
Vol 2 Chapter 1417: Ouch, 30 million leopards

When Xiaoqian's fortune chaos operation works.

When the dice cup starts to shine.

When the dice starts to spin in the dice cup with the matrix method.

Grandpa Lama knows it all.

Everything is over.

This one will lose the same as the first three.

Holding one million, four four million is gone.

Even though the four million were not his, but Gu Qingfeng won back on the scattered table outside, but Ma Ma still has a lot of pain and feels pain for Gu Qingfeng.

This is not 12,000, or 1.2 million, but a full 4 million!

I'm just gone.

Lord Maoma has never played such a big game in his life, and he has never lost so much. He hasn't even taken a leopard.

I knew this already, and when I won the four million, I should leave. Why do you get in here?

I'll be fine now, deceive, four million are deceived ...

Oh Cangtian!

What a land!

Lord Maoma wanted to cry without tears, and his regretful intestines were all blue.


枫 Li Fengyan looked very happy. He held the enchanting maid in his arms, drank wine, and laughed: "It's boring, it's really boring ... four million ... it just disappears ..."

Next to the old man, an old man said, "Feng Yan, why are you here? Look at the first arrival, and you can't bully people like this. How can you motivate them to lose money."

"My son is happy, isn't it?"

"What's so happy about this, someone loses 4 million, and you can't win his 4 million."

"Oh, you don't understand this, my son is much happier to see people lose money than to win money. This fun is not something that can be encountered every day." Li Fengyan hooked the maid's jaw, Teasing: "What do you say, beauty?"

哎 "Ah, grandpa, how are you?"

"Is it bad?" Li Fengyan sternly held the enchanting maid's waistline and said, "Why is that bad?"

"My grandfather hates to die!"


枫 Li Fengyan laughed and put a 10,000-chip chip in his robe, deliberately still in the robe of the enchanting maid, and said, "This son is very happy today, and reward you 10,000."

Talking, Li Fengyan looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Do you have a bargaining chip?"

The ancient breeze shook his head and said, "No penny."

"Oh, right? Would you like me to reward you?"

枫 Li Fengyan pinched a chip worth 10,000 with **** and said, "Give me a sound, this chip worth 10,000 is yours."

"Okay!" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Come here before you come."

Li Fengyan waved his hand and still passed the 10,000-chip chip. Gu Qingfeng took the 10,000-chip chip and shook it in the palm of his hand, and immediately put the 10,000-chip chip on the leopard. If my grandfather loses later, I'll give you a bang. "


枫 Li Fengyan seems to be unable to understand the behavior of Gu Qingfeng.

at last.

Xiao Xiaoqian's fortune chaos array stopped functioning, and the dice cup no longer flickered, and Mr. Li began to prepare to open the dice cup.

"Oh, my boyfriend is waiting for your noise."

Li Fengyan was still sitting on the chair, didn't look at the dice cup, lowered his head, and teased the enchanting maid in her arms. Suddenly, there was a sound of exclamation and thunder on the floor, and more than thirty gamblers stood on the table. Get up and stare at the three dice with miracles.


Maybe it was something wrong, Li Fengyan was puzzled, looked around, and when he saw three dice, each of which was three o'clock, he also stood up instantly, a grim and proud face At this moment, it was utterly white and full of shock.

三 Three points on the first dice.

The second dice is also three points.

The third dice is still three points.

All three points!


Real Leopard! !! !!

No one had thought that this one would really be a leopard!

No one thought.

The deacon Zhu Guangda including Yuanzi, and even the old Master Li who was responsible for opening the dice cup did not expect that the two of them were shocked and could not believe it was true.

Especially Master Ma, when Gu Qingfeng decided to bet the remaining million chips on the leopard, he was desperate, but he never expected that Gu Qingfeng would bet four leopards in succession, and the first three were all Lost, the last one actually got out of the leopard!


It seems that Lord Maoma ca n’t believe it is true. He severely crippled me, feeling pain, knowing that this was not a dream, but he really won.

Leopard's odds are one to thirty.

Ancient Gufeng made a bet of one million, plus 10,000 thrown in. In other words, this hand won a total of 30.3 million.

Oh Cangtian!

$ 30 million!

At this moment, not only did Ma Ma feel spinning, he felt dizzy.

Since being gambling in these years, it is not that we have not experienced great joy and sorrow, nor have we fallen into heaven and hell.

But he has never been so excited like he is today. It does n’t mean to say great joy and sorrow, but also to say that falling from heaven to **** is even more exciting than resurrection from death. He ca n’t be excited by himself. Even every inch of my skin seemed to be shaking.

哟 "Oh, a leopard really came out."

Compared with other people, Gu Qingfeng as a party has neither shocking unbelievability like other gamblers nor excitement like Master Ma, he still looks lazy, that's it Feel free to sit in a chair, lean Erlang's legs, and drink a little wine.





That bland face is lazy or lazy except casual or casual, as if it was not him who won 30 million cents, but others, more like 30 million cents to him It seems that there is no difference with thirty immortals.

This can't help but be amazing.

家伙 Is this guy really just an upstart who wins a little bit of luck by spreading his luck on the outside table?

Can the upstarts feel at ease after winning 30 million cents?

Can the upstarts seem so indifferent to winning or losing?

The answer is yes.

It is impossible for an upstart to be so at ease, nor is it so light-hearted.


到底 Who is he?

do not know.

No one knows.

Thirty million chips is not a small number, even the old man Li who is in charge of the big gambling game is not here. He stunned God and asked: "Dare to ask ... soil ... local lord son ~ ~ 3000 300,000, do you want to exchange for Xianshi or ... continue to play. "

"It's only 30 million cents. What kind of cents is it? Besides, Ye has only played forty or five hands, and I haven't even gotten addicted to it. What's the matter, go ahead and get 30 million chips for Ye, let's keep playing.

好的 "OK! Please wait a moment."

Father Li Li immediately asked Deacon Zhu to pick up more chips.

At this time, the maid who was responsible for pouring the wine for Gu Qingfeng, ran over with sweat, holding a pot of wine, and said, "Master, there is no more wine in the storeroom."

什么 "What? Why not?" Father Li asked puzzledly, "Isn't there more than a hundred pots in the morning?"

"Everything ... was drunk by this boy ..."

"What did you say!" Father Li wondered if he heard it wrong, and asked, "You say it again?"

"Really, this boy hasn't stopped since he sat down. He drank more than one hundred and twenty-two pots after pot, and there were no extra jugs in the storeroom."

"My mother-in-law! But that's more than a hundred jugs of wine! It's been a while since ... he drank it?"

Father Li Li almost didn't mention it, staring at Gu Qingfeng, like a monster, but felt scalp tingling.

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