
Vol 2 Chapter 1546: Expansive power

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Looking at hundreds of people kneeling on the ground.

Everyone on the court counted one, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

A prestige.

With just one mighty smash, the hundreds of Jinxian Zhen's brilliance was broken up, his mind collapsed, the immortal power disappeared, and he lost his fighting power and fell to his knees.

Just lost his combat power and kneeled on the ground?

Do not.

Everyone can see that these hundreds of people are kneeling on the ground with shawls, blood is flowing from the mouth, ears, nose and nose, and the meridians in the body are broken, and the whole body is also covered with a trace of mist, which shows that they are not just breaking the meridians. Even the immortals were all scattered.

What kind of momentum can instantly break the meridians of hundreds of Jinxianzhen?

What kind of sound and power can break down hundreds of Jin Xianzhen's immortals in an instant?

Maybe those who have cultivated high powers, have trained Wushuang great magical powers, and can break hundreds of Jinxian Zhen's meridians with their strong and terrifying sound.

But the problem now is that the old man didn't have any practice on his body. He didn't even have a little spiritual breath, only basic human interest, but nothing else.

Is it a magic weapon to make trouble?


And everyone can see clearly, this grandfather just stands on the big salamander, with a prestige, it is neither good fortune nor magic weapon, and even the prestige is not counted, and then ... There will be no more. Hundreds of people in the Lotus Secret Realm, the luxuriant Bai family, and the Jinwuliu family knelt on the ground without warning, and became a waste.

And Nathan was even more miserable. He shattered his arms and legs, leaving only a skull and a half-length upper body standing on the ground like a tombstone, leaving only gas and half dead.

He is a town star Jinxian who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years and has been up to forty days in the sky. His strength is unfathomable. Even if he faces a five-year-old successful town star Jinxian, he has the qualification to fight. The grandfather stepped down, leaving only half of his flesh stubborn.

No one would believe it if it hadn't been seen for the first time.

Even if I saw it at this moment, it was incredible.

Everyone knows that the old master scared the three white gold immortals alive when he floated on the island, and then he easily climbed to the 988th floor of the gold tower, which is enough to explain this. Grandpa is not as simple as it seems.

Especially Mu Lingyao, when he tried it in Babaozhuang, he did not shake the ancient style even though he tried his best. Although the butterfly Fairy didn't try, he felt that even if he tried, he couldn't shake it.

They all know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is absolutely unfathomable.


They always knew.

But to what extent is it unfathomable, none of them has a specific concept. When they want to come, even if the ancient Qingfeng's strength is unfathomable, after all, it is a fact that it is lost as if it is a toothless tiger. Where to go.

Until now, he saw with his own eyes that Gu Qingfeng had broken Dan Lei, a forty-day-old town star Jinxianyu.

With a single mighty disintegration of the hundreds of Jinxian Zhen's meridians of the three families of the Lotus Mystery, they first realized that the depth of the ancient Qingfeng was far beyond their imagination.

Thousands of people in the Jinwu Li family who were surrounded by the nine-headed fire cloud and the red flame tiger nearby were scattered at the moment, scared by the scene in front of them, not to mention those that are too white gold immortals, Chen Xing gold immortals, and not faint gold The immortal is the perfect consummate town star Jinxian, and Xiao Li is scared and panicked.

They originally intended to capture the old master of Laozizi, and then try to seize the ten trillion bonus, knowing that the old master is mysterious and weird, just in case, Li Xiao deliberately summoned all the backbone of the family. One is to prevent someone from interfering in the intercourse, and the other is to worry about the mysterious and strange master.

After coming to the Golden Tower, faced with the ancient wind that is light and fearless, Li Xiao's rich experience of tens of thousands of years tells himself not to act lightly, for fear that the old man is unfathomable.

However, he never thought that the old master of Laozi was so unfathomable that he would smash Dan Lei in one kick, and hundreds of immortal spirits shook with a mighty voice.

Get him back?

How can you catch it?

Seizing the 10 trillion bonus?

How else to occupy it?

How dare you dominate?

Those who served the Jinwu Li family did not dare to stay anymore, after all, they just followed the Jinwu Li family to eat and dine, and they could not afford to take their own lives. Usually, it was OK to play a group of earthquakes, but now they are facing A master who is so mysterious and terrible, who dare to stand here to shake the scene?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

At the moment, some people started to flee, one person fled, there were ten people, ten people had a hundred people, and in a flash, those who served the Jinwu Li family fled in a swarm, even the Jinwu Li family, Even Li Xiao didn't dare to stay any longer, and leaped forward, hoping to fly away.

"Without revenge, I just want to leave. I don't nod today, no matter who his mother is, don't even want to run, I'll roll it down and die!"

The ancient breeze drank swiftly, and the dead words did not fall. Thousands of people from the Jinwu Li family who fled and fled in mid-air were hit by lightning. The whole body was scattered, the body trembled, the Qiqiao bleeding, and then they fell from the air. With a sound, kneel on the ground, bang bang bang! One after another kneeled on the ground.

This scene is not only stunned, but also shocking and astounding.

The Jinwu Li family has thousands of people!

Most of them are too white gold immortals, there are hundreds of gold stars in the second year old, dozens of gold stars in the third star, and more than ten people in the four stars. As many bits.

Now, even the mortal master who has nothing to do is utterly prestigious ~ ~ All the seven tricks of the shock bleeding, falling from the air and kneeling on the ground, including Jinxian Li, a five-year-old consummate town star Xiao is no exception.

This is thousands of golden immortals, not thousands of birds. How could they be bleed by the horrors of a mortal?

How did he do it?

How did you do it?

The stump of his flesh is so powerful that an understatement can wipe out Jinxian?

do not know.

No one knows.

If it was said that the ancient Qingfeng had just smashed the meridians that shook hundreds of people in the secret place of the lotus, it made the crowd gathered at the Golden Tower feel incredible and unbelievable.

Then at this moment, when Gu Qingfeng ’s mighty power shook the Jinwu Li family with thousands of people, the crowd no longer felt incredible, nor could they not believe it, they could n’t understand it, but the scalp was numb and the hair was creepy. Deep fear is deep fear.

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