
Vol 2 Chapter 1434: Who teaches who!

"Did that guy tell you who he was before?"


Lord Maoma scratched his head and said, "However, we think that Grandpa must have been a master who has experienced wind and rain before and has seen the world."

"Just him? Have you experienced wind and rain, seen a great world? I'm awful!" Xiaoya said disgustedly, "You were also present at the time, were you stumped and didn't hear the cowhide he blew? What swept the wilderness, Megatron, Nothing Can anyone be an enemy, stomp his feet, and the three thousand roads have to shake three times? Why even say that when you wanted to kill the Emperor, you could kill it at your fingertips? This is really not the case. Do you think that you have experienced the storm and met the great master of the world? Will he be as frivolous and impetuous as he is? Will he play such a cowhide as a deceiver? "

When I remembered the cowhide that Gu Qingfeng was blowing at the time, Ma Ma was also very embarrassed, arrogantly justifying Gu Qingfeng: "Maybe ... Maybe Grandpa was drunk at the time."

"Drunk a fart."

I was thinking what to say, Xiaoya thought of Wusha wine again.

Although she said that she did not believe that Gu Qingfeng was a grandfather before, she knew clearly that Gu Qingfeng only smelled the wine at that time, and she could name the five evil spirits. Based on this, it is enough to explain that Gu Qingfeng Absolutely experienced the ups and downs before is definitely a master who has seen the world.

I just didn't understand. How could a big master who once had a great influence on him, how could he be so impulsive as to blow up the cowhide leather like a second-generation ancestor?

I may not be able to accept the fact that I have lost my cultivation, something went wrong, and my temperament has changed.

想象 Imagine carefully is not impossible.

After a lot of powers have cultivated their problems, there will be some problems in the spirit. Even if the spirit is normal, they will lose energy from then on. Few people can stand up again.

这个 "This ... Fairy Xiaoya, what do you think President Bai will talk to Grandpa?"

怎么 "How do I know?" Xiaoya said, "But don't hope for it."

Xiao Xiaoya said to Ma Ma directly in the first sentence, and asked, "What hope does not hold?"

"That guy not only claimed to be the grandfather in front of our lady, but also regarded himself as grandfather, even more hateful. He also teased our lady, hum! I think he is really tired, you think our lady has left him, It was really naive to talk to him alone. "

Hearing Xiaoya's words, Ma Ma suddenly felt a little in his heart, since he left the waterside of the lake, he has been worried about it.

After all, Grandpa is too rude to Bai Susu, and it ’s okay for him to pretend, even dare to speak out.

Bai Susu, a big man, how can you let him go?

The reason why I left the grandfather alone is that ...

Thinking of this, Ye Ma is really afraid to continue thinking.

He can only pray silently, praying that Lord Bai Susu has a large number of people, and he will be merciful, and he will teach the grandfather of local tyrants once. Do n’t kill anyone.


Lord Maoma sighed and was about to squat and continue to drink. At this time, I suddenly heard someone shouting himself, looked up, and found a person coming out of the supervisory committee.

That's a young man.

The appearance is ordinary and belongs to the kind that can't be found in the crowd.

穿着 He was wearing a white cloth, with long hair scattered randomly behind him. Although it was not handsome and handsome, it also gave people a sense of lightness.

and many more!

Isn't this the tyrant master?

When I saw Gu Qingfeng, whether it was Lord Ma Ma or Li Li, or Xiaoya, all three were staring, seemingly unbelievable.

"Master, you ... you came out?" Wang Ma ran over, looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down, and asked, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"What's the matter, why do you hurt me?"

"Bai ... President Bai, didn't ... hand to teach you?"

"Good she taught me what to do."

"You ... you are so rude to her, and you make fun of it, and it's hard for President Bai to treat you?"

"It's just a monster, how can she treat Grandpa?"


Lord Maoma was dumbfounded and asked, "So what have you been doing for so long, what have you done? Shouldn't she really talk to you?"

"Who are you alone?"

Qinggu Qingfeng patted Ma Ma's shoulder and said, "Walk, find a place to listen to the little song, drink some wine and play."

Mr. Ma was still thinking about whether the tyrant grandfather would be carried out, or he would be unloaded by Bai Susu directly, and it would be wiped out. If Ma Su wanted to come, even if Bai Susu was kind, he could not easily let go of the ancient breeze If you do not investigate the crime of disrespect, you must also investigate his offense.

I could not think of it, but Gu Qingfeng walked out like this.

And there were no injuries on his body.

He not only did not have any injuries, when he walked out, it seemed that his energy was better than before.

叫 What is it called?

Grandpa Lama wants to break her head and cannot understand.

I said he didn't understand, Xiaoya didn't even want to understand, so after seeing Gu Qingfeng stepping out, she rushed into the waterside of the lake as soon as possible, and wanted to ask what was going on, just when she came When I arrived at the gazebo, I found that there was no one here, and the table was messy, and all kinds of delicious dishes were spilled to the ground, just like someone had fought here.

小姐 Did Miss really teach that guy?

its not right.

If Ms. Xie started, that guy would never have the ability to resist.

Alas, there was no injury to that guy.

How could this be?

Where is Miss Yun?

I'm stumped back to the compartment?

Xiao Xiaoya hurried to the compartment again and shouted, "Miss, are you there?"

No one responded.

Wu Xiaoya shouted two more times, but no one responded. When she was trying to push in the door, Bai Susu's voice came in: "Little ... Xiaoya, wait outside for a while."

Bai Susu's voice came, a little hoarse, feeling very weak, as if collapsed, and asked: "Miss, how did your voice ... how did it become this way?"

"What's wrong with my voice?"

Bai Susu opened the door ~ ~ It seemed to realize that his voice was a little hoarse, and he coughed, saying, "Maybe I drink too much Wusha wine."

I found Xiaoya staring at herself like a monster, and asked, "What is your look?"

"No, miss, your face ..."

Bian Susu subconsciously touched his face and asked, "What's wrong with my face?"

"Why is your face red?"

"Have it?"

Bai Susu patted his cheek and explained: "I haven't drank Wusha wine for a long time ... maybe I drank too much. I did not refine the Wusha spirit as soon as possible."

"But ... Miss, why did you change another dress?"

"Ah?" Bai Susu looked at the changed clothes and said, "I accidentally spilled the wine while drinking, so I changed one."


Xiaoya crooked her head, frowned, and looked at Bai Susu with a strange look. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that Bai Susu was a bit wrong, and asked, "Miss, are you ... okay? Why do I think you are very wrong? ? "

"What can I do."

She Bai Susu gave her a glance, and said nothing, and left from the compartment.

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