
Vol 2 Chapter 1540: Strong lineup

"Little drunk, shouldn't the Jinwu Li family come to you?"

Chidori asked worriedly.

Qi Mu Lingyao wondered: "Thousands of birds, what do the Jinwu Li family ask the master to do?"

"Sister Yaoer, how did you forget that when the little drunkard was on the floating island, not only did he break up Li Zhengshi's fairy spirit, but he also scared the four Taijin Jinxian alive."

After hearing this from Qiandiao, Mu Lingyao remembered it and said, "Damn, why did I forget this thing? The Jinwu Li family brought so many people here, and it was definitely not for the Jinta." Bacheng came to find a grandpa. "

Thousands of people from the Jinjinwu and Li family rushed forward, which really caused a lot of uproar.

At first glance, everyone in the Jinwu Li family immediately thought of the floating island, and they could all guess that this time the Jinwu Li family was definitely for the mysterious grandfather.

And everyone can see that the Jinwu Li family is clearly prepared. Otherwise, there would not be so many people, as many as three or four thousand people, all of them are the backbone of the Jinwu Li family. It is a generation who can fight good wars. The cultivation is good. There are all kinds of Taibai Jinxian. In addition, there are many old stars. There is not even Chenxing Jinxian.

This is just the immortals who serve the Jinwu Li family. They do not have a strong family background. Only by relying on the fairy family like the Jinwu Li family can they survive better in the bipolar heavens. This is the truth.

Among the crowd, in addition to these immortals who served the Jinwu Li family, the Jinwu Li family members also came a lot this time. The seven sons of the Li family came four, and they were still the strongest four, each with Strong fortunes, especially Li Yuanyang, known as the head of the seventh son, the two acquired creatures are in the body, cultivated to the highest level, and even a four-headed fascinating golden fairy.

Dozens of elders from the Jinwu Li family have also come. Each of them cultivated it, especially the old man, named Li Xiao, who practiced for tens of thousands of years. His domain name was very strong in Bipolar Sky. The most terrible thing was He is also a five-year-old perfect town star Jinxian,

Is well known.

Jiu Zhongtian repairs the gold of the five magpies, the refining of the taibai magpie, and the coagulation of the tai platinum heart.

Twenty-eighth Zhongtian repaired the five-wood tree, refining the year-old star wooden tree, and condensing the year-old star wooden heart.

Twenty-seventh Tiantian repaired the water of the five magpies, refined the Chenxing water maggot, and condensed the Chenxing water heart.

Thirty-sixth heaven repaired the fire of the five crickets, the fire was the fire of confusion, and the fire was condensed.

Twenty-fifth heavy heaven repairs the earth of the five centipedes, the refining of the Zhenxing earthworm, and the condensing of the Zhenxing earth.

This Li Xiao is a golden star who is the perfect concubine of the five concubines, indicating that his body has the guardianship of the five concubines of the golden wood, water, fire, and earth, and the immortal also contains the changes of the five wood, water, fire, and earth. Change, every mystery, every change is all-encompassing.


When the golden wood, water, fire, and soil are integrated into one, the immortal spirit can merge into nature, absorb itself, and start and end again, seeing the mystery of the laws of nature.

He is also the only one who is five in one, and the immortality is truly immortal after it is integrated into nature.

This is a watershed for Da Luo Jinxian, and it is also a high mountain, an innumerable Da Luo Jinxian has climbed the mountain that cannot be crossed for thousands of years.

啸 Li Xiao is like this.

虽然 Although he is a five-year-old golden town fairy, he has not been able to integrate the five-year-olds for one thousand years, and the fairy spirit cannot be integrated into nature. This is his greatest regret in this life.

Can't stand it.

Even so.

It is enough to admire awe based on his five consummates.

You must know that many of the so-called seniors in the field may be Zhenxing Jinxian, but at best, they can only be regarded as Sijin Jinxian, like Dan Lei in the lotus secret. Forty days, not even the forty-fifth days, it is impossible to repair the town stars and earth hearts, so it is not the fifth one. The only thing on the field that can be compared with Li Xiao is the gold tower. Master Luo, he is also a five-year-old town star Jinxian.

Looking at the rushing Jinwu Li family, these people talked.

For Huadie Fairy, Mu Lingyao, Qianling, and Qiandiao, it was anxious, especially Qianling. She knew that the Jinwu Li family would not give up after the incident on the floating island.


She knows, always knows.

She also expected that the people of the Jinwu Li family would come sooner or later, and for this reason, she was also psychologically prepared.

Because it wasn't just Gu Qingfeng who shot on Floating Island, but she also shot it, and it may be that Gu Qingfeng first hit the Jinwu Li family, but in the final analysis, it was their little Luo mystery and Jinwu Li family. Caused by grudges.

If Ruan Jinwu's family came, she would certainly not stand idly by.

Even if Qian Ling knows that he is not high and his strength is not strong, he will never shrink back.


When she saw these people from the Jinwu Li family, she was frightened.

She knows that the Jinwu Li family will definitely come, and also knows that after the floating island, the Jinwu Li family will definitely have a master, but she never thought that the Jinwu Li family would come to so many masters at once, most of them They are all Taibai Jinxian. There are hundreds of Jinxian stars in Erji. ~ Dozens of Jinxian stars. There are four as many immortals.

Li Xiao, headed by that, is also the golden star of Wuzhen's successful town!

Although Qian Ling was already prepared, he could be scared to face such a terrible lineup of the Jinwu Li family.

Mu Lingyao seemed to be scared by the lineup from the Jinwu Li family. He asked eagerly, "Master! You honestly told me that when you were on the floating island, you really scared the three too white gold immortals?" Those three Taibai Jinxian are not from the Li family? "

Compared with the anxious Mu Lingyao and others, Gu Qingfeng didn't seem to be in a hurry or panic. He was still sitting on the chair, leaning on Erlang's legs, drinking a little wine, smoking a spirit, and looking forward. The Jinwu Li family came here instead of panic. Instead, he smiled as if he was watching the excitement. He just put down the wine glass and did not respond, Chidori said for him: "The little drunkard also smashed the fairy spirit of Li Zhengshi. , Li Zhengshi seems to be from the Li family. "

"Even if Li Zhengshi's fairy spirit is broken, Jinwu Li's family won't come with so many masters?" Mu Lingyao stared and said, "Good guys! Look at the lineup of Jinwu Li's family. Out, but they are almost the same. Even his mother-in-law Li Xiao and other five consummate town stars Jinxian came here in person. Where is the trouble to find the master, it is just the lineup of the two big families!

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