
Vol 2 Chapter 1399: What is the strong!

"Little drunkard, do you say my sister Ling is a bit silly?"

"Stupid? How could it happen?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head, looking at Qianling in front, and said with appreciation: "Your sister Ling is in a different state of mind."

"Isn't that stupid? That's the fairy fairy Bai Susu's token. As long as she holds her token, no one dares to mess with in the bipolar heavens. I don't know how many people dream of it. . "

"Isn't your sister Linger talking? If you don't want to be bullied, you can only become stronger if you grow up under the guardianship of others, and you will never be really strong."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, agreeing with this sentence very much, saying: "The fledglings do not grow up only under the guardianship, they will grow up after falling over and over again, and their wings will be fuller.

"I know Sister Ling is worried that after we have the token of Bai Susu, we will become dependent and become unmotivated, but I think she is too worried." Chidiao said: "At least, I will not do this, and In our current situation in Ronaldinho, we really need Bai Susu ’s token. With her token, we do n’t have to worry about the messy things, we can concentrate on cultivation. People are getting stronger quickly, which is a shortcut for us, isn't it? "

Perhaps worried that Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand, Chidori said: "Like those immortals with strong backgrounds, they want to grow up stronger than many ordinary immortals."

Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly and asked, "Chidori, do you know what kind of talents are really strong?"

I don't know why Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked such a question, Chidori responded without thinking: "Of course, those who are high in cultivation and strong in strength are truly strong."

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "No."

"A strong person with a strong background?"


"Then there are people who have a background and a status who cultivate themselves and are powerful, and they should always be the real strong."


"Not yet? What about someone with a background, status, and prestige who is strong by himself?"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng shaking his head again, Chidori asked unconvinced: "What do you say is the real strong man."

Gu Qingfeng pointed to the position of the heart and said, "Only those who are strong in the heart are truly strong."

"Inner heart?" Chidori looked puzzled, somewhat incomprehensible, and asked, "What do you mean? How do you say?"

"No matter the background or the status, what fame and reputation are there? At best, it can only represent a person's identity and has nothing to do with his own strength."

Chidori asked, "Is it enough to be representative? Is it difficult to be strong enough with such an identity?"

"If one day you meet someone who is more powerful than yourself, your so-called strong identity will become worthless, and if one day you lose these, your identity will be worthless."

Chidori thinks about it carefully, and thinks that what Gu Qingfeng said is very reasonable, and then said, "Would you not be strong if you cultivate yourself?"

"Similarly, if you meet someone who is higher than your practice, your practice is worthless. What if one day you lose your practice?"

"But ... but ..."

Gu Qingfeng's words made Chidori irresistible, but for a long time, there was no one, but it came out.

"This world, this destiny, may take away your background, or your status, or even your cultivation, but you will not take away your powerful heart, nor will you take away your will. Strong enough, strong-willed, and faced with many difficulties, even after being caught up in all calamities, there will eventually be a day to stand up again. "

Gu Qingfeng said lightly, saying, "Is there an absolute immortality between this world and the earth? If I hadn't thought before, but now, I think there is, but it's not immortality or soul immortality, and It's inside. "

Taking a look at Chidori, Gu Qingfeng continued: "You have never experienced suffering and setbacks, nor have you experienced a devastating blow. Therefore, you are afraid, afraid of losing, afraid of losing Ronaldinho, if you suffer a devastating Blow, you lost everything, can you stand up again? "

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, Chidori tried to associate it, if you lost everything, no loved ones, no Ronaldinho, can you stand up again?

The answer is yes.


Chidori knew that he didn't have that courage at all and could not take such a big hit.

"You can't, you can't bear it. In your nature, if you suffer a devastating blow and lose everything, you will either go with your loved ones or be insane, and let yourself be destroyed by yourself. You are afraid of losing. Therefore, you long for The token of that interleukin. "

Gu Qingfeng said: "Of course, Qian Ling is different. She also cares about Xiao Luo ’s mystery and cares more than you, but unlike you, she is not afraid of losing. If she suffers a devastating blow and loses her, Losing cultivation, as long as she is still alive, I believe she will stand up again and take back everything she lost. "

"This is the real strong." Gu Qingfeng stood up and stretched a lazy ~ ~ said: "To become a real strong, you need a strong state of mind, and Qian Ling has already With that, I believe ... she will one day become a true powerhouse. "

next to.

Chidori looked at it, and Gu Qingfeng's words seemed to her like a gimmick, which deeply touched her heart and made her feel.

After a long time, Chidori returned to God, and couldn't believe the ancient Qingfeng here. His eyes looked like monsters, shocked, curious, as if inconceivable, and incredible.

"you you……"

Chidori opened her mouth, stopped talking, took a deep breath, and then said, "What are those words you just said?"

"It's the truth, it's the truth, it's the truth."

"Reason? So esoteric ... how do you understand these ~ ~ understand ~ ~ Qian Tou stared at Gu Qingfeng and said:" You have been in our little Luo secret place for more than 20 years, It's either sunbathing or sleeping all day. When have you read books? "

"Perhaps I have seen it before and forgot it."


Qian Niao scratched her head, always felt that there was something wrong with Gu Qingfeng's body, but what was wrong, she really couldn't tell for a while.

"I said big sister, don't you stare at me like that with big eyes? Strange panic."

"do you know?"


"When you talked about those principles just now, it was like ... just like a person."

"Changed someone?" Gu Qingfeng touched his face and asked, "What changed?"

"The change I'm talking about is not a change in appearance, but ... it's the kind of ..." Chintou thought about how to describe it, and shook his head: "I can't speak well, anyway, when I felt you were unusual very different."

:. :

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