
Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Grandpa i'm just an honest man

When Dan Lei in the Lotus Mystery, Liu Kaiyun in the Jinwuliu family, and Baitong's three old seniors in the white family came forward to intercede, the crowd had already guessed the result, and the mysterious grandfather was expected to face three An old man asked for the hegemony, he promised, and he promised.

At first, everyone saw that this mysterious grandfather could ascend the gold pagoda on the 988th floor. Facing the pleadings of the three mysterious families, he was indifferent at the beginning. Many people thought that this grandfather really had great power. , Do not look at the three major mysterious families, now it seems that this is no longer the case.

Think about it, it makes sense.

After all, it is an iron fact that the great master repaired to lose everything. Even if he has a strong sense of knowledge, how can he climb to the 989th floor of the Golden Tower?

In the face of the hegemony of the Lotus Mystery, the Jinwuliu Family, and the wealthy Bai Family, I dare not agree.

If you don't agree, a letter from the three mysterious families of the family will call out countless masters, and you can be scared to death.

In this case, anyone who was present would not dare not agree.

In the final analysis, the great waste is a great waste that respects its strength. Only those who have the ability will recognize you as the great master. You have no strength. Even if you were a great master before, if you repair it, you will lose it in most eyes. Tooth tigers are not at all scared.

Immediately on the court, Xuan Yun, Liu Feng, and Bai Yufei changed their previous decadence, and immediately became Rong Guanghuan.

When the ancient Qingfeng boarded the 981st floor of the Golden Tower, they lost their souls and dared not to look up. When they knelt down and apologized, they also lost their faces.

And when Dan Lei and others paid their respects first, then asked for their overlord love, lost their overlord rituals, and threatened Gu Qingfeng, the three of them all held their heads upright, their pride regained their expressions, and the proud and proud expression seemed to tell all People, they can't afford to gamble or lose, but the grandfather can't afford to play, without the courage, and dare not play with them.

Although they just kneeled to make up for their sins, they made them very shameful, but now the elders of the three great mysterious families have taken the lead for them, and the mysterious grand master who was forced to dare not agree, which made them more or less save face.

"Yuner, thank you for your generosity!"

Bian Danlei stood next to him, with one hand behind him, and the other with his white beard on his chin. He was so full of face that he was able to put a foot on the predecessor's posture.

Xuan Yun's three people looked at Gu Qingfeng, and in his eyes, a proud and disdainful and disdainful smile appeared. When he was about to thank, Gu Qingfeng, who was sitting on a chair, said, "Okay, thank you, I want If you are thankful, let's thank Xuan Yun's meal that he had previously invited. "

哦 "Oh?" Dan Lei seemed dazed, and asked, "I don't know what you mean?"

"Isn't this just when I first came to Fengyue Small World? Son Xuan Yun invited his grandfather to have a great meal. It ’s a kindness, and I can always remember it. Before I bet, the grandfather said that he would give him a favor. This Let's repay this relationship. "

"Is this still the case?"

Luo Danlei looked at Xuanyun.

"It's true, but ..." Xuan Yun proudly said: "The son also said before that the meal was only for Linger, and it has nothing to do with you. The reason why you can sit down is completely Linger's face. , So you do n’t owe anything to this boyfriend, nor do you need to pay back this boyfriend ’s favor. ”


Mu Lingyao really couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up and yelled, "You are too shameless. Our grandfather sees Dan Lei's old face and doesn't care about you and bets, it's enough to give you face. Not only are you grateful, but you are still shameless here to speak bluntly! "

"Hehe! Miss Mu, my father-in-law has kneeled and kneeled, his sin has been lost, and his apology has passed, and, betting, my father can afford to lose. It is nothing more than 10 million beatings. That ’s it, as long as the grandfather said that he would let the son-in-law do it, the son-in-law would not hesitate to do it right away. The son-in-law ca n’t finish it alone. All of our masters and brothers in the lotus secret will surely accompany me. There will be no fewer! "


Salix wind and Bai Yufei also both stood up and echoed.

At this moment, the elders of the mysterious family support themselves, and the three of Xuanyun have a lot of energy. In addition to the threat of Dan Lei, the ancient Qingfeng who was finally forced to dare not agree, Xuanyun three is expected to be afraid of the lotus secret. Powerful, now I can't help but get lost, turn around, stare at Gu Qingfeng, and sneer: "Master, do you dare to give you a **** today, if you dare? If you dare, my father now me All the disciples in the lotus secret shouted and gave you ten million sounds! "

"Our Bai family will certainly not miss you."

"Our Jinwuliu family will not be less. If you dare to accept it, how about sending you another 100 million heads, I am afraid that you will not accept it!"

At this moment, Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei, and Liu Feng are more arrogant than others, and the three families of the Lotus Mystery are all expected that the ancient Qingfeng fears their Mystery Family, even the old Danlei seniors. In this way, he would only swear a few words, but now he simply closed his eyes and let Xuan Yun three be so arrogant.

Gu Gu Qingfeng looked at it, shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't say, I don't dare!"

"Since I don't dare, then I don't want to say anything to this boyfriend ~ ~ Xuan Yun is more proud, and proudly said:" This boy boy said it again, the meal was only for me, and it has nothing to do with you The reason why you can sit down is completely Linger's face, so you do n’t owe anything to the son, and you do n’t need to return the feeling of the son. "

Wu Xuanyun thought that Gu Qingfeng said to give him a kindness, but he just wanted to find a step for himself, but he obviously didn't want to give Gu Qingfeng this step.

"You don't recognize this relationship, it's your business." Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, and laughed: "I'm not my business yet, I said before I bet, today I will Repay your favor, and now it is still this sentence, this bet will even pay you back. "

"Ha ha!"

Xuan Xuanyun smiled disdainfully, and said, "You just want to find a step for yourself, okay! My son will give you a step today, recognize this kind of affection!"

"Oh, listen to your words, I have to thank you for not being successful?"

"No need, no need."

"Okay, let's do that. Let's stop here. I'll pay for the meal's lover, and let's just clear it up." Gu Qingfeng held the purple gold and white jade smoking pot, and After taking a sip of lingering smoke, he said, "In the future, if you play with yours, I play with me, and I'll get in trouble with Grandpa. Grandpa, I'm just an honest person, and don't like to cause trouble."

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