
Vol 2 Chapter 1542: 1 group of ants

"The grand master's ten trillion bonus has not been reached yet. How can the Jinwu Lee family seize it?"

"You are stupid! As long as you take the grandfather back first and imprison it, are you afraid that you will not be able to seize the ten trillion bonus?"

"I said why there are so many people in the Jinwu Li family. There is another purpose for the daring, so since then, even if Sister Huadie comes forward, it won't help you? If they forcibly take the master back, we can't stop it. Stay! And, even if I call my second elder brother now, it's too late! "

"So, do not let the Jinwu Li family take the grandfather back. If they are captured, once the grandfather falls into their hands, not only the ten trillion bonus will not be saved, I am afraid that even the grandfather's life ... ... "

"What then!"

"Let's look at the situation later. If the Jinwu Li family really desperately wants to capture the grandfather back, I will try to hide the grandfather first."

"Hidden? How to hide?" Mu Lingyao suddenly remembered a magic weapon in the hands of the flower and butterfly fairy, and smiled: "How can I forget your magic weapon, then what are we still doing? Run away. "

"Running can't solve the problem. Running monks can't run the temple, and where can they go. This matter must always be solved. The most important thing now is how to solve this under the premise of keeping the old master. . "

"How can we solve it? It is inevitable to fight for injuries and deaths, just to pay them money. According to the old rules of our bipolar heavens, one too platinum immortal died and 50 million were compensated. Three died and they were compensated 100 million. 50 million, plus Li Zhengshi's fairy spirit, at most 200 million fairy stones. "

"It's too easy for you to think, the Jinwu Li family will surely say a lion."

"Kill them and give them ten times two billion. If not, it will be ten times two hundred billion. Anyway, Grandpa won ten trillion, and it is not bad money."

The flower butterfly fairy shook her head slightly: "If you had the opportunity to occupy ten trillion yuan, would you be willing to pay only 20 billion yuan? You wouldn't, wouldn't anyone else, let alone the shameless Jinwu Li family. "

"What then?"

"You can only take one step at a time and watch one step at a time.

"Okay, I'll discuss the countermeasures with Grandpa now."

Mu Lingyao walked over, jumped on the Huoyun, and said the countermeasures that she and the Butterfly Fairy had discussed. "Now that there are so many people in Jinwu Li's family, it is clear that not only they want your life, but they are ready to occupy you to win Ten trillion bonus, but rest assured, I have just discussed with Sister Huadie just now, and I will surely do my best to keep you. "

"Of course! After all, you killed the Jinwu Li family on the floating island. Compensation is inevitable. As for the amount of compensation, let ’s look at it later. Anyway, you won a ten trillion bonus, and it ’s not bad, as long as they want It's not too outrageous, we just give him. "

"Lost money?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "I lose them a shit."

"Master! You killed someone. If you do n’t compensate, you ca n’t pass this level, and now the problem is that they not only want your money, but also your life. Can you Use your money to protect your own life, and let's save money from disaster. "

"No money, no death."

"You guy! You are not afraid that others will kill you!"

"Sister." Gu Qingfeng put down his wine glass, glanced at them, and said, "Do you look scared like me?"

I heard that Gu Qingfeng said that Mu Lingyao not only froze, not only she choked, but also Qian Ling and Qian bird.

Because when the people of the Jinwu Li family were just rushing in, they were all anxious, panicked and scared. They were thinking about how to deal with the aggressive Jinwu Li family. At this moment, they heard that Gu Qingfeng said, they found out that Grandpa doesn't seem to be really scared.

Not only was there no fear, nor was there any panic, even if there was no trace of worry, sitting in a chair from beginning to end, leaning Erlang's legs, drinking a little wine, smoking a spirit, leisurely and freely, It was as if the Jinwu Li family did not come at him, but at others, and he looked more like a lively master.

"You ... are you really not afraid at all?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Jinwu Li's family has thousands of people, and they are all masters. Even the five-perfect town stars Jinxian like Li Xiao have come, you ..."

Mu Lingyao said, but Gu Qingfeng was no longer interested in listening. He took a sip of spiritual smoke and said, "Sister, you can take care of this. If you are afraid, you wo n’t sit here. Now, other people do n’t know about Grandpa ’s ability, are n’t you still clear? When you were in Babaozhuang, did n’t you know how powerful Grandpa was? ”


Both the flower butterfly fairy and Mu Lingyao have seen the power of the ancient Qingfeng, and they have all witnessed Mu Lingyao's use of all their powers, but the ancient Qingfeng is nothing but Mu Lingyao is just a golden star, and Now there are hundreds of golden stars in Jinwu Li's family. In addition, there are also Chenxing Jinxian, Yingjinxian, and even the town's Xingjinxian.

Even if your old master is more powerful, the old star Jinxian can't help you, the star star Jinxian can't help you, fascinating Jinxian, even the town star Jinxian can't help you.

But you are only one person after all!

Why can't one Jinxian do you, ten, a hundred, or thousands of Jinxian?

当 Do you think you are God?

In the face of Mu Lingyao's question ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng said boringly: "These stars, stars, and towns are fascinating. They are masters for you, and for me, it is no different from a group of ants. Grandpa, I just go down, and they're just like playing.


Qi Mu Lingyao, Huadie Fairy, Qianling Qianbird looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

They don't know if they should believe what the grandfather said.

I want to say don't believe it, the master said that ascending the gold tower on the 981st floor is just like playing. As a result, it is true.

But if you believe it.

They ca n’t believe it.

Thousands of people in the Jinwu Li family are masters after all. How could they trample them to death just like playing.

They also can't imagine what kind of person and self-confidence would dare to say such arrogant words.

"If you are really so powerful, why did you admit it when the Lotus Secret threatened you just now?"

"What do you mean by recognition? Grandpa, I am paying them back."

"Don't you say that the relationship is to find yourself a step down?"

"That's just what you thought."

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