
Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Incarnation of Original Sin in History

I do.

The ancient breeze has asked Jiuyou King to know how well the old demons in Jiuyou are eager for great power.

Since I am a demon.

So sure, humanity is long gone.

Wherever there is a little humanity, it will not degenerate into a demon.

There is no human nature, and naturally there is no righteousness and morality.

This is just an ordinary demon.

Ordinary demons can only confuse in the corners of the wild, and dare not enter Jiuyou, because Jiuyou is full of old demons and old demons.

These old demons don't know how many years they have cultivated, they have no human nature, they will only become stronger and stronger in the end.

What is magic?

He releases the desire in his heart as he wants, and does nothing to achieve his purpose.

Causal fate of the so-called original sin?

Those old demons will not think about these problems, as long as they can achieve their goals and satisfy their own desires.

The fundamental difference between tadpoles and demons is that humans have human nature and have a moral bottom line, but demons do not. Therefore, demons do not care about the so-called causal fate.

The ancient breeze asked: "Are many people in the great wasteland infected with the original sin?"

"very many."

"How did they infect? ​​What is the breath of original sin? Why haven't I seen it?"

"You have n’t practiced for just 500 years, and you have been fighting and killing for most of the 500 years. Then you have been lethargic for 10,000 years. How can you ever see the breath of original sin?"

Bai Chou went on, saying that the ancient breeze was dumb. For five hundred years, it was indeed a little less for those old guys who were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years in the wild. At best, it can only count as a little fart child.

"Original sin is not only the blood of the original sin, but also the breath of the original sin, the light of the original sin, the crystal of the original sin, and so on. As long as it has been infected and the soul is infected, it belongs to the person who acquired the original sin."

Xuan Baichou sighed: "These people are really too many, these people may be passively felt by the original sin, but more often they are actively infected for the power of the pursuit of the original sin, alas."

"I am curious. Will these original sins of acquired infection bear the causal fate of the era of injustice?"

"Original sin is a curse in itself. Any relationship with the original sin will be cursed. Whether it is the infection of the original sin, the light of the original sin, or the crystal of the original sin, all will be involved in the era of injustice. No one can escape from the causal black hole. "

好 "Well, what about the congenital sinner?"

"The so-called congenital original sin means a person born of original sin, such as your existence born of original sin."

"Are there a lot of people who have congenital sin?"

"At that time, the blood of the original sin in the northwestern region gave birth to many people of the original sin. Although most of them did not kill you ... but the heavens and the world have more than one drop of the blood of the original sin, and the one in the northwestern region gave birth to many People with original sin, and other blood of original sin, will also give birth to many people with original sin. "

"What about the original sin of that week? What's going on?"

"The so-called Zhou Tianyuan sin means that the blood of the original sin has been born in the body, and the blood of the original sin has begun to flow in the body."

"What do you mean?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "Do you mean that those who have congenital original sin may still have the blood of original sin?"

"Although the odds are small, it is not impossible. Of course, more of Zhou Tianyuan's original sin is the blood of the original sin."

"Are there many people like this?"

"Not much, I have only seen more than thirty people."

"Not much?"

The ancient breeze was surprised, and asked, "These people you see are all born with the blood of the original sin, or are they fused with the blood of the original sin?"

"Six of them were born with the blood of the original sin, and almost all others were fused with the blood of the original sin."

"It's a lot." Gu Qingfeng raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is the blood of the original sin the blood of the original sin?"

"Some are bred over time, and some may be brought up artificially."

The ancient breeze is an eye-opener today, and asked, "Can the thing be bred up with his mother?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but it turns out that there is really someone who is nurturing the blood of the original sin, and there is more than one person. The ancient namelessness used a breath of the original sin to nurture a drop of the blood of the original sin through countless years."

"It's really a big forest, there are all kinds of birds, but ... if other people are nurturing the blood of the original sin, why is this little girl who has no name also nurtured the blood of the original sin?"

"How can you be so disrespectful to Wu Guming?"

怎么 "What's wrong, she is your good friend?"

"She is my lifesaver."

哟 "Oh, you don't say, I forgot, the white cloth on your body was from her, right?"

"And the ancient name of the original sin blood is only to observe the blood of the original sin, so that she can better understand the original sin. It is precisely that she cultivated the blood of the original sin, and after knowing the blood of the original sin, she can come up with a way to restrain the blood of the original sin. If not, now I may have lost myself and become the embodiment of original sin. "

"Okay! What happened to the original sin?"

"Huntian Original Sin means to be integrated with the original sin, as if it were natural, which is the so-called incarnation of the original sin!"

"Have you seen the incarnation of the original sin?"

"No, but I have heard of incarnation of the original sin in history, and there is more than one."

"It really is! Who are they?"

"Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​Shen Tu, Hou Qing, Jiang Chen ..."

Listening to Bai Chou chanting one name after another, Gu Qingfeng heard that it was frightening, Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and Hou Qing were all the masters of the avenues that have been rampant in history. All of them are sinful, even more legendary. Top Ten Evil Lords.

"Don't tell me that these grandpas are the embodiment of original sin."

"You're right ~ ~ They are indeed the embodiment of original sin!"

"Good guy!"

Gu Qingfeng was only in Chiyou and Xingtian. The grandfathers were rampant overlords. He really didn't know that these grandfathers were all incarnations of original sin, and sighed: "I said how these grandfathers were finally broken into After returning to the market, they dare to feel that they are the incarnation of original sin. "

"I can also tell you a bad news."

"What bad news?"

"Return to the ruins."

Wu Wenyan said, Gu Qingfeng was a little bit worried, and asked, "Return to Guixu really broke up?"


The ancient breeze was only heard about before. I did not expect that the return to the market really broke up. Somehow, he suddenly wanted to laugh, and said, "This great wasteland is lively, hahahaha!"

"You look like you're gloating?"

"Should I be gloating over me?"

"The return to Guixu has collapsed. Is Chi You's original sin incarnation born? Is it good for you?"

"I don't know Chi You. He was born and not born. He has a relationship with me. What good can I do?"

"Why are you gloating?"

"Maybe I like to watch lively."

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