
Vol 2 Chapter 1505: Think about how to spend 10 trillion

"Ten trillion trillion stones, it sounds a lot."

Elder Gu Qingfeng asked with a smile: "Little Chidori, if you give you a trillion trillion stones, what are you going to spend?"

"I ... Where do I know." Chidori pouted and said, "I spend the most time in my life to get a hundred thousand immortals."

Thousands of birds don't know how to spend, neither Qianling, Mu Lingyao, nor even the flower and butterfly fairy.

The ancient breeze quipped: "You haven't seen the world at first glance, and you don't even know how to spend such a little money."

"Little money? That's ten trillion!"

"That is, little drunkard, if you give you ten trillion, how do you know how to spend it?"

"of course."

"What are you going to spend?"

"It's not easy. I will first buy all the fine wines of Fengyue Small World, but if you have all the names, buy as many as you want, and change the drink every day."

"Buy so much wine, have you finished drinking?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't finish drinking, Grandpa and I drink one and pour one, then throw another and sprinkle one."

"Drinking an altar and an altar? Are you panic burning?"

"Bullshit! It was just panic with money."

"Okay." Mu Lingyao asked in a persuasive manner: "And then? Even if you buy all the fine wine, you won't spend much?"

"Buy another 100,000 little maids to take turns waiting for them, changing one a day, not the same every day."

"Hundreds of maids? Waiting in turns?" Mu Lingya despised: "Thank you for speaking out, so many maids have nowhere to stand!"

"It doesn't matter if there is no place to stand. A nine-headed Huoyun Chiyanhu big **** like this will get 10,000 cars, enough to hold 100,000 maids, right? Yeah, I sit in the middle and don't do anything every day Enjoy. "

"Ms. Ben hasn't seen Dese, but it's definitely the first time you've been so deceived like you. Drink and you can drink and go down. You can buy 100,000 waitresses to take turns waiting for you? No wonder you're not robbed of you! "

"Grab me? Who dares? Grandpa, I will hire a million Luo Jinxian to watch every day, to see who is not pleasing to the eye, Grandpa and I waved a big hand, and a million Luo Jinxian to work together, even his mother is God, you also have to When you are finished, just ask if you are afraid! Hahaha! "

Listening to these words said by Gu Qingfeng, whether it is the flower butterfly fairy or Qianling, nor whether it is Mu Lingyao or Qiandiao, the ancient Qingfeng is too much.

I bought all the world's fine wine, and drunk it down.

I bought another 10,000 Nine-Headed Huoyun Chiyanhu Daxun, and she specially pulled 100,000 young maids to take turns serving them every day.

I also hired a million Luo Jinxian to guard every day.

I was so smitten in this scene, I said I've seen it, I've never even heard of it, I can't imagine what it would look like.

怎么 样 "How's it? Enough, isn't it cool?"

Gu Gu Qingfeng laughed and said, "Wait for my grandfather, I won the gold tower's ten trillion yuan prize, and then I tried it. One hundred thousand maids took turns to wait and drunk every day, dreaming, just cool! Hahaha!"

Looking at Gu Qingfeng laughing so madly, Mu Lingyao couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "Master, don't you ever dream about it, okay? You should wake up."

就是 "That's it, little drunkard, look at you like that, just like you've got a trillion dollar prize."

"It's nothing more than breaking into the 81st floor of the gold tower. Isn't that the same as playing for Grandpa?" Gu Qingfeng laughed: "Sisters, look at me, wait for Grandpa I get the bonus, one person first I'll send you eight billion billions of fun first. "

"I said, little drunkard, did you guy have the same old problem again? Why did you start to blew up again? Do you think that winning the gold tower is so easy to drive, you know that sister Lingyao only passed the ninth floor. It ’s just that Sister Huadie has only gone to the 19th floor. Just you? Are you ready to go up to the 81st floor? You really dare to think. "

"Nothing dare to think of this."

"My dear little brother, I didn't intend to interrupt your dream, but I'm sorry, even if I don't want to, I have to tell you a cruel reality."

"What reality?"

"Do you know how many people have broken into the highest eighty-first floor since the establishment of the Golden Tower?"

"How many?"

Mu Lingyao said: "No one, let alone the highest eighty-first floor, which is the seventy-second floor. No one has broken into it so far. Although some people have broken into the sixty-third floor, it was all thousands of years ago. Since Fengyue Small World changed the rules to win the gold tower, the highest level in the millennium has broken into the 54th floor. "

"No one has broken into the highest eighty-first floor before, so I have n’t come because of my grandfather. Now that my grandfather is here, he said that the Rouszi ’s gold medal tower is only eighty-one floors, which is 80,000 floors. Grandpa, I said I would go up. "

"I bother!"

Mu Lingyao gave a stern cry, despising: "I heard Xiao Qiandiao say you have a problem with bragging. I don't believe it. Now I have seen it. You guys blow the cowhide and it really blows the sky. It ’s a set of 80,000 floors. It ’s up to you. Look at what you can and give you a ladder. You have to go directly to nine days. ”

With the contact with Gu Qingfeng, Mu Lingyao increasingly felt that Gu Qingfeng was not like any senior man. He talked and behaved in an exaggerated manner. How can such a person be a senior man? The key is that he still likes it. Bragging, just blowing, everyone has blown, but this guy is too good at blowing, it is still the kind of extremely outrageous cowhide, what kind of master is this, it is just a free mental illness!

Mental illness?

and many more!

Previously, Chidori said that this guy's spirit is abnormal, and his brain is a bit problematic, shouldn't it ... be true?

Don't say.

I really look.

Not only Mu Lingyao felt like, but even the flower and butterfly fairy began to wonder if the spirit of Gu Qingfeng was really a little abnormal, otherwise, how could the speech be so out of tune.

"Isn't it just a gold tower? ~ It's worth my bragging? Beautiful women, if you don't believe it, when the grand master rushes to win the gold tower, I will bring you all and show you chic Take you to fly, let you open your eyes, and instantly let you see what it means to be omnipotent. "

The ancient breeze hahaha laughed, stood up, and walked towards Dasao.

Looking at the departing Gu Qingfeng, Mu Lingyao shook her head, and the eyes of Gu Qingfeng gradually changed.

From fear at the beginning to contempt later, it has become sympathy.

"Sister Huadie, Lingyao, don't mind, little drunkards like nonsense bragging, we're all used to it."

"But his bragging is too outrageous?"

"This is also outrageous? If you have heard of the cowhide before the little alcoholic blows, you will not think it is outrageous."

"What ridiculous cowhide has he ever blown?"

"Too much, the little drunk said that he could scare the sun down with a glance, and said that he had beaten the invincible in the wilderness, grabbed the day of light in the past nine days, caught the moon of darkness in the next nine days, and said that Lianfo The Lord saw that he was terrified, and said that he swallowed the chaos, blowing up the heavens and the earth, blowing down the universe, and said ... "

"My dear mother, he dare to blow!"

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