
Vol 2 Chapter 1475: The power of one spirit smoke

Li Zhengshi of the Jinwu Li family first got a general understanding of the basic situation, and then asked people to support and take care of Jin Lie, Ding Da, and others. Then they looked at Qianling, Gu Qingfeng, and others, who were in the big fire, but he did not Instead of doing it, he glanced at Xuan Yun, and Shen Sheng asked: "Xuan Yun, I heard that you have been reconciling this matter?"


正 Li Zhengshi is very afraid of Xuan Yun's identity.

"I did want to reconcile, but some people didn't appreciate it." Xuan Yun's son stood with his hands in his hands, looked gentle, looked at the ancient breeze, and smiled lightly: "Also let my son see a good show , And I ’ve been waiting for a good show, I hope it is a wonderful show. "

好 "Okay! Since Son Xuanyun has nothing to do with this, then please don't bother yourself!"

正 Li Zhengshi stared at Gu Qingfeng sitting in a chair, and Qian Ling standing next to him, expressionless, his face full of the meaning of killing, everyone could feel his strong murderous power.

"Dare to hurt our Jinwu Li family and take the magic weapon! Get me down and die!"

Li Zhengshi yelled, the golden light of his whole body flashed wildly, and it was the Taibai Jiuzong Jinxuan. When he saw his arms, he suddenly pushed out a palm. When he was about to turn, the force of the Taixian Xianxuan that turned around was turned into a huge tiger. Passed.

This is the fairy martial art.

Is also a kind of martial arts that everyone believes is powerful.

At this moment, Li Zhengshi exerts his full strength, the power is extremely scary, not only contains his thick Taibai Jiuzong Jinxian Xianxian, but also contains the weight of the five elements of the mystery, as well as the fierce terrifying power, rushing away, the entire floating island As if they were trembling, the nine-headed Huoyun Chiyanhu had a deafening tiger shout with grinning teeth.

Everyone can see that Li Zhengshi ’s immortal martial arts has passed away, and it is impossible to say whether the nine fire clouds and red flame tigers are spared. It is unknown whether the ten or so people in the aunt can live. number.

I do n’t know.

Everyone has only seen Qian Ling's powerful strength. If she comes forward to resist, she may not be able to stop this golden scum.

Can't stand it.

The question now is not whether Qian Ling can block this golden jerk, or that she can block, and it does not help. You must know that Jinwu Li's family has come to nearly a thousand people, and it ’s just too white. Even if Qian Ling's strength is strong, it will certainly not be able to reach it.

Qian Qianling is not ignorant of this truth.

So, she can only pin her hope on Gu Qingfeng.

But when Li Zhengshi struck out this golden slaying tiger, Qian Ling found that Gu Qingfeng was still sitting on the chair, not only indifferent, but even drinking a little wine leisurely, as if he didn't even know that Li Zhengshi had started.

Wu Qianling couldn't wait any longer, and dare not take the lives of more than ten people in Ronaldinho's secret realm to gamble on whether Gu Qingfeng had any real talents. It was too late to think about it, just as she was about to resist, a strange scene happened.

I saw that fierce and mighty Jin Jindi Shahu was about to devour the nine fire clouds and red flame tigers.


I can't move.

Imagine being framed in the air, then staying still and still, Guanghua no longer flashes, power no longer growls, fairy power no longer works, mystery no longer evolves, martial art no longer evolves, everything is still there.

what happened?

Why is this happening?

who knows?

No one knows.

Everyone is staring with big eyes and small eyes, stunned by the scene in front of them.

Whose hand?

Sadly is Qianling?

But looking at her, she seemed to be more shocked and incredible than anyone.

He was obviously not her hand at all.

谁 Who would it be?

More than a dozen people in Xiao Luo's mystery are hiding inside the house. Only Qian Ling and the upstart are outside. If it was not Qian Ling's hands and feet, would it be the upstart?

Everyone looked at the upstart.

From the beginning to the end he was so boring sitting in a wide chair, leaning his body, leaning on the armrest, playing with two earth-shaking mysterious **** in one hand, holding a wine glass in one hand, drinking, without even lifting his head, the wind Light and light, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

所有人 Just when everyone was in an unparalleled shock, Gu Qingfeng finally spoke.

"This nine-headed Huoyun Ziyan Tiger aunt was bought by God for 500 million cents."

He drank all the wine in the glass, looked at the shocked and shocked Li Zhengshi and others, took the purple gold and white jade cigarette pot, took a sip, and said, "How can you make these little rabbits break?"

Speaking, he blew a lingering smoke on the opposite side of Jin Yandi, and then an even more incredible scene took place. A lingering breath of Gu Qingfeng blew over, and Jin Zhi, still standing in the air, Disha Tiger just disappeared.

I really disappeared.

灵 Like a ash, a lingering smoke disappeared with the wind.

If everyone did n’t know why the Jin Ji Di Sha Hu sacrificed by Li Zhengshi was still, then everyone knows at this moment that this is the hands and feet of Gu Qingfeng.

He didn't know what method was used to let Jin Xiedi Shahu and other fierce immortals inexplicably stand still in the air, and now he still had a smoky smoke to wipe out the ashes of this immortal.

That ’s the immortal of the Jinxi Disha Tiger, and it was also exhibited by the great successful Taibai Jinxian, such as Li Zhengshi. It contains not only the power of the Taibai gold, but also the mystery of the Five Elements, and the powerful earth evil. Power and power, few people in the field can resist.

Not only is he still inexplicably still in mid-air, but he is also destroyed by a bit of ashes that blew casually.


到底 How did he do it?

If this guy is a peerless master who cultivates profoundly, everyone will not be so shocked, but he wants to cultivate without cultivation, to create without creation, to have nothing to do, even the flesh is also flesh and blood ~ www ~ How can he do it?

Is there any magic weapon in my hands?

But he's been sitting in a chair from beginning to end, never doing anything, where's the magic weapon?

The stump pot is that purple gold and white jade?

But that's just a luxury jewelry in Dayiyi City. Apart from being expensive, there is nothing special, just for rich people to absorb the aura. Mo said that this thing is not a magic weapon at all, it is an innate magic weapon. It is also impossible to smash the ashes of the fairy martial arts such as Jin Mao Di Sha Hu that Li Zhengshi sacrificed with all his might.


Why exactly?

No one can believe this scene is true.

Especially Qian Ling.

Previously found that Gu Qingfeng was indifferent. She had no hope at all and was prepared to resist herself. If she could not do it, she would fight with the Jinwu Li family. However, Gu Qingfeng blew a lingering smoke, and Jin Xidi dispelled the tiger. ...

This feeling is like seeing a mortal with your own eyes, taking a breath and blowing down a mountain.

It really makes people unable to believe, to accept, and even to understand.

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