancestor is kind to you, is it wrong? "

"Old man, I'm not saying that your old man is wrong. I also know that your old man is good for our little Luo, and even better for all of us. I just think that you, a man, lived for so many years, but not crazy. Have you ever felt sorry for being stumped? "

"Hey! You dead girl, who told you that your ancestors have never been crazy? When I was ... when the ancestors were in the secular world, they were also the masters of the majestic party. After the Great Wilderness, some people bullied our little Luo, and the ancestors also played a leading role. "

"Our ancestor, how can you be crazy? You can only be a petty fool."

"What what!" Dan Qing's ancestors could no longer sit still, stood up angrily, stared with a beard and pointed at Chidori, and said, "Dead girl, not very old, but not too young, dare to say that ancestor of the year It ’s just a little bit of trouble? Girl! Do you dare say it again in front of your ancestors? Believe it or not, the ancestors hit you. "

"That was it."

Chidori knew that Dan Qing's ancestors always loved himself and would not beat himself at all, so he was not fearful. He said frankly: "Old ancestor, what you did in those years was actually a little bit smaller than the emperor. Well. "

Speaking of You Emperor, Chidori is also a face worship, saying: "You You Emperor, fatherless and motherless, lonely, wandering in Chiyan Ridge since childhood." Cut off the immortals, slaughter the immortals on Fu Mo Ling, destroy the demon immortals on the Wan Yao Mountain, kill the sword immortals on the clouds, and destroy the true immortals on the cloud ladder ... What a hero! "

"Cultivation is nine breaks, nine destinies, nine fate, nine deaths, nine immortals and nine demons, the unparalleled throne, and the only difference is the unique creation. What a matchless!"

"Chuang Chixiao, grabbing the altar of spirits, breaking the spirit fountain, opening the veins, dividing the spiritual treasure, sprinkle spirit stones, destroy the immortal dynasty, cut the fairy river, bully Xiao, step on the nine hall, fight nine days, against the sky, known as There is a world of 3,000 endless worlds. There is no second person except him since ancient times. What a madness! "

"Going into the wilderness alone, taking control of Jiuyou, burning for nine days, killing Xitian, breaking into the forbidden land, stepping on the holy land, what a terrible thing!"

"Ask the heavens and the earth, from ancient times to the present, who dares to be the enemy of the Three Thousand Avenues? Who dares to be the enemy of the heavens and the earth? Who can destroy the three thousand Avenue incarnations? Who can obliterate the Heavenly Mother?"

"The answer is yes, no one dares, and no one can. In this world, from ancient times to the present, only Youdi dares, only Youdi can."

"Although he is the embodiment of the original sin, the Emperor would rather ignite the fire of the industry and burn himself, rather than scourge the life. Such courage, such aspirations, such pride, who can and who is qualified to compare with it? No one ... not before, not now, and impossible in the future. "

"The Emperor has practiced for only 500 years, but he has practiced thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and even old seniors who have spent their old age living wonderfully.

"Thousands of birds think that a great wild man should be as arrogant and arrogant as the Emperor. Only in this way can he be considered a real man, and only in this way can he not live in this life."

"Thousands of birds will find Xianyuan in the future, so they will look for Xianyuan like Youdi. Unfortunately, Chidori may not have a chance in this life. Between this world, it is impossible to have a second Youdi ... even if With the second You Emperor, Chidori will not be the second maiden ... "

Chidori talked a lot, and was a little lost when talking.

The angered Dan Qing ancestor, after listening to the words said by Chidori, sat down honestly.

Although he didn't want to, he still had to admit that Chidori was telling the truth. His so-called madness at that time was really nothing compared to the emperor. He practiced for tens of thousands of years. Youdi's wonderful life of 500 years.

Other than that, just the You Emperor igniting the fire of the original sin and burning down oneself is enough to make this heaven and earth avenue speechless, and to make all sentient beings out of reach.

Looking at some lost Chidori, Dan Qing's ancestor shook his head and sighed, persuading: "Girl, you agree with these things, but you are still young, and there are many things you don't understand for the time being, when you grow up You will know that in life, often you are involuntary. It is not that you can live as you want. Everyone has different causality and destiny. You emperor has the cause and effect fate of the emperor, and the saint has the saint. Cause and effect, and we have our own cause and effect ... "

"Patriarch, what is the cause and effect of the thousand birds, and what is the fate?"

"Good is good, good is evil, evil is evil, both cause and effect are reported. As long as Chidori is ashamed of the future, there is no need to care about his fate."

Chidori tilted her head and lost her thoughts.

Just then, there was a lively noise in the venue.

Chidori was curious, looked around, and found that everyone else was rushing outside in excitement. She looked at the situation and found a woman walking towards the scene.

The woman was wearing a bright blue mysterious armor, and her white cloak was hanging on her back. She looked bright and cheerful. When she saw this woman, Chidori immediately got excited ~ ~ hurried over and shouted, "Linger sister ! "

Women are not others, it is Qian Ling.

It is also the generation of the descendants of Xiao Luo's secret realm with the best qualifications, the best fortune, and the highest cultivation. He became a golden fairy at the age of fifteen. Now in his early twenties, one foot has already entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Luo Mi Realm, even in those relatively famous caves, Tian Xuan Di, Xuan Tian Mi Realm, is absolutely outstanding.

Every time Qian Ling goes out to practice, he will bring back some rare babies for everyone, this time is no exception. The little ones who are divided into babies are all happy and playful.

"Linger met his ancestor."

Seeing his ancestors, Qian Ling walked over and took the initiative to salute.

"Linger, are you all back safely?" Seeing Qian Ling nodded, Dan Qing's ancestor was holding his chin on his beard and asked, "Is there no danger in this experience?"

"Father, rest assured, we are very cautious every time we go out and experience, how can we be in danger?"

Next, Chidori shouted, "Sister Ling, have you encountered any interesting things this time out?"

Compared to the baby in his hand, Chidori would like to hear what happened to Qian Ling when he went out to practice. Since he could n’t go out, he would ask every time Qian Ling returned from the practice.

"Well, interesting things ..." Qian Ling thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Chidori, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time. This time, I don't seem to have encountered any interesting things." Qian Ling, if he remembered something, said, "But ... this time, a few old men brought back one person from the outside."

"Ah? Bring someone back? Or from the outside?" Chidori was a little surprised.

Dan Qing's ancestor was also more puzzled and asked, "Who's brought back?"

"A weirdo, I can't say well."

:. :

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