
Vol 2 Chapter 1555: Court

"But what then! What about stumbling?"


Do not!

I ca n’t just leave it that way.

The tyrant's Bai family will not.

Jinwuliu family, neither Jinwuli family, nor lotus secret.

But what if it does n’t work out?

Bai Qi's ancestor Bai Qi didn't know.

Liu Ziyu, the ancestor of the Liu family, did n’t know, and Li Shengyang, the ancestor of the Li family, did n’t know either. They all looked at the elder Dan Shou in the secret place of the lotus. At this moment, they can only count on Dan Shou as an ancient age. Zigui is an old man who is integrated into nature.

"Your Mightiness!"

Dan Danshou thought for a moment, ready to open again to explore the identity background of the other party, but just this time, just opposite, the mortal grandfather sitting in a chair with his eyes closed and finally raised his voice.

"Are all the people who are here to come, if not, then wait again, let's do it when we are all together, since the Lord said that this matter must be completely resolved today, then he will not stay Do n’t worry about any future troubles, count one of your ancestors at home, call them all, let ’s talk about it today, and try hard to investigate the truth and truth of your grandfather, waiting for your people to come, At that time, Grandpa will tell you personally how vain and real the grandpa is. "

When he said that, the mortal master was still lying on his back, without even opening his eyes, and the sound came, just like the bland face, no joy, no anger, no grief, no pain, what? No, it's as plain as plain water.

I just heard his words in everyone's ears, it was really amazing.

The family of the two great immortals in the Lianhu secret realm and the Jinwu secret realm together with the wealthy white family have more than 100 five-star golden towns and stars, and the five golden gods of nature have also scored dozens. And this mortal grandfather has been closing his eyes and raising his mind from the beginning to the end. What should he say now, let these ancestors call for people? Better call your ancestors?

Everyone can hear the meaning of this remark, and they can all hear it. The mortal master has never put the dozens of five natural beauties in the field in their eyes. Not only did they not look at them, even the three major families and the lotus secrets of the so-called masters from ancient times, he did not look at them.

This is too arrogant, too overbearing, too arrogant, too blind to be seen, isn't it too thick?

What kind of identity background and what kind of fortune strength do you dare to say such arrogant words?

Is this mortal master really so powerful that he is unbridled?

I wonder.

No one knows.


The wealthy Bai family, Jinwuliu family, Li family, and the masters of the Lotus Realm are all furious. They are all predecessors who are famous in the bipolar heavenly realm, and they are also the natural golden immortals of five centuries. It has never been so humiliated since it was opened for ten thousand years.

But in the face of this mysterious and strange mortal master, they really dare not take the initiative.

How to do?

How about calling people?

There is no one to call at the Bai family, the tyrant. The oldest ancestor is Bai Qi, and he is already standing here.

Although there are still several ancestors of the Jinwuliu family and the Jinwuli family who have cultivated themselves, the ancestors are either retreating or going out, and they cannot be contacted at all for the time being.

The same is true for the secret place of lotus. Although the masters in the secret place are like clouds, those masters are not idle, either in retreat to comprehend, or go out to look for opportunities, or there is something in the body, and they can't get out.

"Master! Revenge your disciples!"

Xuan Yun kept yelling at people who wanted the Lotus Secret to help him get revenge on Xue Heng, but only for a long time, his throat was hoarse, and no one dared to start. The meridians were broken, and the immortal was broken. He was in danger, though His master Huang He has already helped him to stop the bleeding and stabilize the injury, but it only stabilized the injury, the heartbreaking pain, no longer tortured him all the time, making him miserable and extremely weak. He didn't have the strength to mourn any more, just moaning in pain.

Looking at his baby apprentice, Huang He clenched his fists, shivering with anger, and said, "Elder! You are fighting for me, I will kill him!"

Bian Danshou reprimanded: "I said I was not allowed to act lightly! Now we have to wait!"

"Wait! What else to wait for! The other elders in our Lotus Mystery can't be reached at all now!"

"It's not waiting for us in the lotus secret, it's waiting for Fengyue Small World Court."

At the hearing of Fengyue Small World's Court of Justice, everyone was stunned, and immediately understood it. Liu Ziyu said: "It's my fault that I was confused for a while, but I forgot the Fengyue Small World's Court of Justice! Such a big thing, Fengyue's small world's protective court cannot fail to know or interfere! "

Howling Moon World can become the most lively trading center in Bipolar Sky, which is inseparable from its perfect management organization.

There is a supervisory court, a supervisory court, and a court of protection.

The Supervision Institute, as the name suggests, monitors the legality of various transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals from banks, big bets in casinos, such as winning gold towers, and so on.

The management committee manages the operation of Fengyi Small World's major cities.

The court of protection is to protect the order of Fengyue Small World. Generally, if someone makes trouble in Fengyue Small World, UU 看书 www. If is very troublesome and affects the normal order of Fengyue's small world, then the people who protect the court will step in and interfere.

Maybe it was because they were too angry that they were stunned by the anger in their hearts. They also forgot that Fengyue Small World still has the Court of Justice. At this moment, when Dan Shou raised the Court of Justice, it came to mind.

If we just face the mysterious, strange and unfathomable mortal master, so that no one has a heart in them, as long as the people of the Wind Moon Small World Court of Justice intervene, the stones hanging in their hearts will also fall, It is bound to recover justice for the disabled family children.

To know.

After all, the Fengyue Small World is the most popular trading center in the bipolar heavens. The number of people who come to buy and sell every day is endless. There are all kinds of fighting and fighting, all kinds of grudges and hatreds. It happens all the time. There are no masters sitting around, that was a mess.

This is indeed the case. The Fengyue small world not only has masters sitting in it, but also the masters' ability to cultivate is unfathomable. Among them are some of the most prestigious old predecessors who are famous in ancient times. If not, they will also deter those troubles in the small world of Fengyue. Noble son.

The most important thing is that the existence of Fengyue Small World is not just a simple trading center. Behind it is the support of the top families and the giants of Bipolar Sky.

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