
Vol 2 Chapter 1409: Lunatic lunatic

The two talked as they walked, and while they were walking, Prince Ma suddenly glared, staring at Gu Qingfeng, rubbing his long chin, and said, "It's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Your boy doesn't look like an immortal, wait! It's not like you, but you're not an immortal at all."

"Stumped you are the miscellaneous officer of Fengyue Small World?" Ma Ma shook his head again and said, "Not right, even if it is a miscellaneous service of Fengyue Small World, it should be more or less a bit of a practice, but there is nothing on your kid. Cultivate, there is not even a little bit of spiritual breath. "

"Sadly said that you are a born waste body? Can't you cultivate? Or did you cultivate something wrong and lose everything?"

It was discovered that Gu Qingfeng was not an immortal, nor had he repaired anything, and Ma Wang could not help being curious.

"Me?" Gu Qingfeng said indifferently: "Congenital waste is not too bad, it is considered that cultivation has broken down, and the cultivation is lost."

"It turned out to be this way, I said, if you were born in vain, your family wouldn't rest assured that you would come out alone, and it turned out that you had cultivated something wrong."

Hearing that the ancient Qingfeng had cultivated a problem, leading to the loss of cultivation, Master Ma's curious heart also relieved a lot, and seemed to be sighed, saying: "Only those of us who have no family background, no background, and no help No one will manage it after losing it. "

Maybe it ’s pitiful to see the ancient Qingfeng, and Master Ma ’s voice is much lower, and he no longer calls the little fellow of the ancient Qingfeng, asking, “But brother, do n’t be discouraged. You have cultivated a problem in the wilderness, and the repair is lost. There are many people. As long as you don't give up, you can stand up again if you survive. "

Through the ages, it is easier and easier to become a fairy.

But because many immortals were too impulsive, their foundations were not laid, and their realm was not consolidated, they were anxious to become immortals.

It is easy to become immortal, but after that, this road will only become more and more difficult.

Once a problem has been cultivated, it will be stagnant in the light, and lost in the worst, and it will not necessarily be the case if it gets worse on the spot.

Ma Ma said that as long as he didn't give up, he could stand up again.

This remark may be comforting, but it is also a fact.

If in ancient times, resources were scarce, and cultivation had broken down, it would be difficult to build a foundation for cultivation.

However, in the ancient times, the resources are extremely rich, and there are all kinds of elixir medicines. There are at least 70 or 80 elixir medicines on the market that can condition the body. After conditioning, you can re-cultivate.

However, this elixir is often expensive and scary, and ordinary people cannot afford it at all.

A word.

Still family.

If the family is good and everything is fine, during the practice, the elders can take care of them, figure out the troubles, and save them in time. For ten thousand steps, even if the rescue is not enough, and the repair is lost, you can continue. Regulating the physical body, re-cultivating, and relying on powerful resources, it is not difficult to ask again.

But if the family history is not good, once you have cultivated a problem, you can only follow the fate of the sky.

This is why Lord Ma is deeply moved.

His family history is very ordinary, and now with a group of brothers in the Jinwu secret realm.

Jin Wu's secret realm like him has a large number of ordinary immortals, and almost every year, due to various reasons, people have lost their repairs.

The family history is not good. If it is rebuilt for nothing, it is basically a waste, and it is worthless. It is worse than a dog.

In the Jinwu secret realm, if someone fixes it, they will still go out as garbage, and the brothers who are **** alliances will leave, and their relatives and friends will pretend not to know them. Even blood relatives may even hide in silence. open.


No exaggeration at all.

this is the truth.

after all.

It is difficult for everyone to survive in the wild, and no one wants to be affected by a waste person.

If you lose your cultivation, you will lose your ability to survive in the wilderness.

Such people often end up on their own in the end. Without cultivation, even an immortal stone can't make any money. Where does the immortal stone buy the elixir of conditioning the flesh?


What makes Master Ma curious is that Gu Qingfeng doesn't look like a person who has lost all his cultivation. Those who have cultivated everything he has seen, and there are many, every one is almost like a walking dead, waiting in despair. With the advent of death.

But this guy.

How can you be half-hearted, and say that all your minds are gray, and there is even a little despair on your face, even if you have no sorrow, and you are still drinking a little wine. This looks like a master who has lost everything. Second son of fun.

Mr. Ma tried to sense it again, convinced that this guy did not have any practice on his body, and he was weak and spirited. He couldn't understand how this guy was mixed up to this point, how happy he was.

"This ... brother, we have something to ask."


"You're all gone, why do you look happier than me?"

"Otherwise, what should I do? Frowning?"

"That's not what we meant, but ... you've lost all your cultivation skills, how can you be happy? It's confusing."

"What's this word for? It's just that it's gone, it's not a ghost, it's stumped and you won't live?"


Gu Qingfeng's words made Master Ma not know how to refute for a while, scratched his head, and thought about it for a while. It seems to be the same principle. No one has stipulated it. If it is not repaired, he cannot live.

After thinking about it again, Ma Ma said: "Wait, it's not such a rationale, it was almost taken by your kid. We're not saying that you can't live without cultivation, but like you, you don't want to adjust the body. Why on the contrary go to the casino? "

"I don't have an itchy hand. Go to the casino and play two. By the way, make some fairy flowers."

Hearing that, Ma Ma seems to have guessed something, saying: "It turns out that your kid wants to go to the casino to fight for the best. If he wins, he can buy elixir to adjust the flesh?"

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: "Yes, that's the case."

"But brother! Listen to the advice of my brother, go back, but everyone wants to go to the gambling city to be small and big, but they often lose miserably in the end. Brother is a good example. Don't hide brother The old man was also the number one in the secret world of Jinwu. A large group of brothers followed us. Everywhere he went was prestigious. Even the noble sons of the immortal family met us. Let ’s take a trip to the casino to lose our home, and alas, it ’s not as good as a day ... ”

Maybe I remembered the sad past again ~ ~ Ma Ma is very embarrassed and can't help sighing again and again, saying: "The past is like a cloud, I can't mention it, I can't wait to lift my hand when I mention it."

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the tall man and asked, "Since you know, why go on to the casino?"

"Don't we want to copy this?"

Gu Qingfeng cursed with a smile: "Nonsense, there are few gamblers in the casino who don't want to turn over the books, but in the end they didn't turn over, they just turned over the boat."

"Brothers are talking about the famous sayings, but they ca n’t help it, and we blame us for not being able to restrain ourselves, and we ca n’t help it. I always want to go to the game, and if I lose, I ’ll lose again. It ’s not the first time, but my brother has a practice. Even if I lose my family and go out of business, I can go out and mix a lot of fairy stones. But brother, you are different. If you lose, you will lose completely. If you do n’t do it, you wo n’t even earn a fairy stone when you go out.

"Relax, Grandpa hasn't lost gambling in his life."

"Brother, brother, I haven't seen anyone who only wins or loses."

"That's because you haven't met me before."

The casino has finally arrived, and Gu Qingfeng can't wait to go in and play two games with a smile: "Meet me today, let you see the legendary Supreme Gambler!"

In the back, Ma Ma looked at the back of Gu Qingfeng, shook his head, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey ... this brother must have lost his mind, and he was mentally out of order. It is also strange that my grandma reacted stupidly. For a long time, the lunatics have ridiculed gambling. Gambling is really harmful. The gambling grandpa's head is getting more and more stupid. "

Shaking his head and sighing, Ma Ma hurriedly walked into the capital while betting on gambling and hurting others.

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