
Vol 2 Chapter 1533: Lost 3 boys

"I really want to know?"

Wu Mu Lingyao nodded heavily, she wanted to know more than anyone.

"Let ’s put it this way, my God ’s consciousness is as powerful as it is powerful. The vastness is endless and infinite. With the movement of consciousness, the universe can be explored, and the universe can be checked. No, as soon as my understanding is opened, you can gain insight into the mysteries of the Three Thousand Avenues. Grandfather and I will count, know everything in the heavens and underground, know everything about the past and the future. "

The words said by the ancient breeze are not exaggerated.

Everyone in the market looked at each other and did not believe it.

No matter how powerful the consciousness is, it is impossible to explore the cosmic floods and investigate the heavens and the earth, and what insights can be gained once the understanding is opened? Know everything in heaven and underground, know everything in the past and the future?

This is really exaggerated.

of course.

Although no one believes Gu Qingfeng's words, no one dares to deny it, nor dare to laugh at irony.

After all, they all witnessed Gu Qingfeng's easy ascent to the 81st floor of the Golden Tower. It is clear that even though these words said by Gu Qingfeng are exaggerated, the power of his divine understanding is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


Mu Lingyao wanted to scold this guy and start bragging and talking, but after experiencing such things as floating island, Babaozhuang, and winning the gold tower, she really did n’t dare to say that Gu Qingfeng was bragging for a while. Big talk.

When floating on the island, she did not say she was not present. In Babaozhuang, Gu Qingfeng said that she was exhausted and could not shake the cents. It turned out to be the case. Now she is winning the gold tower. The top of the gold tower is just like playing, as it turns out, it is really the same.

In the eyes of Mu Lingyao, Flower Butterfly Fairy, Qian Ling and others, the ancient Qingfeng is a mysterious stranger who can no longer be mysterious!

I saw what Mu Lingyao wanted to ask, but Gu Qingfeng was not interested in listening, and said, "Sister, Grandpa has been tossing for so long, I'm really tired. It's time for us to go home."

"Go away so soon?"

"Otherwise? I have to play, I have to sell, I have to sell, and I have to win the bonus. Why not stay here?"

"There is one important thing left to do!"

"whats the matter?"


"Bet? Oh, what you don't say, I still forget."

When I heard the word bet, Gu Qingfeng remembered it. It seemed that such a thing was happening, and laughed, "Where are the three little guys, shouldn't they be running away?"

Perhaps it was because the shock that Gu Qingfeng brought to everyone today is so crazy that everyone invaded it and could not extricate themselves for a long time, leaving other things completely behind their heads. At this moment, listen to Mu Lingyao's mention, everyone also I remembered that there was indeed such a thing as betting.

"Run? They dare not run, even if they want to run!"

Xi Mu Lingyao quickly found Bai Yufei, Xuan Yun and Liu Feng among the crowd.

The three did not run.

It ’s not that I do n’t want to run, or that I do n’t dare to run, nor is it that I ca n’t run, but all three know that if they ran today, then they will not be shameful in the bipolar heavens. It started.

At this moment.

The faces of the three of them are uglier than others, and people also look muddy and haunted, as if they have suffered a huge blow.


Today, the three of them wanted to take this opportunity to step down Gu Qingfeng, the upstart, under their feet, and it could also destroy the arrogance of Mu Lingyao. Most importantly, they could show their publicity in front of everyone.

But no one expected that Gu Qingfeng, the upstart, actually successfully ascended the 27th floor of the Golden Tower, not only on the 27th floor, but also on the 54th floor, which broke the highest record since the millennium, and then climbed up. Going to the 63rd floor broke the highest ever record of winning the gold tower, and finally it was easy to climb to the 981th floor, becoming the first to win the top of the tower in thousands of years since the arrow tower. people.

Why did the ancient breeze upstart get to the top of the gold tower?

do not know.

The three of them couldn't figure out how to break their heads.

They are not convinced.

Extremely dissatisfied.

I just refused to accept it. Even if I didn't accept it, I had to admit that Gu Qingfeng really boarded the top of the tower.

They knew that they lost this time, and they lost very miserably. Not only did they not suppress the Gu Qingfeng upstart under their feet, nor did they destroy Mu Lingyao's arrogance. Instead, they made themselves shameful and conspicuous. Waiting for them is the ten million ringtones as a bet!

The only thing that makes them feel lucky is that today, whether it is the Jinwuliu family, the wealthy white family, or the Lotus Mystery, there are many senior masters. It is also because of the senior masters who have their own families. Otherwise, the three would not know what to do today.

Needless to say, more than a hundred people including Liu Kaiyun have already arrived.

There are also dozens of people in the Bai family of Qihaomen, led by the old Baiteng seniors.

There are dozens of people in the lotus secret, too, headed by Father Dan Lei.

Whether it is Liu Kaiyun of the Jinwuliu family, white rattan of the luxuriant Bai family, and Father Dan Lei in the secret place of lotus, they are all predecessors in the bipolar world.

Na Liu Kaiyun and Bai Teng are both immersed in the golden light of the thirty-sixth day of heaven ~ ~ The fairy body has too white gold magpies, old star wood magpies, chenxing water magpies, and fascinating fire magpies, The four magpies are guarded, and the immortals in the body also contain the Taibai Jinxin, Suixingmuxin, Chenxingshuixin, and Huoxin. The four maggots, known as the four magpies, plus the two are the predecessors of ancient times. Their strength Unpredictable,

And Master Dan Lei in the Lotus Secret is even better. He has practiced for tens of thousands of years. He is very enthusiastic and has a high level of domain name in the bipolar world. The masters of the large and small Secret Realms in the field must also call his seniors. You know, This father Dan Lei is a town star golden immortal who has stepped into the forty days. Although he has not yet built the town star soil and the heart of the town star soil, but in one way, it is already the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil. Change and change, the thunder can be fired in your hands.

According to rumors, once you have cultivated the heart of the five concubines and the heart of the five concubines, you can integrate into nature, understand the mysteries of nature, exert the power of nature, and use the laws of nature.

Although Father Dan Lei still has a terrible heart, his strength is not comparable to those of the predecessors in the big secrets on the field.

When we saw Liu Kaiyun from the Jinwuliu family, old Baiteng seniors from the luxuriant Bai family, and Father Dan Lei from the lotus secret, standing with Bai Yufei, Xuan Yun, and Liu Feng, everyone on the scene knew this. In the end, the gambling bureau is afraid that it will be over. These old seniors will certainly come forward to defend the three Bai Yufei. At least, they will definitely not let them go down in the court to smash the 10 million loud noises.

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