
Vol 2 Chapter 1495: He may be a lunatic

For a long time, Mu Lingyao felt that her cultivation was the best among her peers, and she was proud of the innate fire of Ziyan. By virtue of Ziyan's true fire, even if she encountered Xiu as a more powerful one, Opponent, she is not afraid.

However, until today, when she tried her best to fail to shake Gu Qingfeng, the kind of frustration gave her a feeling of despair, and she felt that she had cultivated for so many years. False, Xianjue is fake, and the magic weapon of tempering is also fake. Even the true fire of the innate ziyan that made her proud is fake, all are fake!

Otherwise, how could the immortal spirit be depleted, and Shi Zhanshi's studies in life could not shake him?

If the real fire of the innate purple inflammation is not fake, how could this guy be blown out by a sip of wine!

It doesn't matter if this guy is the kind of senior who is cultivated in depth.

But this guy is just a mortal who has to cultivate for nothing, but for goodness!

Qi Mu Ling Yao really can't figure it out.


She doesn't believe in the immortal body of Gu Qingfeng's body at all.

But now, she would rather believe it to be true.

If this guy's body is really immortal, she may still feel better in her heart, after all, it is a legendary great creature, and she should not be able to shake herself.

Can't stand it.

In one sentence, the fairy of the flower butterfly pulled the self-deceiving Mu Lingyao back into the cruel real world.

Although Mu Lingyao didn't want to, he had to admit that what Huadie Fairy said was right. Between heaven and earth, regardless of any creature, there is a special breath of creation. No more breath.

This shows that his physical body is not an immortal body at all, nor is it a creature of any creation, but an ordinary body that cannot be ordinary.

Oh Cangtian!

What a land!

Thinking of his mortal who failed to shake a flesh and blood, he was also sipped by this mortal with the real fire of his congenital purpura, Mu Lingyao felt his chest clogged and felt dizzy. If it wasn't for the Huadie Fairy's quick response, if she held her up, Mu Lingyao would be paralyzed on the ground again.

Looking at Mu Lingyao, the flower butterfly fairy shook her head slightly. Although she was curious about the ancient Qingfeng, she also knew that Mu Lingyao's fairy spirit was exhausted and people almost collapsed. She had to adjust her interest rate as soon as possible to replenish the yuan. After that, he left with Mu Lingyao.

After the ancient Qingfeng had eaten and drank enough, he didn't stay too long, leaving Qianling and Qianbird and others.

I wandered for a while in Xianxian City, and Gu Qingfeng began to be a little lacking, so he let Ma Ma book a luxurious garden, ready to sleep and talk.

This is another floating island.

The former floating island was named Rihua Island, and the environment on the island was very regular, as was the garden.

This floating island is known as Jinyu Island. The garden on the island is like a luxurious manor, full of grandeur.

After the ancient breeze came to the garden, he went directly to a bed and fell asleep.

The others in Lu Xiaoluo's mystery also got together and whispered about the mysterious and weird ancient Qingfeng.

Qian Qianling stood in the gazebo, looking into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Chidori sat in the gazebo next to him and looked at the fish swimming in the pool, seemingly in a daze.

After a long while, Chidori began to ask, "Sister Ling, why do you think a little drunk can be so powerful?"

Qian Qianling shook her head. If she could, she also wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Who the **** is a drunkard?"

Chidori asked to himself.

Wu Qianling shook her head again. She wanted to know the answer to this question more than Chidori.

"I always thought that the little drunk was just an ordinary person who lost his cultivation. Even if he had cultivated before, it might not be too high, not even the fairy ..."

Chidori was talking, Qian Ling interrupted and said, "Is he an immortal before? I may not know, but it must not be an ordinary person."

"Sister Linger, do you say that the little drunk was really a grandfather before?" Chidiao frowned, and said, "I thought about this, but ... Do you think of a little drunk? He is in our little Luo Secret has stayed for more than twenty years, all day is full of sleep, full of sleep, and ... You look at him, laugh and laugh when he is with us, not only at random, It's still tacky. He doesn't talk and behave like a grandfather. Is there a grandfather like him? "

Qian Qianling said: "Some of the seniors are not necessarily mature and stable, and they are full-faced. There are also some seniors who live freely and never care about worldly eyes."


Chidiao shook her head, and she could never associate Gu Qingfeng with a sitting, sitting, or standing position. The dangling man was associated with the senior character.

"Sister Linger, do you know? I always think that the little drunkard's brain is a bit abnormal ... People are also stupid. He often says unreliable things, and what he says is a bit rebellious, I think he may have more than amnesia There is a problem with spirit. "

Chidori got something out of the storage ring and fed it to the fish in the pool. "Think carefully about what the little drunk said. It's ridiculous. He said how powerful he was then. He took the bright day in nine days. Xia Jiuyou stole the dark moon, and also said what hit the world's invincible, and even the Lord Buddha was scared when he saw him, and also what swallowed the chaos, blowing up the heavens and the earth, and blowing down the universe ...

"These ghost words can't be tricked by a three-year-old child. If the spirit of the little alcoholic is not a problem, how can you say these words that are not marginal."

Chidori tilted her head and thought about ~ ~: "Although the young drunk looks very powerful, but I think it should be related to his weird flesh, and I think he may not even know why he is so Great. "


I don't just think of Qiandiao, Qian Ling sometimes thinks so.

She often wonders if Gu Qingfeng has encountered any special experience before, which leads to the loss of cultivation and her mental disorder.

This situation is not uncommon. Many senior masters have cultivated problems. After going into the devil, there are many people with mental disorders. Some are crazy, sometimes crazy, sometimes normal, and the consciousness is sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

Although Gu Qingfeng looks normal, the words he says are too outrageous. However, a normal person cannot say those things that are outrageous, and even a normal person, no matter how strong he is, is no matter how powerful he is. It may be fearless, and the people who scared the Jinwu Li family on the floating island previously are nothing more. This time in Babaozhuang, they also played people with large backgrounds such as the flower butterfly fairy and Mu Lingyao.

感觉 She feels that Gu Qingfeng is not afraid of heaven and earth, as if everything in heaven and earth doesn't matter in his eyes.

Looking at the world, I am afraid that only those mentally lunatics will be reckless. Ca n’t be lawless without knowing to be afraid?

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