
Vol 2 Chapter 1573: Sympathize with the sick

"If you take the initiative to incorporate the blood of the original sin and accept the cause and effect of the original sin, then why haven't you transformed into the original incarnation?"

"I should have become the embodiment of the original sin."

"Have it been transformed?"

The mysterious man shook his head again and said, "I don't remember. When I merged with the blood of original sin, my consciousness also disappeared, and what happened later, I don't know."

The ancient breeze really did not expect that this mysterious man had experienced the same thing as himself, and asked, "What then?"

"Then ... when I woke up again, it was like this. It was saved by me alone. She told me that this white cloth had wrapped the baby, infected the blood of the baby, and could temporarily restrain my body. Blood of original sin. "

"There is still such a statement?" Gu Qingfeng looked at the white cloth wrapped around the mysterious man, and said, "This thing really wrapped the holy infant? And it also infected the blood of the holy infant. So, the blood of the holy infant would Can you restrain the blood of original sin? "

"It's just temporary restraint."

The ancient breeze is very curious. Who will be the master who rescued the mysterious person? How so amazing, even the stuff that wrapped the baby? Holy baby, this thing is a congenital saint. The congenital congenial existence is perfect. What kind of heavenly pride is destiny. In front of the holy baby, it is also a shit, not a grade at all.

他 When he inquired, the mysterious man said, "The one who rescued me, you should know, even if you don't, you've seen it."


The ancient breeze thought about it in the mind, and in the impression, he never knew such a master with such great power.

"Know the past and the future, take charge of the cause and effect of fate, deduced the floods of the universe, and insight into the heavens and the earth ..."

Before the words of the mysterious man finished, Gu Qingfeng blurted out and said, "You mean that the ancient name is unknown?"

"It is the old man who is old and unknown."

I heard that it was a mysterious man saved by the ancient unknown, and Gu Qingfeng was relieved. When he wanted to look at the world, I am afraid that only the ancient and unnamed masters of fate, cause and effect, knowing the past and future masters, can they get the wrapped infant The only white cloth that this deduced the universe's famine, insight into the heavens and the earth, known as omniscient, omnipotent veterans know how to restrain the blood of original sin.

"What will happen if you untie this white cloth? The blood of the original sin will attack, and you will become the original incarnation again?"

或许 "Maybe, I don't know, I haven't tried it, and I dare not try it."

"What are you afraid of? Let's take a look at the situation first. If the blood of the original sin really comes out, it will be a big deal."

"Do you think this is a play house?"

Laogu Qingfeng smiled and said, "Is there a white cloth covering the holy babies?

"doing what?"

"Give me a piece of 呗 too."

"You don't need it. If the blood of the original sin in your body had attacked, it would have already occurred, and you would not wait until now."

"That's not good. My physical body is now recovering. What if the blood of the original sin comes out at that time, what should I do?"

"As you said, what are you afraid of, if the blood of the original sin comes out, you will probably ignite the fire of the original sin karma, anyway, you have the ability to silence Nirvana, and you will not die ..."

"You said lightly, do you think it is a house, the fire of the original sin karma is so good?"

The mysterious man refuted him with Gu Qingfeng's words, and Gu Qingfeng also refuted him with the mysterious man's words. After they said it, they couldn't help laughing.

The two laughed, and they laughed that they had the same experience, the same encounter, and the same fate, even the blood flowing in their bodies was the same.

"It is not lonely to meet someone with the same disease and compassion in this vast and vast world, but ..." Gu Qingfeng laughed, "I haven't known your name for so long."

"Surname is white, single name is a sad word."

"White sorrow?" Gu Qingfeng raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Men and women?"

"Guess?" A mysterious man named Baichou stared at Gu Qingfeng, with a pair of deep eyes that seemed to smile, and said, "What if I am a man? What if I am a woman?"

"Look, we are so destined, we have the same experience and the same experience, and we have sympathy for the same disease. If we don't worship a brother, we are all sorry for the word fate."

"What if I am a woman?"

"It's easier for women."

"What a simple way?"

"As you said, I am you, you are me, I am me, and you are also you. If we do not become twins, are we worthy of the blood of original sin flowing in our body?"


Tong Bai smiled sadly, and said, "If I am a man, I will worship with you brother. If I am a woman, I will also become a dual monk with you, unfortunately ..."

"What a pity? Is it possible that you are not male or female?"

"It's a pity I'm not human at all."

"It's okay not to be a human, it's okay to be a demon, I'm not that particular about it."

"I'm not a demon."

"Is it a demon? It is a witch? It is a spirit? No matter what you are, I don't care. I said that I am not that particular person, as long as I am conscious."

"Sorry, you don't pay attention, but I pay attention."

Bian Baichou made Gu Qingfeng laugh a moment, shook his head, and said, "It's been a long time, but I dare not fall in love with me?"

Xi Baichou shook his head, seemingly helpless to Gu Qingfeng's words and deeds.

Maybe it's enough, Gu Qingfeng didn't continue joking and asked, "Have you ever been to this place before?"


"Is this really a grave where all roads are buried?"

"It should be ~ ~ I asked the old man just now, and he said that the source of all roads is buried here, do you believe it?"

"If he said that the source of the Avenues is buried here, then it must be so."

"You seem to be convinced of what he said, why, you know who this old man is?"

"I do not know."

"You don't even know who the old man is, how can you trust him so much?"

"Feel it."

感觉 "Feel? Do you believe this thing?"

Wu Baichou asked, "What does this old senior think of you?"

"I should know a lot of things in the era of infidelity. When I came, the old man did n’t even glance at the right eye, and so did you when you came. Now the two of us have been here for so long. Not only do I know a lot of secrets in the era of injustice, but even the existence of the two of us is clear. "

Tong Baichou nodded and said, "So I said, if he said that the source of the Avenues is buried here, it must be so."

"I'm not disbelieving what the old man said, but if the source of all roads is buried here, then what is the road in ancient times?"

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