
Vol 2 Chapter 1443: 1 line worth 200 million

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Ma Ma has a calculation in his heart.

An adult Huoyun Chiyanhu with a pure bloodline is worth 30 million yuan. Nine heads are almost 300 million immortal stones.

Coupled with the price of Dao, there is a Huoyun whip that Huoyunzhuang has been tempered for hundreds of years.

In addition, it is the treasure of Zhenzhuang in Huoyunzhuang.

If Huoyunzhuang really wants to sell, it will have at least 300 million and tens of millions, I am afraid that it is more than 400 million.

After all, things are scarce and expensive.

Ma Ma really couldn't figure out why Gu Qingfeng had to buy such an expensive Huoyun Chiyanhu dazhu.

After leaving Huoyunzhuang, Ma Ma could not help asking his doubts.

And Gu Qingfeng just said three words lightly: Lord is rich


Three words.

Grandpa is rich.

Simple and rude.

"Master, no matter how rich you are, you can't splurge like this?"

"Isn't money just for splurge?"

"Large masters like your splurge, no amount of money is enough for you to splurge."

"What are you afraid of, and then you make money."

"Master, you have good luck, and you have won 1.8 billion. If you have bad luck next time, maybe you will lose 1.8 billion. What will you do?"

"If you lose, you will lose, you will be able to do whatever you want. You must be able to afford to let go. The rich and the poor live, and the rich and the rich are begging. If you die, you will come forward.

Hear the words.

Ma Ma lamented: "Master, you have to say, you are definitely a master who has seen a real world."

"Have you seen Da Shih?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Do you know what it means to see Da Shih?"

"Of course, everyone who has really seen the world has one thing in common."

"What's in common."

"Can bear the worst, but also enjoy the worst." Grandpa Ma said seriously: "Like the master you, Xiu Wei lost like a okay person, what should you do, you can do it if you have money Splurge, isn't that what can withstand the worst and enjoy the best? "

"Yo? Didn't see it, your kid still has this understanding?"

Gu Qingfeng looked at Mr. Ma and was a little surprised. He said, "You can endure the worst and enjoy the worst. You have seen the big world. Did you realize this?"

Grandpa Ma responded awkwardly: "We don't have that understanding. I listened to an old man."

"If you can bear the worst, you can also enjoy the worst. Even if you have seen the world, this sounds good, but it is too absolute."

"That big master, what did you say you've seen in the world?"

"What is considered to have seen the great world? Grandpa, I do n’t know. Grandpa only knows that people live forever, plants and autumn, and now there are wines and drunks, and tomorrow's sorrow comes to tomorrow's sorrow. Whose **** knows when this ancient time will end, Whoever is damned will know when heaven and earth will reincarnate. Therefore, being a man must be open-minded and lively, free and easy.

Ma Ma reads these words that Gu Qingfeng said, seems to understand, and seems to not understand, and asked: "Master, where are we going now?"

"My grandfather just talked to you so much. I dare you to understand it? Grandpa now holds 1.8 billion. What do you say you can do? Of course, it is a splurge.

After saying that, Gu Qingfeng and Ma Wangye started the crazy shopping mode.

Walking down the road, guys, it's definitely what you buy and what you buy is the most expensive.

Gale wears cloud boots, a pair worth 10 million, bought!

Daylight bright jade clothing, a piece worth 30 million! Bought it!

A string of 108 purple gold beads, worth 20 million, bought!

A starry black jade fan, worth 20 million, bought!

Two earth-sharp mysterious balls, one worth 10 million, two more 20 million, bought!

A Xingxuan storage has a large finger, worth five million, bought! One is not enough to buy two, and two are not enough. Buy ten, and wear one each with ten fingers in both hands.

Being rich is so willful.

At first, Gu Qingfeng bought an immortal sword with a value of ten million yuan. He still gave it to Ma Maye. Ma Maye was embarrassed to ask. Gu Qingfeng didn't say much. He directly put the flying sword on the ground. Ma Maye said nothing. Pick it up quickly.

Following Gu Qingfeng's strolling all the way, Ma Wangye didn't pretend anymore, and began to buy and buy.

Master Ma has practiced for thousands of years. Even if the wind and water mixed in the secret world of Jinwu had risen in the past, when he came out to buy resources, he still shopped around. After comparing and comparing, after thinking and thinking, he decided to buy , But also in the price of the relatively easy-to-people stars.

He never thought that he would have such a day. Buying resources in Da Ri Yi City, which can be entered by local tyrants, does not depend on the price at all. It is not good if it is cheap. You have to buy expensive.

This feeling is so cool!

It couldn't be any better.

I bought it all the way, and I said that the big shopkeepers were all kinds of noble sons and various local tyrants who strolled around the city of Da Ri Yi, and they were stunned when they looked at them.

Gu Qingfeng not only set himself up for himself, but also gave him a favor.

Gu Qingfeng's performance is worth 200 million yuan.

Although Ma Ma has not 200 million, there are also 50 to 60 million.

A few hours later, when the two returned to Huoyunzhuang again, the old treasurer and general servant who had previously received them were completely dumbfounded.


Lord Ma is wearing a black scale fairy armor, with a bright red cloak behind him, plus he is tall and tall, standing there, is really prestigious, carrying a red-black fairy sword On your shoulders, that's how prestigious, how prestigious!

And the ancient breeze.

Dressed in an extremely dazzling big bright jade robe, wearing a pair of wind boots and wearing cloud boots.

A string of 108 purple gold beads is hanging on the neck, two earth-shaking mysteries are played in the left hand, a starry black jade fan is shaken in the right hand, ten fingers in both hands, each with a Xingxuan storage finger. There was also a purple gold and white jade smoking bag pot with a strong spirit in his mouth.

Gu Qingfeng is no longer Gu Qingfeng ~ ~ but a local tyrant among the poor and extravagant locals!

That's how extravagant, how extravagant, how extravagant and how extravagant!


Huoyunzhuang's old shopkeeper hasn't seen the tyrants. On the contrary, he has operated Huoyunzhuang for thousands of years. I don't know how many wealthy noble sons, and how many overnight tyrants have become rich.

But I have never seen such a wayward tyrant, and wayward is a little heartbroken!

The old treasurer is not the master of unknown goods. He can see at a glance that the master of the local tyrant is a leader, and he can never go down without 200 million!

He also clearly remembered that when the tyrant grandfather first arrived, he was wearing only an ordinary robe, and he didn't have any valuable things on his body. Now, a few hours later, the grandfather changed from a shabby The local tyrant has become a tyrant who has no friends. The 200 million-dollar tycoon is really spicy.

(End of this chapter)

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