
Vol 2 Chapter 1610: Eye of Ruins

The ancient breeze continued to explore downwards, and unknowingly came to the ninth floor.

This should be the last floor of this ancient relic, because the ancient breeze saw a well in the center of the hall on this floor. The black purple flame was burning in the well, as if the black water was boiling, and the black mist was emerging from the well. Later, it turned into turbid air permeating the whole ruins.

This is the eye of Dongfu and the eye of the origin of this ancient ruin.

Gu Qingfeng did not step forward to look at the eye of this source, but looked at some characters on the hall wall. These characters were faintly shimmering. Gu Qingfeng was curious that he could see and feel In this golden shimmer, there is a sacred Buddha's breath.

In such a muddy place, there are still some characters with the sacred Buddha's breath?

This is rare.

"Who is your Excellency, and why did you break into the retreat of my husband?"


There was a billowing black smoke in the well. Among the black smoke, an old man appeared faintly. The old man was dressed in gray robes and plain, and his turbid eyes stared at the ancient breeze here. The existence is especially curious and doubtful.

While the old man observes the ancient breeze, the ancient breeze is also observing the old man.

At a glance, he saw that the old man was a ghost, but also an old ghost with self-consciousness, who had not cultivated for many years.

"Your retreat?"

The ancient breeze asked an understatement.

"Exactly." The old man stared at Gu Qingfeng, his frowns were deep, a pair of muddy eyes, as if to see Gu Qingfeng through, just looking at it, he couldn't see anything, but the more he looked, the more confused, the more he looked The more hesitant, he said, "Have you asked your honorary name?"

"Dao Xiaochi." Gu Qingfeng asked casually: "How about you?"

"The old man's road is called No. Liang." After the old man responded, he said, "I don't know what your intention is for this place of retreat."

"Nothing, just passing by, come and see."

"This is the retreat of the old man, there is nothing to look at."

"Since it is your retreat, then you call him and see if he promises you?"


The old man froze in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?" After speaking, the black smoke in the well sprang up again, enveloped everything in the hall, and found that Gu Qingfeng stood in the black smoke, seemingly unaffected. Any influence, the old man is very shocked.

怎么 "What's the matter, want to use this stuff to stab you?"

When the ancient breeze waved his hand, the dark mist in the hall suddenly disappeared.

This scene really scared the old man, and was about to take another shot. Gu Qingfeng's voice suddenly came: "Come on, my father advised you to save it, I gave me a mess, it's useless."

The old man did not shoot again.

Although he did n’t know who the ancient breeze was, and he could n’t see what the ancient breeze had, just before the ancient breeze raised his hand, all the black fog in the entire hall was dispelled. With this trick, the old man already knew that the existence of the person in front of him was beyond his own understanding, let alone that he could be provoked.

Thinking of this, the old man didn't hesitate anymore, he shook his body, and the person was standing on the ground, arching his hand and saying, "It's only offensive, I hope you forgive me."

"Yes, it's pretty good."

The ancient breeze was not in a hurry, so I found a place to sit down, took out the jug and took a sip, and asked, "I ask you, is this ancient ruin yours?"

The old man groaned for a moment, then shook his head and responded, "No, the old man just used this to meditate."


Even if the old man didn't say it, Gu Qingfeng could see it. Although this old ghost was repaired well, it would be far from the old ghost's ability to make such a ruin.

"When did you practice here?"

"There is no time here, and the old man does not know how many years have passed."

"I don't know the years, then you should know before and after ancient times."

"Before ancient times."

"Then one didn't leave?"


"What is the source eye of this ruin?" Gu Qingfeng looked at the well with a smile and said, "It looks pretty good."

"The old man is not very clear. I only know that the eyes of this source are thick and turbid, which is very suitable for me to wait for the cultivation of ghosts, so the old man uses this place to meditate."


Gu Qingfeng didn't continue to ask, and didn't even sacrifice his consciousness to explore the original eye of Laozi, because he was not interested in this thing, but the characters on the wall containing the sacred Buddha interest made him very interested .

"Who left this word?"

"This ..." The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Let me ask again, who left this word?"

"Old man ... I don't know."

"Let me ask you one last time, who left this word?"

The old man raised his head and looked at Gu Qingfeng, but at this moment, Gu Qingfeng did not look at him, but just looked at the characters on the wall. Somehow, the old man was very panicked and wanted to speak, but he was just talking to his mouth, and He swallowed back abruptly. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. However, instead of being unable to calm down, he became more panicked and scared.

害怕 This kind of fear is inexplicable, as if born, why are you afraid?

The old man didn't know. He only knew that he was scared. A sense of fear gripped him firmly in the palm of his hand like an invisible hand, which made him panic.

怎么 "What's wrong, I plan to ask Grandpa to ask you a fourth time?"

The sound of the ancient breeze came to the old man, as if the **** of death was calling, the sound was like a halo, and the sound was like a dead drum.

"Yes ... is a monk, no! It is left by a holy monk."

"Holy Monk?"

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought about it ~ ~ The word "sage monk" is a trivial matter. Looking at the desert, there are not many people who can be regarded as sage monks. monk?"

"I don't know."

"Have you seen him?"

"There are several faces."

"Not only has it been a few times, but the monk should have pointed you, right?"


The old man was immediately shocked. He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't understand it, and he couldn't understand why the man in front of him knew everything about the holy monk who had pointed him out.

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to ask, stood up and walked over, carefully looked at the characters on the wall, and said, "If Grandpa guesses well, there should have been an entrance to this place before, but Grandpa and I are curious, this place should already be a ruin Is it on the ground floor? Where did the previous entrance lead? "

"Under ... I don't know."

"It is rare to be able to seal the entrance with a few runes of the Buddhist family. Although the words are a little ugly, they have a lot of mystery. It seems that if you do n’t understand these runes, you still ca n’t enter them. go."

The words of the cymbal fell, Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes, and realized a few Buddhist runes on the wall. After a while, when the golden shimmer on the runes flashed, his figure had disappeared without a trace.

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