
Vol 2 Chapter 1464: Tyrant's style!

"Little drunk! Little drunk! Get up!"

Came to the bedroom inside Da 辇, seeing Gu Qingfeng lying in bed and snoring, Xiao Qian Tou hurried over, shouting and shaking.

"I said big sister, what is it?"

The ancient breeze changed a pose and continued to sleep.

"What time is it! You still have a mood to sleep! Get up! Get up! Something big has happened!"

"What's the big deal, has the sky fallen?"

"Yeah! Something bigger than the sky! You get up!"

"Okay, don't shake it, grandpa and I can't get up yet."

The ancient breeze sat up lazily, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"There are many people in Jinwu Li's family, and I am looking for you to settle accounts."

"Let me find what account, I have burned their house, or have they linked up with their parents ..."

Chidori thought that her nerves were already big enough, but she did not expect that the little alcoholic's nerves were bigger than herself, and she even burned her eyebrows, and she could still fall asleep, and she seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday, saying, " You guy! Have you fallen asleep, you hit Jin Lie yesterday and hit Li Jingya with a thunderbolt. Are you forgotten? "

"You say this." From the bed, Gu Qingfeng stretched his waist and said, "What's the matter, did they find the post account?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? You said that this guy is owed to you, and started to get ill as soon as you have money. Okay, now, the Jinwu Li family not only wants you to pay for your crimes."

"Let me scratch my head? It's against them."

"Do you think you are done with just a gimmick? People are going to give you a penny, or you have to pay Jinwu Li's everything!"

"I'll pay them a **** or not."

"You!" Chitou gritted his teeth and said, "I also know that you are unwilling, don't say that you are unwilling, I am also very unwilling! But who told you to provoke Jinwu Li's family, if it is not compensation, people will not I wo n’t let you go. It ’s still Jinwu Li ’s family looking at Xuan Yun's face. Otherwise, we wo n’t know if we can leave alive. ”

哟 "Yo, little Chidori, do you know how scared? I remember you were not scared before."

"Auntie was not sensible when she was a child, but now she grows up, little drunkard, if you listen to me to persuade you, you should give it to someone else. If you do n’t bring money to life, you wo n’t take it. It's not worth it to die for this money! "



Chidori has grown up.

If she had changed before, she would fight with Jinwu Li's family!

But now that she has grown up, she has gone through more, thinking about problems, and not being as naive as before.

Seriously said, "Little drunkard, listen to me. The Jinwu Li family is not something we can provoke. In the face of such a thing, if you want to survive, you have no choice but to admit that you are unlucky and swallow your voice. You admit it, it's a cruel reality. "

"This is cruel reality?"

"Yes, this is the cruel reality."

"Let ’s go, Yeah, let me see you today, in fact, the reality is not so cruel."

"What's not so cruel, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Thousands of birds, have you been practicing outside for so long, have you ever experienced a word?"


"There are surprises everywhere."

"Damn! Grandma aunt, what surprises now, all of them are scared!"

"Hahaha! Then you have to experience what surprises are today."

Gu Qingfeng came out of the bedroom and came to the outside of Dasao. He looked at the Jinwu Li family of more than 100 people, and looked at the crowd gathered on the floating island to laugh. "Oh, today It's quite lively. "


The ancient ancient breeze was dressed in an extremely dazzling big bright jade robe, wearing a pair of high-speed wind boots.

A string of 108 purple gold beads is hanging on the neck, two earth-shaking mysteries are played in the left hand, a starry black jade fan is shaken in the right hand, ten fingers in both hands, each with a Xingxuan storage finger. There was also a purple gold and white jade smoking bag pot with a strong spirit in his mouth.

I have to say that this 200 million-dollar company is really dazzling.

It was really thorny, not fake, especially under the sun's rays, the golden light was shining, not only flashing people's dizziness, but also those who watched the lively on the island drooling, and their hearts were envious and jealous. hate.

At first, the big guy looked at the Jinwu Li family again extorting, and was still such an upstart that won 1.8 billion yuan. But after seeing the upstart, a 200 million-dollar company, there was no sympathy. Under jealousy.

"Old horse, bring the chair in the temple to Grandpa."

Master Ma, a moment's stun, was a little dare to believe his ears, wondering if he had heard it wrong, and asked, "Master, what are you talking about?"

"Go and move the chair inside, haven't you heard?"

"Ah? Oh ... OK! OK ..."

Not only does Ma Ma doubt whether he heard it wrong, more than ten people in Xiao Luo's secret place, including everyone present, doubt whether he heard it wrong.

Now the Jinwu Li family took more than a hundred people to surround the place with rigorousness, and made it clear that they would be guilty of extortion. Even if they were changed, would anyone be afraid? Are you scared?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the small world of Fengyue. Many wealthy local tyrants who are rich overnight, who are rich and arrogant, and arrogant, can really scare the farts after they have provoked the great mystery family.

Everyone just watched that the upstart had been hiding in the house, and did not dare to come out, and thought that they were afraid to come out ~ ~ Until now everyone realized that the upstart was not afraid to come out, and look at his posture, There is no way to be afraid of fear. I say fear, not fear, but worry, even tension.

It ’s not only, it seems to be smiling and cheerful, holding a big purple gold cigarette bag in his mouth, not talking about smoking a cigarette, and playing with two earthly mysterious **** in his hand, the leisurely look, the lazy energy, That luxurious style is like ... like a big master who looks busy.

And ... what else did he say, and he wanted to move out the chair inside Da-hyun?

What does he want to do?

What does he mean?

do not know.

No one knows.

Soon, Grandpa Ma really moved the chair inside the big sister, good guy! This thing is not small, it is two meters wide, just like a large bed with no animal skin on it. It looks loose and comfortable, and there is a bottle of wine and armrests on both sides of the chair. Several wine glasses.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the local tyrant broke out, and then leaned down, leaning on Erlang's legs, lying on his back, hitting a ring finger, and commanding: Let's talk about it. "

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