
Vol 2 Chapter 1607: Line 1 Forbidden Ground

The line of forbidden ground by Xun is more complicated and evil than the ancient Qingfeng imagined.

Before coming here, Gu Qingfeng heard the bronze saying that this is an ancient relic, and thought it was a narrow crack in the space of the relic, so it was called Yixiantian.

When he came here, he discovered that more than one crack was cracking here. It was dense and dense. Many cracks were intertwined. Each crack was like an abyss, bottomless, and it was filled with evil. The strange black mist looks like hundreds of thousands of dragons shuttled through the sea of ​​sand, revealing an evil spirit.

"Master, this line of heaven is forbidden to know when it is alive, nor is it a relic of an era. No one in our quicksand little secret world, including my master, Master Shuiyue, knows nothing about this place. We only know this forbidden land. Mysterious and terrible. From ancient times to the present, few who can enter can come out. "

Bronze and Bai Yanyan have been in the quicksand little secret world for many years. They also know the terrible nature of the forbidden field. If not, they will not stand far away even if they are repaired by the two monsters. Do not dare to approach.

It was found that Gu Qingfeng stood fearlessly standing on the edge of the forbidden area and looking into the head, Bai Yanyan persuaded: "If the friend of the old master is really trapped inside, the hope of survival is very slim now, even if he is alive, the old master If it goes down, how can we guarantee that they will be able to rescue them, so I hope the old master thinks twice before moving on. "

I said that Bai Yanyan is not a good man, she is a demon. Although she is not a vicious bloodthirsty old monster, she is definitely not a kind-hearted goblin.

What's more, she and Gu Qingfeng are not friends, and this is the first time she has met. At the moment, she has no other thoughts for persuasion, she just wants to persuade.

Because she is very interested in the existence of Gu Qingfeng, a mortal who is neither a fairy nor a demon, is mysterious and weird. The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng has a feeling of terrifying her. This is called Bai Yanyan. I'm curious, and I really don't want such an evil existence to just venture into the forbidden ground.

"Big, big master! Since this forbidden space is so terrible, you should not take risks by yourself. You have helped us enough. If you have any accidents to help us today, we ... we ... ... how can I treat you. "

Both Zijin and Ziqing, they belong to the kind of people with strong self-esteem, and they don't want to affect other people. They asked for the help of the ancient breeze, but they were also impulsive. Now they know that their master may be trapped in this line of heaven. The two did not want Gu Qingfeng to take risks in order to save his master. With such great gratitude, the two could not bear it and did not dare to suffer.

Gu Qingfeng walked slowly around the edge of the forbidden field, looked into his head, looked into the crack, and laughed, "Sister, I am afraid you are mistaken. Even if your master is not in here, grandpa I am also going to take a look. "

"Why, why?"

"There are so many reasons why, idle is idle, find some fun to play 呗."

The words of the ancient breeze came, and the two immortals, Zijin and Ziqing, did not know how to talk back, and the two wild spirits, Bronze and Bai Yanyan, doubted whether they heard it wrong.

What does idle mean idle?

It's a forbidden area here. Even the seniors who are residing in the little secret world of quicksand are afraid to venture in.

And what did she say have fun?

Are you having fun like this?

"If your master is really trapped inside, I'll take them out. If not, then don't blame me. However, the two of you also hold too much hope. Only the big sister just said what was right Even if your master is really inside, I'm afraid the hope of survival is very slim. "

Gu Qingfeng pointed to the dark mist in the crack and said, "The turbid air inside is stronger than here. For the time being, there are no other monsters or monsters. Even if there isn't, your master is really trapped inside. In the words of the year, it will either become a demon or a ghost. "

Xun Huafeng turned around and said, "But it's not good, after all, your master passed a letter twenty years ago. I wondered which one should be hiding in it and relying on the formation method to barely maintain it."

I say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng drank a sip of wine and said, "Come on, I'll go and see now. As for when it comes out, I can't say well, so you'll just wait here, in case something pops up later It ’s a joke to come to an old demon and eat a few of you, or find a safe place and wait for my good news first. "

"Master, please rest assured, the little girl is willing to take your friend to my house to wait."

哟 "Yo, that's good."

只是 "Just ... Master, are you really sure to come out of it?"

She Bai Yanyan was very puzzled. Only then did she listen to what Gu Qingfeng said, as if she only paid attention to the life and death of Master Zijin and Ziqing. She did not even consider whether she could come out. The tone was as if he could come out of it.

Not only Bai Yanyan is curious, but so is bronze. He also wants to know why Gu Qingfeng is so fearless.

Gu Guqingfeng looked up, glanced at her, and smiled, "Do you guess?"

"I ... I can't guess."

"If you can't guess, then wait."

The ancient breeze waved and said, "See you later."

The voice dropped, he jumped in directly, and the figure disappeared in the narrow crack quickly without a trace ~ ~ Did this jump?


I just jumped straight.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, Bronze and Bai Yanyan can't believe their eyes. They stared at the direction where Gu Qingfeng disappeared, and it took them a long time to recover from deep shock.


Bai Yanyan opened her small mouth of cherry, and she seemed restless, as if she couldn't believe it, she didn't know what to say.

"Dare to ask the two fairies."

Bronze turned his face in shock and said with a fist: "Who is this sacred **** on earth?"

Both Zijin and Ziqing shook their heads. If they could, they would also like to know where the ancient Qingfeng is sacred.

Bai Yanyan asked, "Aren't you Grandpa's friends?"

我们 "We ... we just met Master Grandpa and knew nothing about Grand Master's identity."

Bai Yanyan said suddenly: "Just met Master, just ... just to help you rescue Master willing to break into this line of forbidden territory by risk?"

所以 "So ... we ... really ... thank you, Grand Master, for the kindness of God, we have nothing to return."

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