
Vol 2 Chapter 1389: Clear!

I heard that the mysterious man brought back in the Little Secret Realm ten years ago unexpectedly survived, and the people in Xiao Luo's secret realm couldn't believe it.

Even when they came to the cave and witnessed the ancient Qingfeng standing there alive, everyone felt incredible.

Especially Xue Huan.

She has been healing Gu Qingfeng for the past ten years, and although nothing has been achieved for ten years, no progress has been made, but she knows better than anyone how terrible the chaos of Gu Qingfeng is.

When she wanted to come to the ancient breeze, she should have died. After all, the acupoints, meridians, and the internal organs were all 'rusted'. The immortality of the body was probably affected by the harsh environment of the quicksand small secret world, although there were still so A breath of life, but sooner or later it will go out.

She never thought that Gu Qingfeng could still survive, which was completely impossible for her to think about, but it is impossible to happen but this happened. If it is not repeatedly confirmed that Gu Qingfeng has a living interest, Xue Huan thought it was a zombie resurrection.

What exactly is going on?

Mo said Xue Huan didn't know, even the ancestors of Dan Qing who had practiced for tens of thousands of years were shocked.

They tried to ask if they could understand something from Gu Qingfeng's mouth.


Gu Qingfeng asked a few questions.

I know neither my name nor my background, nor do I know where he came from or where he was going.

As Gu Qingfeng just woke up and his body was very weak, Dan Qing's ancestors and others did not dare to ask more, and decided to let Gu Qingfeng calm down for a while.

And Gu Qingfeng also pretended to be a person with amnesia, so he stayed in the secret place of Xiao Luo. Except for the sun all day, he slept, day after day, year after year, and it was a few years in a hurry. past.

A few years have passed.

Gu Qingfeng is also very difficult to walk from the beginning, and can gradually jump around. After all, he has been sleeping for thousands of years, and he can recover in just a few years. He is very satisfied, although he is still very weak, but this is for Gu Qingfeng. He is used to speaking. Before he fell asleep, he spent most of his five hundred years of cultivation time in weakness, forgetting what it was like to feel refreshed.

As for the flesh, it remains the same.

Still very confusing and terrible.

Both the meridian and acupuncture points and the internal organs of the five internal organs have become decayed as if through countless years.

If you want to ask yourself what your physical body has become, Gu Qingfeng himself doesn't know. When he wants to come, it should be the cause of the original sin karma.

As for whether he is still the incarnation of original sin, and there is no blood of original sin in his body, Gu Qingfeng does not know, anyway, since he woke up, he has not yet sensed it, saying that original sin cannot be sensed. The ancestor's incarnation could not be sensed, even his Abi Infernal Evil Shura soul could not be sensed, and even the dead bone jade could not be sensed ...

Waking up as if everything had disappeared.

It's just that the ancient Qingfeng didn't know whether this disappearance was temporarily invisible or whether everything really burned with the original sin karma ...

Gu Qingfeng didn't know.

He was too lazy to think about it.

It does n’t matter if it ’s not sensed for the time being, and it ’s just burned down by the original sin industry. Gu Qingfeng did n’t care or care.

After awakening this time, he was considered to be completely alive and understood everything.

Before, he might want to know who he is, where he is from, and where he is going.

Now he didn't want to.

Whoever they love is who they are, where they come from, and where they go.

What is cause and effect, what is fate, and what is original sin.

Lord treats you as cause and effect, you are the cause and effect. If you do not treat you as cause and effect, you are not cause and effect.

Lord regards you as destiny, you are destiny, if you do not regard you as destiny, you are not destiny.

The Lord regards you as the original sin, and you are the original sin. If you do not take you as the original sin, you are not the original sin.

Gu Qingfeng finally realized.

It doesn't matter if you realize it.

When he was young, he saw mountains as mountains and water as water.

When he was a king, he looked at the mountains, not the mountains, and the water, not the water.

When you were the emperor, he looked at the mountains or the mountains and the water.

At the time of the original sin, he looked like mountains and water like mountains, and looked like mountains and water like water.

Now he sees mountains and waters, and sees mountains and waters.

Despite the word difference, it is endlessly different.

He in the original sin, hey, now he is clear.

Time flies, another five years pass.

In the past five years, the people in Ronaldinho's mystery have also become accustomed to his existence, and in his spare time, they sit down and chat together.

In the past five years, a major event also happened in Ronaldinho's mystery, that is, the ancestor of Dan Qing elected Qian Ling to become the master of Ronaldinho, and took control of Ronaldo's mystery.

Qianling is the best of many descendants of Ronaldinho's secret realm. Whether it is qualification, fortune, or state of mind, it is the best. Birth is the congenital body. At the age of fifteen, he has become a golden fairy. Today, Already a big Luo Jinxian ~ ~ The existence of Jinxian can only be regarded as a good body.

The big Luo Jinxian is almost immortal.

Stepping into Da Luo Jin Xian, each move contains the power of Da Luo. Da Luo Xian's magical powers are ever-changing, containing endless mystery, which is not at all comparable to Jin Xian. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

The most important thing is that Qian Ling also has two great creatures, one water and moon incarnation, and one small Qianshan. Both of these great creatures are infinitely powerful, and even the ancestors of tens of thousands of years have been out of reach.

Therefore, Qian Ling became the master of Ronaldinho, and he could be said to be in control of the secret place of Ronaldinho.

What's more, everyone knows that the situation in the wild is very chaotic. Even if Xiaoluo's mystery is no longer in the world, he can't avoid fighting at all. Since it can't be avoided, he can't wait to die.

Although Dan Qing's ancestors have already become Da Luo Jinxian and have immortality, after all, his elders have practiced in Xiao Luo's mystery for a long time. They rarely go out in ancient times, and they do n’t know much about the situation in the wild and they have n’t The spirit of that battle.

Therefore, at this time, Ronaldinho must have a person like Qian Ling who can stand alone in the world and lead everyone to survive this chaotic wilderness.

Who is most happy to say that Qian Ling has become the Lord of Ronaldinho?

Nature is a thousand birds.

After Qian Ling became the master of Ronaldinho, he began to plead with his ancestors and lift the ban on Qian Tou. Now that Qian Ling has spoken, the ancestor can only agree.

How can this be called Chidori not happy?

Since the lifting of the ban, Chidori has been running around with Qian Ling, and after Qian Ling became the master of Ronaldinho, the people in Ronaldo's mystery are still low-key and modest outside, but never again Modest concession without a bottom line, at least, it will not be as troubled as before!

(End of this chapter)

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