
Vol 2 Chapter 1511: regret!

The gambling game has been set.

Wu Xuanyun and the three left without saying anything.

Regarding the gambling game between them, everyone around them has been talking about it. Almost everyone thinks that Gu Qingfeng, the upstart, will definitely lose. The reason is simple. The luck of winning the gold tower is too high, the variables are too large, and there is too much uncertainty. Otherwise, the flower and butterfly fairies who previously boarded the nineteenth floor of the Golden Tower will not be eliminated on the third floor. Looking at the entire bipolar heavens, I am afraid that no one will dare to say that they will be able to board the Golden Tower II. Seventeen floors.

If it is the ninth layer, there may be hope for winning. After all, the odds of the ninth layer are only one tenth, and it is not impossible to win.

However, the twenty-seventh floor will evolve a full 10,000 formations, of which only one formation to the next level, the chance is one in ten thousand, even if you have great understanding, you ca n’t be in a few The time to breathe deduces which of the 10,000 formations is the formation to the next level.

someone said.

The upstart must have won 1.8 billion in casino dice after playing dice, and thought that winning the golden tower was like luck in the casino dice.

However, in the eyes of many people, everyone with a normal mind knows that winning the gold tower is not so simple, so this upstart is probably because of spiritual problems after repairing, if not, how? I would say that on the twenty-seventh floor, it's as ridiculous as playing, and it's even more impossible to bet with Xuanyun three on such a bet.

Among the crowd.

Bai Yufei, Liu Feng and Xuan Yun stood in front, waiting for the official opening of the Golden Tower.

Bai Yufei and Liu Feng look very good.

Since they were robbed of the limelight by Gu Qingfeng in Babaozhuang, they have always wanted to take a good chance to teach this upstart without knowing it.

However, because the flower butterfly fairy and Mu Lingyao have always been with Gu Qingfeng, they do n’t dare to do anything. This is not important. The important thing is that they do not know the depth of the ancient Qingfeng, and they dare not act lightly. After all, the ancient Qingfeng had previously The four Taibai Jinxian were scared to death alive, which made them particularly frightened.

None of them thought that Xuan Yun would come up with such a good method, Bai Yufei praised: "I have to say, Brother Xuan Yun, your method is really good, first compliment the upstart with words, let that The upstart is so ecstatic, and then puts it up by using the radical method. Since then, if the upstart does not dare to play, he has to confess in front of us, but he didn't expect him to agree, huh, huh! What a silly thing to do. "

Liu Feng also said, "Yes, Brother Xuan Yun's move is not so clever. Brother, I really admire the five-body investment. This time, the three of us brothers can not only show a good face in front of everyone, but also It can be a hard lesson for that upstart who knows nothing about life and death. "

Bai Yufei and Liu Feng are happier than each other, but Xuan Yun's face does not show any happy expression. Instead of not having a happy expression, he frowns deeply, seemingly worried, doubtful, and even worried. Some regrets.


Worry, doubt, regret!

Gu Qingfeng made him lose face in front of Qian Ling three times before and after three times. Xuan Yun wanted to step on Gu Qingfeng more than Bai Yufei and Liu Feng, but because he had witnessed the ancient times on Floating Island After the mysterious and strangeness of Qingfeng, he was terrified and did not dare to act lightly.

I also hate Gu Qingfeng because of his heart since the last floating island.

He not only hated Gu Qingfeng for stealing his limelight in front of Qian Ling, but also hated Gu Qingfeng for stealing his limelight in front of Huadie Fairy.

This makes the mysterious and arrogant heart very dissatisfied, especially when the nine-headed fire and cloud flame flame tiger aunt came here, looking at the upstart sitting leisurely on the chair, and the flower butterfly fairy, Mu Ling Yao and Qian Ling stood on the side. Mu Ling Yao shouted what kind of master he was, which made Xuan Yun so jealous!

He thinks he is thousands of times better than this upstart. He also thinks that he should take the flower butterfly fairy, Mu Lingyao and Qian Ling to participate in the gold tower!

and so.

As soon as my mind was hot, I wanted to use the method to make Gu Qingfeng, an upstart, shame in front of everyone!

As Bai Yufei said, first compliment the upstart with words, let the upstart be ecstatic, and then use the radical method to put it up, knowing that the upstart is inscrutable, Xuan Yun also specifically proposed to take the gold tower twenty Such a distant request on the seventh floor, since then, if the upstart is afraid to play, he must confess to him. As long as he confesses to him, Xuan Yun can make him shameless in front of everyone.


What I didn't think of him in any case was that the upstart didn't admit it, but also said that it was the same as playing on the 27th floor of the Golden Tower.

This is an unexpected surprise for Xuan Yun,

Therefore, he immediately made a bet. To his surprise, the upstart not only did not refuse, but also promised the gamble.

The moment the upstart promised, he even fantasized about the results in his mind.

At that time, the upstart was kneeling in front of himself and hoeing his sins!

However, Xuan Yun will not let him scratch his head. He must be in front of the Huadie Fairy, in front of Mu Lingyao, and in front of Qian Ling, especially in front of everyone. The householder helped him up and announced in public that the previous one was just a joke and had fun for everyone.

In this way ~ ~ He Xuan Yun not only can show his face fiercely in front of everyone, but soon, Xuan Yun's elegant demeanor will also spread throughout the whole wind moon small world and even the entire bipolar heaven , And Huadie Fairy and Qian Ling will look at her differently.

He dreamed of such a scene, and look forward to such a scene.

But after the impulse, calm down and think about it. The dream that had been set can't help but start to blur. The original happy mood is like falling from heaven to hell.

The more he thought about it, the more this thing went too smoothly, and it was a bit abnormal, especially when Bai Yufei put forward 10 million sounds, such an excessive request that the upstart did not even refuse. This is not only abnormal, but Some evil doors.

If you only make a sound, anyone can lose it. Xuan Yun can also lose, and you lose, so you can make a sound.

But now it's ten million sounds. The upstart didn't even think about it, so he agreed.

I want to come in Xuanyun, but anyone with a normal mind will not agree to such an excessive bet. The key is that this bet is still a bet that must be lost.

And why did the upstart agree without hesitation?

到底 Is he abnormal in his brain, or is he really confident?

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