
Vol 2 Chapter 1613: Beating

谁 "Who! Which little king and eight lambs ate the ambitious leopard and dared to yell here, are they tired?"

The answer came from an old man.

The old man got out of the nostril of the huge Buddha statue. It was an old man who looked shabby, dressed in ragged clothes, with his chest open, a hat, shoes, and a fan in his hand. There is also a wine gourd hanging from the waist.

When I saw this old man, Gu Qingfeng smiled again, because the old man was not someone else, but he was a monk.

"Master Master!"

The Fuji monk quickly got up from the ground, leaped up and ran next to the Daxing monk, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and said quickly: "This boy didn't know where he came from. The mysterious and mysterious look of God didn't seem to be repaired. There was no good cause, but it was very tight. Only then did the arrogant do everything he could to get him, but he was bleeding from the sound of his throat. "

"You are a prostitute, and you are stunned by the horror of your throat and your face. Your boy is not ashamed, and I still have a face. I will go out and talk to his mother and say that I am your master, Lao Tzu. Can't afford to lose this person! "

The monk of Daxing reprimanded Fuji monk fiercely, and the monk of Fuji was thick-skinned and said, "Master, this boy is so wicked that he sees through my creation at a glance, and he mentions your old man's name. Come out, this kid not only laughs heartily, but also scolds your old man for being a tortoise. "

"go away!"

Wu Daxing's epilepsy slaps on Fuji's head, and then he looks at the ancient breeze standing on the top of the Buddha statue.

It was found that the ancient Qingfeng was neither cultivated nor created, and was just a bland mortal. It was neither reincarnation, nor rebirth, nor was it any more avenue. The whole body was covered except for the most basic human interest. Nothing else.

The Daxing monk frowned, even though he practiced for a long time, he even forgot himself for a long time. In addition, he wandered around the heavens and the world all year round. It is no exaggeration to say that from ancient times to now, heaven and earth, three thousand Avenues, what destiny, what true destiny, what should be transported and what should be robbed, what taboos, what ancestors, etc. are all messy. He has seen all that he has seen, and all those who have not.

He has seen big names with famous names in all ages. Not only have he met, but many of them have known each other.

Even if it is mysterious, weird, or unknown, he has seen it.

And these people have one thing in common.

That is to see through.

But the problem now is that the mortal in front of me is not mysterious or weird. It is just an ordinary mortal that can no longer be ordinary. At least, the Daxing epilepsy has no place to see, not just not to see, but a glance. Looking at the past, it is clear that there is no mysterious and strange place for a mortal person with a flesh and a body.

If you meet such a person in the secular world, Daxing Chimon is too lazy to look at it, because such a mortal catches a lot in the secular world, there is nothing worthy of his curiosity. The mortal in front of him can not only break into it, In addition, he blew his good apprentice to Zhen Qi's seven tricks with a throat, and shook the ruins all over the place.

This has to make Daxing epic feel curious.

Is it difficult to be a master of this era of recovery?

Although it is said that there are so many powerful people in each era, those special people have special humane innate fortunes. On the other hand, what are you saying about innate fortunes, even his mother's touch? There is no spiritual breath.

In this case, Daxing epilepsy was the first time in his life.

He was even more puzzled when he looked at the guy sitting on the top of the Buddha's head and drank. He didn't know why. He always felt a little familiar, and the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't remember, he didn't have any impression.


Gu Qingfeng sat on the top of the statue of Buddha, drinking and drinking without thinking, and let Daxing Monk look at himself, looking at the doubts of Daxing Monk, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help it. laugh it out.


Wu Daxing's epic appeared on top of the statue of Buddha, looking up at Gu Qingfeng up and down, saying, "Look at you a little familiar, have we seen it somewhere?"

Wu Daxing's epilepsy didn't say this, but when he said it, Gu Qingfeng laughed even more.

"Hey! Little bunny! I'm talking to you, you laughed!"

It was found that Gu Qingfeng not only did not stop, but laughed more and more demented, Daxing epilepse yelled and said, "Fuck, dare to laugh at me? Find a pump right!" Speaking, Daxing epilepsy raised his hand Slap slap to teach this unknowing guy.

Squinting at the slap of Daxing's epic monk, he was about to slap on Gu Qingfeng's face. For a moment, he clasped his wrist with one hand, not others, but Gu Qingfeng.

"Hey! You little bunny, you're quite strong!" Dahang's prince slammed hard, making him unbelievable that he couldn't shake the other person. This time, he can really stimulate Daxing's prince, not his face. They all changed slightly, Shen said, "Where did your boy come from?" It ’s evil! "

The chanting voice fell, and the Daxing epilepsy tried again, but it was of no avail, and could not shake the ancient Qing wind at all.

好 "Oh you bunny, I can't shake you if I don't believe it!"

Suddenly, the mad monk was furious, the whole body of Buddha flashed, and the immense power burst out. For a moment of bang, he forcefully bounced the hand of Gu Qingfeng.

"Oh, Dahang, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "Come and pick up my fist ~ ~ The voice has not fallen, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand is a punch, this punch is just a pure punch, neither magical nor It doesn't contain any mystery and the speed is not fast, but the Daxing episcopal didn't catch it, and even didn't respond at all, and his chest was firmly punched.

With this punch, the Daxing epilepsy only felt the blood and blood in his body tumbling, the membranes, bones, and blood veins were as painful as being torn.

I haven't experienced pain for a long time. I almost forgot what kind of pain it was. My heart was both shocked and shocked, and more angry.

"Ah! Bunny, you **** dare to attack Lao Tzu! Find death!"

Stubbornly endured the pain, Daxing epilepsy also gave a punch.

"Come here!"

The ancient breeze leaped up and gave a punch as well!


The two of them punched in the air!

boom! boom! boom!

In the blink of an eye, he gave another three punches.

行 When the first punch hit the bomber, Daxing epilepsy moaned.

When the second punch was against Hong, the Daxing epic stepped back.

When the third fist hit Hong, Daxing epilepsy was vomiting blood.

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