
Vol 2 Chapter 1441: Too horrifying

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There are many gardens in Huoyunzhuang.

Each garden is shrouded in formation, and various fire-cloud beasts are kept in it.

After the introduction of the miscellaneous service, they took the two to the garden where Huoyun Chiyanhu was kept.

Don't say it.

This thing is really big enough, about nine meters long and about six meters high, and its hair is like a flame. Even if it is lying there at the moment, it looks like a burning mountain of flames.

The handyman hit a magic trick in the past, and when the formation flickered slightly, the fiery cloud and red flame tiger that was originally lying suddenly stood up, shaking his huge head, and issued a deafening sound of tiger howling. Master Ma's mind shuddered a little. He stepped back subconsciously and exclaimed: "This fiery cloud red flame tiger is really scary."

Although the general tyrants also have Huoyun mounts, most of them are Huoyun and Jinma horses that cost millions, and there are many Huoyun Jinjing wolves. Little, as far as this king of the fire cloud beast Huoyun Red Flame Tiger is very few.

In the impression, Ma Ma hasn't seen it a few times. He wondered that only those heroes of that kind would spend 20-30 million to buy a Huoyun Chiyanhu. After all, those overnight wealthy upstarts There is no fixed source of huge sums, but it's just lucky to get rich overnight. If you buy such a fire and flame flame tiger, you will not be able to raise it.

of course.

The general tyrant may not be able to afford it, but for the tyrant lord who has 1.8 billion in his hand, he can both afford and afford it.

Ma Wang looked at Gu Qingfeng and asked, "Master, how are you feeling?"

"Look and see."

Next to him, Zaozai watched Wang Mafeng asking Gu Qingfeng for advice, and he also sipped a big master, and Zazhan was very puzzled.

As a miscellaneous servant of Huoyunzhuang, he has seen all kinds of people in these years, including the noble son of the immortal family and the rich starter who has made a fortune overnight. The wealthy masters have not never seen it, but have never seen , Is there any master who turned out to be a mortal who has not cultivated.

This made him very incomprehensible.

However, he did not dare to ask any more, and continued: "If two people have the intention to purchase, they must pay a certain amount of fairy stone, and they can also test ride."

"Even if you try to ride, Grandpa has no interest in riding this thing. He just likes to sit on the cock. Do you have a **** that is pulled by Huoyun Chiyanhu?"

"Of course, if it is equipped with a big cock, the big **** is different and the price is different. Otherwise, take the big master to see the big cock?"

"Don't have to look at it, just give Grandpa one of the most expensive grandma."

He seemed unbelievable, and asked in surprise: "The most expensive?"

"Yes, the most expensive."

"So ... what about the spirit beast?"

"Naturally, the purest Huoyun Chiyanhu is of pedigree, and it is still an adult.

The handyman looked into his head and asked with some uncertainty: "Master, do you have any intention to buy?"

"Crap, if Grandpa didn't have the intention to buy, what would you do here?" Gu Qingfeng said, "Go and get Yehuo Red Flame Tiger for Ye, and then get the most expensive cock, and let Grandpa take a test ride. Satisfied. If so, I bought it on the spot. "

"Okay, sir, it takes a while to equip the sir, and the sir will take you to rest in the garden first."

"Let's go."

The two Gu Qingfengs followed the miscellaneous staff to the garden to rest, and saw two fire clouds and Jinmara whizzing past with a large salamander, Gu Qingfeng also said, "Is there a fire cloud red flame tiger that is less, then give it to the grandfather. Let ’s have three heads. There are n’t many three heads. One head is raised, and the other three heads are raised. Since we are going to raise them, simply make a lucky number and get eighteen heads. ”

Hear these words.

Lord Ma is not only scared there.

In the wild, having a fairy beast mount is a status symbol, and owning a great beast is a more honorable status.

Because a big tadpole is often equipped with not only one spirit beast, but also two, three, or even more. In this way, just keeping a large amount of immortal stones each year, not to mention buying a spirit beast. Ma'am, you have to find a coachman. Raising a driver is another fairy stone.

and so.

Even if some family noble sons or local tyrants want to show their honorable status, they are just making a big owl with two or three heads of Huoyun Beasts, and they are still golden horses by Huoyun. This is already very good. The Yunmao Golden Horse is worth three to four million, and its three heads are almost ten million.

Like two or three Huoyun blast leopards, Huoyun Jinjing wolf's big cockroach is not without, but few, and two or three Huoyun Ziyan lions are few.

As for the two or three heads of Huoyun Chiyanhu, I am afraid that no one can afford it except for the wealthy aristocracy. After all, one Huoyun tooth tiger has 10 to 20 million, and the pure blood is 30 million. At the beginning, it would be nearly 100 million. The average breeding of a Huoyun Chiyanhu with a pure blood line is 500,000 to 600,000 per year, and three heads will have more than one million.

Who can afford it?

What Gu Qingfeng said now is that he wants a big salamander with eighteen fiery clouds and red flame tigers, and he is still of pure blood.

Master Ma has practiced for thousands of years. He has never seen a big cricket with eighteen fiery clouds and red flame tigers. He said he had never seen it before, and he had never heard it.

Mo said that he hadn't heard it, even the handyman who had been in Huoyunzhuang for a long time, and he hadn't even heard of a big hawk with eighteen heads of Huoyun Chiyanhu.

Not to mention a big salamander with eighteen fiery clouds and red flame tigers. He has worked in Huoyunzhuang for hundreds of years, and has seen the most red flame tigers. He is only equipped with five heads, and his pedigree is not the purest. of.

He ca n’t even imagine it. The guy in front of him who wants to cultivate is not cultivated, has to create, but has no temperament, and has no temperament ~ ~ But there is only a mortal person in the area, what dare to say equipment Eighteen fiery cloud red flame tiger's great salamander.

He stared at Gu Qingfeng for a long time, took a deep breath, as if he realized himself, and said, "Master, are you kidding me again? If so, this joke is not funny at all."

Maybe I feel that Gu Qingfeng is playing with himself, the gangster is very angry, and the words are a lot serious, saying: "If you intend to buy, the younger will continue to entertain you, if you do not intend to buy, sorry, the younger will also entertain. Other customers. "

"What? Afraid Grandpa can't afford it?"

"Can you afford it?"

"It's nothing more than eighteen fiery clouds and red flame tigers of pure blood, not hundreds of millions of immortal stones." Gu Qingfeng said with a smile and groaned: "Little brother, grandpa is a local tyrant, a real local tyrant. Even twenty-eight heads can afford it. "

"Isn't it just a few hundred million cents? It's a great tone!"

The gangster became more and more angry and was about to reprimand. At this time, a voice came: "How can you be so rude to customers?"

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