
Vol 2 Chapter 1562: His surname is Gu

离开 After leaving Jinta Tower, Bai Susu didn't hesitate and didn't dare to neglect. He was ready to fly back to celebrate the 10 trillion bonus won by Gu Qingfeng, but just before returning to his own water pavilion, he saw the maid Xiaoya hurried over.

"Xiaoya, why are you here by yourself?"

"He went back."

"Go back? Where have you been?"

"While on the way, he said that he was too tired today. Go back to sleep first, and let me tell you when I wake up."

"Do you know where he went to rest?"

这个 "This ... I don't know."

Nianhuadie Fairy, Mu Lingyao, Qianling, and Qiandiao also followed. After hearing the ancient breeze returning to rest, the Huadie Fairy said: "He ordered a garden in Jinyu Island, and may return to Jinyu Island to rest."

既然 "Now that he is tired, let him rest."

Bai Susu groaned for a moment, and commanded: "Xiaoya, you arrange some people, keep Jinyu Island, pass my order, no one can disturb him to rest."

"Okay, I'll do it now."

After Xiaoya left, Huadie Fairy and others followed Bai Susu back to the waterside. They originally prepared a table of delicious dishes. Now they can only buy Mu Lingyao and others cheaply, but now they have no appetite, especially Mu Lingyao. She had many doubts in her heart and wanted to know the answer.

"Sister Susu, did you know Grandpa before?"

"Is there a side to it?"

"Have you only seen one side?"

"He had previously won $ 1.8 billion in the casino, and I happened to be in the casino at the time, so I talked for a while."

Xi Mu Lingyao asked curiously, "Do you know who Master is?"

"do not know."

This time Mu Lingyao was completely stunned. Not only was she stunned, but the flower and butterfly fairy and thousands of birds also felt incredible. Just now when they won the gold pagoda, they saw Bai Susu saluting to the ancient Qing, and thought Bai Susu knew what the ancient Qingfeng was. People, after all, if you do n’t know the identity of the other party, no one will be stupid to salute, not to mention Bai Susu is a Luo Shangxian who has been sealed for nine days, but they never thought that Bai Susu was such a fool.

"Sister Susu, you have only met with Grandpa once, and you do n’t even know who he is. Why are you giving him such a big gift?"

"Should I be polite to a big master?"

"Sister Susu, do you believe he is a grandfather?"

"Don't you believe it?"

Huadie Fairy, Mu Lingyao, etc. are not disbelieving. If they did n’t believe it before, then after witnessing Gu Qingfeng ’s terrible strength, they ca n’t believe it, but they ’ve never seen or heard of the great famine. Which of the great masters is a physical child, even if he has cultivated a fault, leading to the loss of cultivation, the immortal body cannot be reduced to a physical child.

"I said that the vastness of the wilderness, the boundlessness, the boundlessness of the heavens and the world, and the endlessness, the bipolar heavens are just one of them. We are nothing but a group of frogs at the bottom of the well. We have never heard or seen them. There won't exist. "

Bai Susu said quietly: "Not to mention that in ancient times, Vientiane has recovered. I do n’t know how many ancient beings have been awakened without interest, but we do n’t know."

"My dear mother!" Mu Lingyao only felt scalp numbness, secretly pursed his tongue, and said, "Sister Susu, are you saying that the old master is the ancient existence of recovery and awakening?"

Whether it is Mu Lingyao or the flower and butterfly fairy, including Qianling, have heard of it. With the resurgence of all things in nature in ancient times, those ancient times and even ancient times, as well as the ancient times or the ancient existence of sleep or seal, have begun to awaken.

"I'm just making an analogy. As for what he is, I don't know." Bai Susu seemed to remember something, and asked, "Linger, I heard you found him in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm?" "

Qian Ling nodded, and did not conceal it, telling the truth, saying: "At that time, our little Luo secret realm was training in Xiao Luo secret realm. We also stumbled upon him lying in a swamp quagmire, and we saw that he still had a breath of life, so And brought him back. "

Bian Susu asked: "How long has he been unconscious in the quicksand little secret world before you found him?"

"This is not clear. Based on his surroundings, he should have been unconscious for a long time."

"I think that the old man must be an ancient existence! It must be!" Mu Lingyao said, "The natural environment in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm is very harsh. It is impossible to say that mortals are us. If that happens, the flesh will rot in a short time, and that guy was unconscious for a long time in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm. I think he must be an ancient existence. He had previously sealed himself in order to survive the catastrophe. In ancient times, he revived following the revival of everything. "

复苏 The recovery of all things, there are many ancient beings to recover.

He does not mean those ancient beings who died and were resurrected.

But some ancient beings awakened by breaking the seal.

The Great Wilderness has gone through many times. At the end of each era, there will be a catastrophe that destroys the earth. In order to survive this catastrophe, many powers will seal themselves in advance.

As for when the seal is awake, whether it can be awake or even alive, this is an unknown number, because once the catastrophe occurs, the world is reborn, the road is reborn, and no one knows what will happen after the catastrophe.

Speaking of this, Mu Lingyao's speculation is not unreasonable. Perhaps the old man had sealed himself in the quicksand little secret world in order to survive the catastrophe. During the catastrophe, the quicksand small secret world disappeared, but with today The ancient times began, all things recovered, the quicksand little secret world reappeared, and the big master gradually woke up from the seal.

Bian Susu asked again, "Did he not tell you who you are?"

Chidori responded: "Sister Susu, little drunkard, no! After the master regained consciousness, he didn't remember the previous events at all. He even forgot who he was."

Mu Lingyao said: "I heard that those ancient beings would be mentally disturbed, have problems with their brains, and lose their memories because the seals are too long. ~ Huadie Fairy said," But his spirit There is no abnormality, and the brain does not seem to have any problems, which is no different from normal people. After saying that, she asked again, "Qiandiao, you have known him for the longest time. In the secret place of Xiao Luo, you didn't find anything abnormal about him. "

Chidiao tilted his head and thought, and said, "Except that he likes bragging, there is nothing abnormal about him."

"Maybe he really can't remember the past."

其实 "Actually ..." At this moment, Qian Ling suddenly said, "He ..."

Looking at Qian Ling's utter reticence, Bai Susu asked, "What happened to him?"

"He ... shouldn't be mentally disordered, he doesn't have any problems in his mind, he doesn't forget the previous things, he just ... doesn't want to mention the previous things."

"Linger, how do you know?"


After thinking about it for a while, Qian Qianling decided to say it, saying, "He told me in private, he just didn't want to mention the previous things."

"Did he tell you, who is he?"

Qian Qianling shook his head and said, "He didn't say, he only said to me ... his surname is Gu, Gu Gu."

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