
Vol 2 Chapter 1566: Spiritual will

When Jaina's dream word came, it seemed as if it came from the past, and like a call from the future, that Gu Qingfeng could not refuse or even resist.

He doesn't need to listen at all, and he doesn't need to feel it with his heart, because when this voice comes, his soul resonates with it.

As the ancient breeze gradually released itself, the language of dreams became more and more clear.

He has wisdom and confusion, and he discerns things with me, a hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, and turns into heaven and earth.

He sees no good, no evil, but only causes and effects, thousands of holy, thousands of demons, and let others say.

If Gu Qingfeng had a hint of luck in his heart before, when he heard the words of dreams repeating the words, the only luck left in his heart was completely gone at this moment.

This is not the first time he has heard this, and he has forgotten how many times he has heard it.

He didn't know what it meant, even today.

I only know.

Every time I heard these words before, he would have a feeling of being incomprehensible in the heart. If he knew each other, he would think of the past, and then the future, as if everything was illusory and unreal.

Most importantly, every time he heard these words, he would somehow enter the so-called original sin nightmare.

Sure enough.

After hearing these words, he entered the original sin nightmare again.

Sugawara's sin nightmare.

For example, light and darkness are staggered, and Yin and Yang are changing.


混沌 Chaos is everywhere, boundless, endless.

I was the same as before, but it seemed different.

哪里 As for the difference, Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to think.

It's like, when you fall into the abyss, will you observe what changes in the abyss? All his mother has fallen into the abyss. Whoever his mother still has the mood to look at this. Although Gu Qingfeng is an idler, he won't be so busy.

"Yes, it's true! Really! Yes, completely."

Lao Gu Qingfeng laughed and reluctantly shook his head, and said, "I also recognized, I really did, and thoroughly recognized ..."

Previously tossing and tossing, tossing for most of his life, Xiao Minger tossed several times, in the end his mother still did not get rid of the original sin, this time Gu Qingfeng was really convinced, and really recognized.

If the original sin was really his own cause and effect, he obeyed.

If the original sin is really his destiny, he also confessed.

"Don't believe in cause and effect ... Don't believe in ..."

"It's fake ... cause and effect are fake."

"Don't believe them."

"Don't forget, never forget ... you cut off all causes and effects, so you have no previous life, no present life, and no afterlife ... you belong to you and you are the only you."

"The False Mountain ..."

"I'm waiting for you in the false hill ..."

"Waiting for you ..."

"I know, and I am convinced that you will come back someday."

"I am waiting for you."

等 "Wait for you ..."

In the nightmare, the voice of that person came on and off, just like before, it sounded like a madness, and it was full of resentment.

The ancient breeze had heard Jun Xuanxuan say that this woman had been buried by Wudao Zun himself in Wudao Xuanshan.

As for who this woman is, why did the Supreme Master bury her in Wudao Mountain? Jun Xuanyuan did not say, and Gu Qingfeng did not know.

"Fake is all false, you said that you are also false, everything is false and all false."

"Oh, vain ..."

"Haha, how are you doing?"

"will you come back?"

"No! You won't come back ... you said, you will never come back after you leave."

"No! You will definitely come back, you also said that you will definitely come back after you leave."

"I am waiting for you."

"Don't leave me ... no, okay?"

The woman's voice came again, and Gu Qingfeng just listened, just listening casually.

Do not know why.

When the woman's voice came, he had a very complicated feeling in his heart, and he couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, with helplessness, guilt, self-blame, and hesitation and confusion ... There is even an impulse to wait for the chaos of the original sin nightmare to blow away and find the woman who was buried.

"Fuck! Is this the only feeling I have, or is it true of other people who have the original sin?"

The ancient breeze knows that this is the nightmare of original sin, but anyone with original sin can enter here.

And he knew even more that the original sinner who had fused the blood of the original sin between heaven and earth was not just one. At least, he had met a person with the same original sin as himself, and had seen it twice, remembering that clearly. Every time the guy appeared, he was covered with white cloth.

In addition to the mysterious man wrapped in white cloth, Jun Xuan 玑 also appeared in the original sin nightmare. She also said that the person who had integrated the original sin was also a person with original sin.

Regardless of Jun Xuan 玑 or the mysterious man covered in white cloth, although there are not many original sins between heaven and earth, there are definitely many.

If other original sinners have the same feeling as themselves after hearing the woman's voice, it doesn't matter. If only they have such a complicated feeling, then this will be a big deal.

Because Gu Qingfeng remembered that Jun Xuanyu said that the blood of the original sin that he fused was different from others. The blood of the original sin that was fused by others was pure blood of the original sin, that is, the blood of the original sin that had died and had no life. What he fuses is a drop of blood of the original sin, and a drop of blood of the original sin that has life.

The blood of the original sin is alive because it contains the spiritual will of the Supreme Master.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng's heart can't help but hesitate. If other original sinners don't have complicated feelings, but only if they have it, this means that they have merged with the living blood of the original sin, and they have also merged. The spiritual will of the insincere.

This is a terrible thing for anyone.

Is no exception for Gu Qingfeng.

After all, it contains the spiritual will of others, and your own consciousness will certainly be affected. This is only the second. Seriously, it may be assimilated by the other party ’s spiritual will, thereby losing self. The most terrible thing is that the other party ’s spiritual will may give birth to a new one. Consciousness, and then swallow up their consciousness, occupying their own flesh.

These things, if you change to other people, you may be afraid of fear. After all, the noble respect is the legend and the taboo in the taboo. It is also known as the first person in ancient times and the master of the terrible original sin. Once the old man's spiritual will conceives a new consciousness, it will be absolutely terrifying. I am afraid that few people can compete with it.

Even though it is the ancient Qingfeng who is arrogant and overbearing ~ ~ Facing the legendary taboos of Wudaozun, I have to admit it.

I just did.

He practiced for five hundred years, and all his creations are mysterious and unknown. Among them, there is no creation that contains spiritual will, nor does he not have the consciousness that wants to devour him, occupying his physical creation, and his consciousness is almost swallowed several times. Occupy.

Fortunately, his will is tough and his luck is quite good. He finally survived the danger again and again.

If it is said that the blood of the original sin really contained the spiritual will of the insincere, it also gave birth to a new consciousness. If it wants to devour its own consciousness and occupy its own physical body, although Gu Qingfeng has no confidence to keep his conscious physical body However, he will always fight hard, and even if he can't, he will never let other people take over his own body, even if the other party is the legendary taboo of the original sin.

He is not afraid.

I have nothing to be afraid of.

真正 What he was really afraid of was that if he merged the spiritual will of the infidel, would he also inherit the cause and effect of the infidel?

If it is not, Gu Qingfeng does not matter. Regardless of his spiritual will, as long as Lao Tzu is fused, it is La Tzu's.

If you also inherit the cause and effect of the Supreme Master, then this will be a big deal.

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