
Vol 2 Chapter 1531: Summit

Capture the Golden Tower.

The 45th floor.

After the upstart reached this floor, he found a place casually, eating Daluojing Sutra, and waited without hesitation.

This layer will evolve 100,000 matrix formations. These 100,000 array formations are not condensed at one time, but are condensed continuously. When condensed, they circle like a ripple on the sea. .

After a while, Gu Qingfeng took a smoky breath and stood on a matrix.

At the moment of the clamor, the formation was running, and the teleportation followed, and his figure appeared on the 46th floor the next moment.

Is it finished?


I won't end.

三十 The forty-seventh layer condenses 300,000 arrays, and the ancient Qingfeng passes smoothly.

The forty-eighth layer condenses 400,000 arrays, and the ancient Qingfeng passes smoothly again.

The fifty-second layer condenses 800,000 formations, and the ancient breeze still passes smoothly.

The 54th floor condenses millions of formations, and the ancient breeze still passes smoothly.

When his figure appeared on the 54th floor of the Golden Tower, the audience was full of excitement.

Although the highest record since winning the tower was sixty-three, since the rule was modified once a thousand years ago, the highest record since the millennium is fifty-four.

In other words, when Gu Qingfeng stood on the 54th floor of the Golden Tower, it meant that he had stood on the highest record line in a thousand years.

Everyone in the market cheered and shouted, looking more excited than one.

I was able to see for myself that someone had broken the highest record since the Golden Tower was seized for thousands of years, which is indeed something to cheer for.

Can't stand it.

In addition to cheering, I was more shocked, envious, and jealous.

I was shocked because no one could think of such a mortal without any practice. His upstarts who talked and behaved extremely exaggeratedly could stand at the highest record since the millennium.

I envy because the bonuses of the 54th floor are as high as 10 billion yuan.

That's a billion celestial stones! How can one not envy.

I'm jealous because everyone knows that after today, this exaggerated upstart will certainly become famous in the bipolar heavens, and then the wealth of beauties will be countless.

"God! This guy broke the highest record in a thousand years! This is crazy!"

At this moment, Mu Lingyao has no idea how to describe the excited heart, the words of excitement are incoherent.

The hearts of Huadie Fairy and Qianling are more complicated than one. If they had doubts about whether Gu Qingfeng was the old master before, then the doubt has disappeared. They are sure that Gu Qingfeng must have been one before. A grandfather and an extraordinary grandfather.

If not, it would be impossible to ascend the 54th floor of the Golden Tower, because it requires a powerful and immense sense of God and unparalleled understanding.

A person's perception may be innate and it is difficult to change it the day after tomorrow, but there is no shortcut to God ’s knowledge. To make God ’s knowledge strong, only a little bit of slowly accumulate.

Before they thought about it, Gu Qingfeng must have been a master who had cultivated profoundly. For some reason, it may lead to the loss of cultivation, but it is only the loss of cultivation. His consciousness is still very strong and the deduction ability Not ordinary people can imagine.

at the same time.

The seniors in the various secret realms are also discussing the identity of Gu Qingfeng. Before that, they all thought that Gu Qingfeng might be just an upstart who suddenly became wealthy overnight. Until now, he has witnessed Gu Qingfeng ascending the gold tower fifty. On the fourth floor, they all realized that they had made a wrong judgment, and looked away.

"Stumped this man was really a grandfather before?"

A group of deacons who seized the Golden Tower were also discussing.

Mr. Luo frowned deeply, staring at the ancient wind that won the Golden Tower, Shen said, "It was unknown whether this man was a grandfather before, but one thing is certain, he is definitely not a simple one. For a single upstart, it is impossible for the upstart to reach the 54th floor of the Golden Tower. "

"Even if he was really a grandfather before, if the cultivation is lost, the immortal body should be there, it cannot be reduced to the mortal body."

或许 "Maybe he is a reincarnation."

"But the problem is, there is no reincarnation in him at all!"


They guessed, no one could tell why.

Father Luo said: "The world is huge, endless mystery, endless unknown, I am just a frog at the bottom of a wild wilderness, how can we know the omnipotence between the heavens and the earth."

Capture the Golden Tower.

After the ancient breeze reached the fifty-fourth floor, it did not stop and continued upward.

Although after fifty-four layers, the formation method increases exponentially, but for the ancient Qingfeng, there is no difficulty. The only difference is just waiting for some time, because the more the formation method, the longer the coagulation time.

The fifty-fifth layer condenses two million arrays, and the ancient Qingfeng passes smoothly.

The 56th floor condenses three million formations, and the ancient Qingfeng still passes smoothly.

The sixty-second layer condenses nine million formations, and the ancient Qingfeng passes smoothly again.

As Gu Qingfeng moved forward one layer after another on the Gold Tower, the cheering and talking voices on the court became smaller and smaller, until when Gu Qingfeng's figure appeared on the 63rd floor, the court again. Become silent, no one cheers, and no one talks again.

On the 63rd floor, this is the highest record since the gold pagoda was built, and this record was created thousands of years ago when the gold pagoda was not modified as a rule. Thousands of years have passed since the rule was modified. No one can reach the 63rd floor.


Finally, someone broke the highest ever record of winning the gold tower ~ ~, and this person is still a mortal without any practice.


Everyone can't cheer up, because this scene is so crazy, it makes them feel dreamy and unable to breathe.

Talk about it?

Everyone can't talk.

This mortal without any practice has already boarded the 63rd floor of the Golden Tower. Is it still meaningful to discuss whether he is a big master? How is it? What's wrong? Is there a difference? He has already boarded the 63rd floor of the Golden Tower. Even if it is really a flamboyant upstart, it is also a legendary upstart!

The legend of upstarts has not ended because of this, and continues.

The 64th floor, the 65th floor ... the 67th floor ... the 72nd floor, the 73rd floor ...

this moment.

Everyone who gathers at the Gold Tower, whether it is Fanxian seeking wealth and fun, or Yaxian seeking fame and fortune, or whether they are knowledgeable seniors or experienced seniors, everyone is looking up and staring Eyes, mouth opened, staring in shock, just like a statue, can only look, forgetting to breathe, forgetting to think, the mind is already blank.

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