
Vol 2 Chapter 1487: Beauty and Heroes

"I thought I confessed just now."

Qi Mu Lingyao stood in front of Gu Qingfeng and said in surprise: "It turns out that you really are."

"Sister, do we know each other?"

Gu Qingfeng looked at Mu Lingyao, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he was. He was sure where he must have seen this little girl, but in the end, Gu Qingfeng couldn't remember it.

"No, right?" Mu Lingyao asked, "Don't you remember Miss Ben?"

"It's familiar, but I don't remember seeing it anywhere."

"How long has it passed? You don't remember it." Mu Lingyao frowned slightly and said very mindfully: "Is Miss Ben so insignificant in your eyes?"

"I have a bad memory."

The memory of the ancient breeze is really bad.

I ca n’t say it ’s bad.

But it's not selective.

Some people or things long and long ago, he will remember very clearly, but some recent events, he will gradually forget, there is only such a rough impression.

I do not know when this problem started. Gu Qingfeng wondered that it should be caused by rebirth. In the impression, after each rebirth of rebirth, after waking up, memories often become disordered.

"It's me! Have you forgotten? A few days ago you fell off the floating island, or did Miss Ben catch you?"

When I heard this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly realized, and immediately thought of it, and laughed: "The more I say, the more you look at it, the more you look familiar, it turns out that you are that big beauty!"

I discovered that Gu Qingfeng finally remembered it, Mu Lingyao was very happy, and said, "Do you finally think that I am here? Hero hero?"


Gu Qingfeng did think about it. It was a few days ago, just came to the small world of Fengyue, and after a meal on the floating island, Qian Ling, Qian Tou, and others went out shopping. After he slept, he was ready to go out. After strolling around, just jumping from the floating island, and before his feet were on the ground, he was caught by a glamorous woman. At that time, he also teased a beautiful woman to save the hero.

Next to Qiang, Qian Ling and Qian Bird looked at Gu Qingfeng and looked at Mu Lingyao again.

The two just heard Gu Qingfeng said that they seemed to know Mu Lingyao. They thought that Gu Qingfeng was bragging again, but they didn't expect it to be true, and the experience they knew was so wonderful, that Gu Qingfeng fell from the floating island. Mu Lingyao just caught it.

"Sister Huadie, he is the hero brother I said to you."

The fairy of Huahuadie did hear Mu Lingyao mention a hero brother.

Moreover, Mu Lingyao also said that at that time, she saw that the little hero had nothing to do with her. She was just a mere mortal, and thought she had fallen off the floating island. But then she looked at the little hero. There was no panic, Mu Lingyao felt very strange, so he was very impressed with the hero brother.

"Brother Hero, why did you forget me so quickly, but I am very impressed with you." Mu Lingyao exclaimed angrily: "Don't it make Miss Ben unattractive to you?"

"Sister, you can't blame me." Gu Qingfeng laughed. "I remember that you were wearing a silky and bright red dress, and also had loose hair. You raised your hands and showed a charming and charming, leaving me Impression, besides being **** or sexy, but now you have changed into such a neat black coat, your hair is tied up, and you are a bit of a heroic look, even the talk has become sharper, I am not afraid Admit it. "

Mu Lingyao laughed, covering her mouth and explaining, "Last time it was Miss Ben who just came back from a banquet and had not had time to change clothes. I came out for dinner this time, of course, I was wearing some serious clothes, but you ’re okay. Say me, look at you. I remember seeing you last time. You only wore a simple white coat. Why are you wearing this dress now? I thought I thought I was wrong. "

"How?" Gu Qingfeng stretched his arms and showed Mu Lingyao his luxurious style, asking, "Isn't he handsome?"

"Posh style, the whole is a upstart dress, very earthy and vulgar, and even tasteless, I urge you to throw it away, looking very spicy eyes."

"Still? You said lightly, but this was bought by the uncle for 200 million, and he hasn't worn it warmly yet."

"How do you say that, dare to call yourself Grandpa in front of Miss Ben? Are you tired? Wait, what did you just say? It cost 200 million? Good guy! You are really willing, are you rich?"

"Well, it's a small fortune."

"That's right."

"What's right?"

"Please invite us to dinner, but Miss Ben saved you last time, shouldn't you repay it?"

"What's the big deal for me, isn't it just invite me to dinner, little fun, let's go and have two drinks together."

"Sister Huadie, shall we go for a meal?"

The flower butterfly fairy stared at Gu Qingfeng as if thoughtfully, then nodded.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng leaving with Huadie Fairy, Mu Lingyao, and others, the guests at Babaozhuang were envious, envious and hateful. None of them thought that this upstart knew Mu Lingyao, and it seemed that Mu Lingyao still Saved this upstart, now Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy have to go out to eat with the upstart, which is how can everyone not envy.

You must know that both Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy are famous immortals in the bipolar celestial realm, especially the Huadie Fairy is a well-known medical fairy.

It is not only a great honor, but also a very face-to-face thing, to be able to join the Eight Treasure Banquet with them.

What a pity, this great honor, the big face was taken away by that **** upstart.

In the field.

Bai Yufei, Liu Feng, and Xuan Yun's faces are very bad, to be exact, it's hard to see. Green is white and white for a while, it looks like shame and anger!


Shame into anger.

Because the three of them just came out in the hope of having a drink with the flower and butterfly fairy, instead of being refused to say nothing, he was also trained hard by Mu Lingyao in front of so many people ~ ~ The three of them lost their faces.

What made the three people feel ashamed is that Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy rejected the three of them, but went to eat with the upstart, so how can the three of them not be angry and angry!

Especially Xuan Yun.

Before the Huadie Fairy came, he deliberately showed off his extensive network in the face of the ancient Qingfeng. Not only did he know the Huadie Fairy, he also planned to enter the Eight Treasure Banquet with the Huadie Fairy. For this reason, he also said that he would be recommended to Qian Ling.

now what.

She was rejected by Huadie Fairy and reprimanded by Mu Lingyao, and Huadie Fairy followed the upstart and did not need her referral at all.

When Xuan Yun was on the floating island before, he suffocated a fire, but now this anger is completely burnt. He burned and killed him, gritted his teeth, and said, "What an upstart who knows nothing about life!" It will make you kneel in front of my Xuanyun! "

"It's too cheap for him to kneel, he dare to grab my face, I will make him die!"

"It's nothing more than an upstart who doesn't know the height of the sky!" Liu Feng also said inscrutablely: "After all, the upstart is just an upstart and can't get on the big table. I will let him know how high the day is and how thick the ground is. He will also let him know who the bipolar heavens is. "

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