
Vol 2 Chapter 1439: Shabby tyrant

Hearing these rumors about Dayiyi City before, Ma Ma thought it was too exaggerated. Only after he entered Dayiyi City did he realize that these rumors were not exaggerated at all. He even thought that the facts were better than the rumors. Minute.

I looked around, good guy, in the air, there are spirit beasts galloping everywhere.

灵 The size of these spirit beasts is larger than one. The smallest ones are seven or eight meters in size, and the largest are even more than ten meters.

Some beasts are like lions, some are like tigers, and some are like wolves. They are covered with golden red hair, and when they gallop, they are like a burning flame beast.

Lord Puma knows this spirit beast.

Is the famous fire cloud spirit beast.

Because of its huge size, fierce temperament, powerful strength, puffing flames, loyal protection of the Lord, powerful strength, a slap of power can deter the true immortal, a slap to kill the immortal, an adult fiery cloud spirit beast , The strength is comparable to Jinxian.

This is exactly the case, the Fire Cloud Spirit Beast has a high reputation in the great wilderness.

Any man, none of them wants to have their own Fire Cloud Spirit Beast.

But I can only think about it.

The high price of the beast of fire and spirit has left many ordinary immortals out of reach.

A pup of a fire cloud spirit beast alone needs five or six million immortal stones, which is equivalent to a grade of magic weapon of an immortal soldier, and the price of an adult fire cloud spirit beast is more than ten million, which is just pedigree. It is even more immeasurable if a pure-blooded Huoyunling beast is of high value.

The ordinary immortals of the Great Wilderness struggled for a year, but 20,000 to 30,000 immortal stones left little to feed themselves.

Although the Lord Ma Ma is a big Luo Jinxian, he can make a lot of money in one year, but his luck is more than one hundred thousand cents, but his luck is bad, ranging from 50,000 to 60,000.

Twenty-five or six million is simply astronomical to him.

I said that he did n’t have five or six million, that is, he did n’t dare to buy a fire cloud beast. To know that raising a fire cloud beast costs tens of thousands of fairy stones a year. Many people may buy it. Up, but affordability does not mean it can be afforded.

I met a lot of fans, and after getting rich overnight, the first thing I did was to buy a fire cloud beast.

Because of the development of the ancient times, the significance of the spirit beast is not only as simple as loyalty to protect the Lord, but also a status symbol. Having a fire cloud beast can not only raise his eyebrows and exhale, but also let the immortals look up. It can better deter Fan Xian, although it can't run wild, but at least, ordinary Fan Xian dare not provoke.

The most important thing is that having a fire cloud beast can also attract the attention of many fairies. Finding three or five fairy avengers is not a problem at all.

Now the world has changed, and the fairy is not like the previous one. She is looking for a companion who is in love with her. She is now pursuing a refined and elegant life. Vanity is better than one, and her family-like fairy wants to find one. Wealthy priests have changed their lives ever since. The fairy with a good family background wants to find a priest who is both rich and cultivated. If she is a fairy from a family of immortals, she will naturally find the right family.

The former ancestral ancestors were very sacred in the minds of all people, and few of them were lifted.

now what.

It is a very common thing to dissolve the immortal relationship, either the man's half-heartedness, seeing the other fairies, pedaling two boats, or the female's suspicion of being rich and poor, and following the extraordinary family of Yaxian or getting rich overnight Haoxian ran away.

This kind of thing is common.

Among them, Ma Maye is a good example.

In the secret world of Jinwu, he used to be bold, eloquent, and met many brothers, which is considered to be a little known. At the same time, he formed a fairy lover with a fairy and dreamed of taking his brothers in the bipolar heaven. The next time I turn my own world, and let my mate live a good life, it ’s because he talks about morality and is in the lead of his brother.

In the end, not only was expelled from Jinwu's mystery, a group of brothers who had once lost their blood also ran away, and scattered even the priests who had shared their sufferings with her. Brother is getting better.

王 Since then, Ma Ma has begun violent self-abandonment, and it was only then that he started gambling.

After listening to Lord Ma's encounter, Gu Qingfeng was very sympathetic. He didn't expect that a man like Lord Ma who was so tall and big-hearted would still have such a sad sad past. He patted his shoulder and comforted him. Road: "If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come, and that kind of accomplice runs away and wants to start."

"There is nothing to think about, I have thought about it for a long time, and that kind of woman is not worth our sadness for him."

"Just want to open, we have money now, grandfather will give you a 待, we also pretend to be a local tyrant!"

"Master, now you have 1.8 billion in your hands, it is definitely a real tyrant, you don't need to install it."

"That's okay. You don't think this way is coming. Everyone looks at us differently."

"This one……"

At this moment.

The lord of the horse rides a sword flying at the Sunshine City, and Gu Qingfeng stands behind. Compared with the fairy beasts of the Sunshine City, the broken sword of the two seems out of place.

"It's a bit shabby."

"Yi said you feel shabby, grandfather and me who are not particular about it, feel a little shabby." Gu Qingfeng glanced at the Feijian under his foot and said, "I said your boy didn't raise fairy birds and beasts. You can also use the decent flying sword of the fairy soldier. You can look at your own flying sword. It's black and not autumn, and it looks ugly. I don't see any mystery in his mother ’s most important grandfather, except that she can fly. What else can this do? "

"Big Master ~ ~ You'll be the first one, and we will have such a broken sword all over our body."

Speaking of it, although Ma Ma did n’t raise fairy birds and spirits before, he still had a few good magic weapons in his hand. However, he lost after betting on them. Now there are only such dilapidated ones. The flying sword is still a defective product, except that it can not do anything except for flying.

"Your broken sword looks like a defective product, and if your child's knowledge is also absent, why do I think that it will fail at any time."

这个 "This ... Master, please rest assured. Although our Feijian is a defective product, it occasionally fails, but ..."

The words did not fall, and the flying sword under Lord Ma's feet suddenly became dim and gloomy, just as Guanghua suddenly disappeared, and the two immediately fell from the air.

Fortunately, Gu Qingfeng responded quickly and stood in the air.

And Lord Ma's response was not slow. When he fell, he quickly ran the fairy, jumped up, and stood in the air. He said embarrassingly, "Master, I'm really sorry, we didn't expect the chain to fall off at critical moments. You wait a moment, I'll fix it. "

"This broken thing still has a hair trimming." Gu Qingfeng grabbed the flying sword in the hands of Ma Ma Ye, without looking, still directly, and said, "Go, God takes you to buy a spirit beast."

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