
Vol 2 Chapter 1468: Another Taibai Jinxian

I'm in the wild.

Many noble sons with a great family background have a fatal shortcoming, which is flashy.

Relying on the wealth and good qualifications of the family, there is no need to take risks outside or fight for survival. Therefore, very few noble sons can calm down to cultivate magical powers, and even the magic weapons of the immortals are too lazy to train. Most They are all practicing some fancy fairy arts to attract the fairies' attention.

For this reason, most of the noble sons may be very high in cultivation, but because they do not have the magic weapon to train the immortal soldiers, and because they do not cultivate magical powers, their own strength is often flashy.

Li Tianhua is the same.

For example, he has both innate flying swords and fairy armors, but he is rarely smelted. There is not much difference between the flying swords and armors on his body. After more than 20 years of training, he has only cultivated a magic sword skill. Three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, but realized the fur.


He is different from other noble sons. Although he did not train the fairy armor flying sword and did not practice any magic sword skills, the Jinwu Li family saw that he had a better qualification and created a good fortune for him.

Can I create it?


I can.

However, the creation of creation cannot be called even the acquired creation. To be precise, it does not belong to real creation at all, but can only be regarded as a kind of forgery.

of course.

Even if it is forged, it is also extremely powerful, and it is definitely not a problem to deter Fanxian.

The true good fortune requires constant hardening, whether it is innate or acquired, and the fake good forging doesn't need hardening. Just smash it with money. As long as you have money, the more money you smash, the stronger your fortune.

Jinwu Li's family created a fake for Li Tianhua, named Jinwu Firebird.

Is made from the essence of Jinwu in the Jinwu secret realm, which is said to have cost hundreds of millions.

After the burnt offering, it can be transformed into a golden black flamingo with extraordinary power.

Everyone thought that after Li Tianhua sacrificed Jin Wu Firebird and other creations, they could defeat Qian Ling. Even if they were undefeated, they could at least be suppressed.

But what shocked everyone was that when Li Tianhua sacrificed hundreds of millions of creations to create the incarnation of Jinwu Firebird, it turned out that ... he was cut by Qian Ling's three swords.

Looking at Li Tianhua falling from the air, everyone in the field was stunned.

Even if Li Tianhua's forgery is a forgery, it is also a forgery that costs hundreds of millions to build!

Even if he hasn't integrated with forgery yet, won't he be cut off by Qian Ling's three swords?

The people have not yet reacted from the deep shock, but they found that three six-star Luo Jinxian teamed up to encircle Qianling. Instead of gaining Qianling for nothing, she was defeated by her.

how can that be?

You must know that these three big Luo Jinxian are cultivated as Liuzhongtian, and they are still practicing Liutiantian for thousands of years. The immortal spirit is absolutely powerful and the immortal power is even stronger. With these thousands of years of cultivation, The big Luo Jinxian in the seventh heaven is definitely not in the wind.

Now these are the six masters who have practiced for thousands of years, but they are beaten by Qian Ling's unspoken, and even the resistance seems to be unstoppable.

This has to be shocking and horrifying.

到底 What exactly is Qianling doing?

怎 How so powerful?

who knows?

No one knows?

I want to see through a person's cultivation.

He either sacrificed consciousness, penetrated into the other's body, and probed into the other's fairy.

I just do n’t dare to do this, and no one dares to sacrifice God ’s knowledge to inquire into the other casually.

There is another way.

Judgment is based on the magical powers displayed by the opponent.

Because no matter what magical powers are displayed, they need their own fairy power to support them.

But the problem now is that Qian Ling's magical sword skills are too fast. It can't be said that the naked eye can't capture them.

Other than that.

There is also the most common and most direct method, which is to wait for the other party ’s fairy power to erupt, and to fully operate the fairy in the body. .

But after playing for so long, Qianling's fairy spirit has never fully operated, and it is difficult for others to see her cultivation for a while.


The most amazing thing is.

Qian Qianling seems to practice a lot of magical powers, and most of them are unheard of.

For example, she is currently performing a magic sword skill, one trick and one, ever-changing, and mysterious, such as the mirror and the moon, the falsehood, the truth, the falsehood, and the snow in the sky, it is impossible to parry.

Bang bang bang!

Finally, the three six-day masters who have practiced for thousands of years have blown their noses and noses, and defeated them.

"No wonder you are so mad, it turns out that you have a little skill, so let Ding come to try your skill!"

Ding Da leaped up, the immortal spirit in the body was operating at full strength, the whole body of light was burning like a flame, the surging immortal power was exploding, strong and sturdy, condensed and destroyed. This is the power of Taibai Jiutian. .

Knowing that Qian Ling is not a trivial matter, Ding Da's shot is a killing move, and he suddenly sacrifice a hand, just like Haotian Benlei. It is very powerful and very scary.


Qian Qianling was fearless. On a beautiful face, cold and cold, instead of dodging and receding, he waved his palms, and the palms of the palms suddenly turned into a water mirror, facing up.


The two clashed in the air!


Second palm!


Third Palm!

A shocking and horrifying scene happened, the two met three palms in the air.

Ding Da, who struck the first palm, groaned, his face paled!

Ding Dakou, who trembled in the second palm, vomited blood and stepped back.

The third palm is shocked by Dingda's Qiqiao bleeding ~ ~ The whole person fell to the ground fiercely.

Ding Da stood up from the ground, covering her chest, wow, and spit out blood again. At this moment, he wanted to be more embarrassed and how embarrassed, even the fairy armor on his body was cracked open, staring at his eyes, incredible Looking at Qian Ling in the air, his eyes were full of panic, and the hands behind him were trembling, and even the magical power of Taibai Nine Heaven, which had been burning like flames around him, became faint and swaying.

When empty.

Qian Qianling stood quietly.

Right-handed still holds the slightly bright blue water cloud sword.

And her entire body was glittering with golden brilliance. This golden brilliance was more powerful, stronger, more condensed, and more destructive than Dingda's previous glitter.

Everyone can see it.

This is the fairy power of Taibai Jiuzhongtian!

But unlike Ding Da's Taibai Jiuzhong, the glittering golden brilliance of Qian Ling is burning like a layer of flames.

People who know so much know that this fire is not other than Taibai Jiuzhong!

In other words.

Qian Ling's practice is not only as simple as Taibai Jiuzhong Tian, ​​she also cultivates Taibai Jiuzhong Jinyu!

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