
Vol 2 Chapter 1421: Bet on red eyes

For the first time, Gu Qingfeng begged the leopard to win 30 million yuan.

Pushing Gu Qingfeng a second time, he won 60 million more.

Li Fengyan was already furious, but he didn't expect that Gu Qingfeng now boldly asked himself to help him choose which bet to choose.

The sullen Li Fengyan was embarrassed, gritted his teeth, and yelled, "Don't dare to choose for you, do you dare?"

The ancient breeze shrugged, indifferently saying, "What dare not."

"it is good!"

枫 Li Fengyan sneered sneerly: "Aren't you the one who singled out the leopard the most? If there is one, continue to single out the leopard. Don't let the boy look down on you and give me a bet!"

别 "Don't say, brother, your eyesight is really good. Yeah, I play dice, and I really have a crush on leopards."

Gugu Qingfeng smiled with the launch of 5 million chips and singled out the leopard.

Looking at this scene.

Other gamblers in the market have a feeling of crying and laughing, including Mr. Li.

In this casino, it is not uncommon for others to choose which bet to place. However, most of them are the ones who have lost several in a row and want to borrow other people's transshipment, so they let others choose which one to bet. If you win in a row, it's rare for someone else to choose.

of course.

Is not without.

But most of them also let friends or maids around.

Now Li Fengyan obviously sees that the local tyrant is not pleasing to the eye, but the local tyrant still asks Li Fengyan to help him choose.

I am even more incredible that Li Fengyan chose Leopard on his behalf.

No one will go to bet the leopard.

After all, the odds of a leopard are too low and too low, not to mention that one has already been opened just now, how can there be a second leopard for you?

But what everyone didn't expect is that this local tyrant boy really continued to single out the leopard.

This can't help but make people wonder, is this local tyrant's brain abnormal or mental abnormal? Or is it that the consciousness of drinking so much Bitao wine has blurred, otherwise, how could it be so stupid?

枫 Li Fengyan provoked fiercely: "Only 5 million bets, is that also called a bet?"

"Aren't you only holding five million?"

The ancient breeze drank another bottle of fine wine, and signaled the maid to continue to be full.

"Do you dare to bet as much as my son is betting today?"

"Yes said, absolutely stay with you to the end!"

"Okay! See clearly!"

枫 Li Fengyan once again arrogantly bet on the remaining 5 million and bet on the odd number again, provoking again: "My son raises another 5 million!"

"Isn't it five million? Grandpa followed."

The ancient breeze did not look at it, it still passed five million, continued to single out the leopard, looked at Li Fengyan, and said, "What? This is no chip?"

"Will my son have no chips?"

Li Fengyan stood up, loosened his loose collar, flipped his palm, took out a token, and said, "My son has 12 million cents on his account. I'm tired of helping my father to take it out and exchange it for chips! "

Xiaofengyue Small World is the largest trading center in Bipolar Tianyu. Naturally, there is also a wealthy village for everyone to access Xianshi.

Mr. Li Li nodded, took Li Fengyan's identity token, and then handed it to Deacon Zhu Guang for it.

"This is the essence of ten innate spirits, one worth millions, ten worth ten million!"

Talking, Li Fengyan took ten brocade boxes out of the storage ring, which contained the essence of the innate spirit worth millions.

Is it finished?


Immediately after that, Li Fengyan took out a turquoise crystal and said, "This is an ancient jadeite, worth five million!"

Is it finished?

I still haven't finished.

"This is the beginning of the immortal sword embryo, worth one million yuan, this boy has three handles, a total value of 15 million!"

Is it finished?

Do not!


Seeing Li Fengyan taking out the treasures in the storage value one by one, everyone in the venue was amazed. Li Fengyan was indeed a noble son of the family of the nine great immortals in Jinwu's secret realm. Liancheng baby.

After being amazed, everyone finally realized that Li Fengyan was preparing to die with the local lord son to the end!

In the casino, it is not unusual for the two sides to fight, what is the fight? Fighting for face, what is fighting? Who can afford to fight!

Li Fengyan took out one or two dozen worthless treasures, the lowest being one million dollars, and the high value was more than five million dollars. Master Li liquidated it. The treasures that Li Fengyan took were worth a total of three thousand one million.

At this time, Zhu Guang also brought over 12 million of Li Feng's real accounts into chips, and added 31 million, for a total of 43 million chips.

Li Fengyan bet all 43 million chips on the odds, plus his previous 10 million chips, totaling 53 million chips. After all the bets, he held the table with both hands, sneered and stared. As Gu Qingfeng said, "Play with my son, you can't afford it!"

The ancient breeze laughed without saying a word, and added to 53 million chips, saying: "Master, I still have 7 million chips here."

枫 Li Fengyan can no longer afford any valuable baby, he said, "Master Li, can you use me for a while?"

"Feng Yan, you should know the rules of the casino."

"This son can't do it for the time being?"

"Sorry, this is the rules of the casino."

枫 Li Fengyan looked at other gamblers again: "Are you guys, can you be a ten million son for the time being?"

这个 "This, Feng Yanzi, is not old and does not want to lend it to you. You also know that borrowing money at the casino will lead to bad luck."


Casino gamblers rarely lend money to others. Once borrowed, it is equivalent to lending to others. Most gamblers are convinced.

"Brother, forget it, you don't have to toss, Lord, I will make you seven million cents."

He said something, Gu Qingfeng pushed all the remaining 7 million immortals up.

"Let? What a joke, what kind of thing are you! What qualifications do you have for this son?" Li Feng was furious. When he raised his hand, he sacrificed a black jade fairy sword, slammed it on the table, and yelled, "Ben The son put this black jade blast sword, is it enough! Can you let it go? "

When Li Fengyan sacrificed the Black Jade Wind Sword ~ ​​ ~ everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows that an entry-level fairy sword embryo is worth five million on the market.

And Li Fengyan's black jade blast sword is not an immortal sword embryo, but a graded immortal soldier that has been successfully tempered. The value is at least 20 million. Generally speaking, gamblers are betting on red In the eyes, I will not bet on the magic weapon of the immortal soldiers I ’ve trained, because it takes more than a large amount of immortal stones to train a Bingxian magic weapon.

Now Li Fengyan, in order to die, this local lord son, even put his hardened and tempered black jade blast sword directly up.

"Feng Yan, son, this black jade blast sword is an immortal soldier you worked hard. Are you sure you want to bet on it?"

Master Li's voice came, Li Feng said, "My son is very sure."

"Can I get you chips?"


Good guy!

It seems that Li Fengyan is not only dying, but also the local tyrant, but he has to bet on the bet. As he said, Li Fengyan is not something anyone can let go.

I should know that he had already squeezed more than 50 million chips, and the value of this magic weapon was at least 20 million yuan. In other words, he bet a total of 70 million yuan.

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