
Vol 2 Chapter 1430: 5 Shakespeare

At first Bai Susu said that Gu Qingfeng was definitely not an ordinary mortal. Xiaoya did n’t believe it. Until Gu Qingfeng just smelled it and said the name of Wushajiu, Xiaoya finally believed. An ordinary mortal, even believes that Gu Qingfeng is still an extraordinary mortal.

Wu Xiaoya once heard Bai Susu said that Wusha wine is a rare and niche wine. There are definitely not many immortals who know Wusha wine in the wild.

No Wusha wine can be brewed in ancient times. It was made by an old man who collected Wusha aura in a small world just born in ancient times.

开启 Since the ancient times opened for ten thousand years, Wusha Reiki never appeared.

It's not important. What's important is that the old man who brewed Wusha wine is an old demon with a long history.

Wusha wine is not a fine wine capable of tempering the immortals. Not only can it not be tempered, but if it is absorbed, Wusha will erode the immortals and corrupt the body.

It is for this reason that in the wild, not many people know Wusha wine.

Because Wusha wine is not something that immortals can drink at all, it is for those demons and monsters.

The puppet people are pursuing great light, and they pay attention to great purity.

The Wu Wu Sha is Xuan Yin, which is in harmony with the great light and great essence pursued by the immortals.

However, what the demon is pursuing is the great darkness, and the turbidity.

Wu Wu Sha is very poisonous to the fairy, but it is a great supplement to the evil demon.

Looking at the ancient breeze here.

Wu Xiaoya finally understood why Bai Susu would let herself prepare Wusha wine.

With this cup of Wusha wine, it has been tentatively found out that this tyrant master is definitely not a mortal who is not worldly, but a master with excellent knowledge and experience of wind and rain, at least before, if not, it is absolutely impossible to just Upon smelling it, the name of Wushajiu was revealed, which indicates that he had drunk it.

I dare to drink Wusha wine. This guy used to be either a big devil who confuses the world, or he is really a great master of the fairy road.

I miss it.

Wu Xiaoya is admiring Bai Susu more and more, and her heart is still very good. She has already seen that this guy is not easy, and she has to prepare Wusha wine.

"We are not very proficient, and we usually like to drink wine. These five Shaji wines are made from Xuanyin and Five Shakes. They are full of spirits and the wine is also unique. As long as you drink them, you will never forget them. . "

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng raised his head slightly, drank the wine in the glass, nodded, and said, "It's pretty good. If you want to talk about the ability of making wine, the demon is definitely the originator. Is that wine made by Xiandao? It ’s still boiling water, or the wine made by the old devil is enough. "

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, he drank a glass of Wusha wine like this, Xiaoya was stunned, and the old man with a walking stick beside him was also frowning deeply.

When they want to come, even if this guy was really a big master of the prestige side, but now he has no practice, it is completely flesh and blood, how can he drink a glass of Wusha wine at all? This is Wusha wine. I said that the old Luo Jinxian who is immortal, even the Lingxian who is a unity of spirit and flesh, must quickly refining. Slowly, he cannot bear the erosion of Wusha.

But how is this guy like nothing?

Sorry, as Bai Susu said, this guy's body is definitely not a flesh and blood body that looks like it? What is it?

This is unlikely.

All creatures, whether they are polar, extremist, venerated, domineering, or sacred, have a clear breath of creation, but this guy has nothing but basic spiritual interest, not even spiritual breath. .

What exactly is going on?

I wonder.

Xiao Xiaoya didn't know.

I do n’t know.

Ibumin is also unknown.

Laogu Qingfeng put down the wine glass and laughed, "Sister, what are you doing, and then you pour a glass for Grandpa."


I realized that Gu Qingfeng might have been the grand master of Megatron before, and with the strangeness of the flesh, Xiaoya didn't dare to say anything. He honestly poured another glass of Wusha for Gu Qingfeng.

Baisusu said lightly: "It seems that the old master has drank a lot of fine wine outside the demon."

"That is of course." Gu Qingfeng drank another glass of Wusha wine and laughed: "Others we dare not say, to drink, yeah, I drink more wine than you've seen in your life."

"Really ..." Bai Susu was on the chair from the beginning to the end. There was not much expression on a beautiful face, and the expression was a bit cold, but a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the ancient breeze, blooming from time to time. "So, there must have been an unforgettable past in the past."

"Who hasn't stopped looking back?"

One cup of Gu Qingfeng followed by another cup. After a while, Kung Fu has drank seven or eight cups of Wusha wine, and the Wusha wine in the white jade bottle is very small. At the sign of Bai Susu, Xiaoya took another bottle and continued to pour .

"I want to come to the old master is also a great situation in the wild."

"I have to say that big sister is really good eyesight." The rise of drinking, Gu Qingfeng raised Erlang's legs, jokingly: "When we were in the wild, then it was absolutely a sweep of the wild, majestic, no one can match, grand me Lame, three thousand roads have to shake three times. What fairy road is bright, what demon is dark road, even if it is the heaven and earth road, Grandpa still did not miss it. "

Beside him, Master Li and Master Ma have stood honestly.

I, especially Lord Ma, have been lowering their heads since they entered the waterside of this lake, and they dare not even breathe.

He originally thought that the supervisor would suspect that the tyrant's 1.8 billion won was not right. Therefore, Bai Susu would appear in person today. However, it seems that this is not the case. If it is true, It is impossible to say nothing about the gambling game for a long time.

Lord Ma is not a fool. After listening to it for so long, he naturally sees something, wondering that Bai Susu should be interested in Grandpa ~ ~ It seems that Grandpa is not an ordinary mortal, so I want to Take this opportunity to test one or two?

The more Mr. Master Ma listened to, the more this happened.

Can't stand it.

What made him embarrassed was that the tyrant grandfather said it was too exaggerated?

Even if your local lord master wants to fool Bai Susu, at least it's reliable. What can I talk about?

I still swept across the wilderness?



Lame, three thousand roads have to shake?

Tiantiandi Avenue is correct?

Oh my god!

I have seen bragging, never seen so outrageous.

This kind of words can't even fool the ghosts, but also want to fool the Baisusu who controls half of the small world in the wind and the moon?

Master Grandpa, is this drunk or sloppy?

I already believed that Gu Qingfeng might have been the grandmaster of Megatron before, but after hearing his bragging, Xiaoya couldn't help but said, "Hey, you guy, do you think we are all fools? We are still sweeping the wild , Megatron, no one can beat you, lame, you have to shake three thousand avenues? I shit! You think you are the emperor. "

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