
Vol 2 Chapter 1636: 1 worship before Buddha

There is no vitality in the illusory realm.

Either the dark clouds in the sky or the mountains floating in the sky are disappearing bit by bit, and the lightning, including the thunder, seems to be falling apart.

The floating mountains are also barren ruins. Although there are still some remnants, they are mostly damaged, leaving only the outline of the ruins.

The ancient breeze just wandered around, jumping across mountains and ruins.

Although I said that there was nothing in the illusion and there was nothing to see, I said that there was nothing in the world that could be found.

Can't stand it.

古 For Gu Qingfeng, the more he walked inside, the more complicated his feelings became.

Hagi originally had a similar sensation to the illusion, but now it is even stronger.

I want to ask what this kind of familiar acquaintance feels like, and Gu Qingfeng can't say why, because anyway, he just feels like acquaintance.


The more I walk around, the more curious he becomes.

What happened to his mother in the Age of Wudao?

An era of good luck, why is it so mysterious and so weird that it is full of evil spirits.

He is either original sin or curse.

He is either his mother ’s fate or his mother ’s cause and effect.

He is either his mother's catastrophe or his mother's black hole.

What's even worse is that now I don't even know whether the era of injustice is past or future.

Not the past, but stumped can be the future?

If the era of injustice is really the future, then what is the illusory land, and what is this relic?

不 Haven't this all happened?

How could it be the future?

Is it a dream to stump the illusory land and the relics?

Don't say.

他 This mother-in-law's true guarantee from the beginning was a nightmare.

Otherwise, why is his mother's land a vain land? Why is it a fantasy? Why is everything here spiritual?

Can't stand it.

Speaking again, if the era of injustice is really the future, why does it appear in this form in the present?

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

I was too lazy to think of such a **** thing.

At this moment.

He stood on a mountain, and there was also a barren ruin on the mountain. The only difference was that there was a huge stone statue standing in the ruins. Because the stone statue was only half-length, and it was being scattered little by little. The sand is falling like dust, and the ancient breeze cannot see what kind of stone statue it is.

He looks like a Buddha statue.

When he was suspicious, a voice came from behind him.

"It used to be an ancient temple here."

Ying Ying appeared as a young girl with two ponytails and an innocent appearance.

I was the girl who claimed to be her aunt.

"Have you been here before?"

Gu Guqingfeng looked at her and asked.


"Really?" Gu Qingfeng was a little skeptical, and said, "This should be the relics of the Wudao era, right?"



"Master, can't you be sure?"

"If this place is really a relic of the Wayless Age, and you have been here before, what's wrong, will you be the one who survived the Wayless Age?"

"It's not necessarily only those who have survived the era of injustice can come here."

The ancient breeze shook his head, some did not understand.

The young girl smiled slyly: "Auntie has been in a dream before, can't you be stumped?"

"Ha ha."

Laogu Qingfeng smiled, it is impossible to refute.

He often fell into the nightmare of the original sin, and last time he went to a place where the cemetery of the Three Thousand Avenues was buried in the nightmare of the original sin. The girl is also a person of the original sin. It's strange.

The young girl walked to the front of the half of the Buddha statue, looked up, then knelt down, closed her eyes slightly, and put her hands in front of her, as if praying.

Ancient Gufeng asked: "Do you believe in Buddha?"

"Do not believe."

"If you do n’t believe why you worship the Buddha."

"I don't believe in Buddha, but it doesn't prevent me from having awe in Buddha."

"If you do n’t believe in Buddha, where does this awe come from?"


"It's rare."

"It's not just me, you are no exception. All those who belong to the original sin in the era of infidelity should have a respect for the Buddha."

"how to say?"

"Original sin comes from cause and effect. Are you and me as original sinners stumped and shouldn't you have an awe of Buddha?"

"Even if the original sin originated from cause and effect, what does this have to do with the Buddha?"

The young girl asked, "What is Buddha?"

The ancient breeze answered: "The Buddha is the Tao."

"What is the way?"

"The road is also heaven and earth."

The young girl asked again, "What is heaven and earth?"

The ancient breeze replied: "The world is also natural."

"What is nature."

"Nature is also cause and effect."

"What is cause and effect?"

清 When the girl asked what is cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng did not answer in time, but after a moment, she said, "Cause and fate are also fate."

"What is destiny?"

"Fate is also original sin."

The young girl lamented: "The so-called original sinners are just poor people with wrong causality and fate, at least, I think so."

The ancient breeze nodded, and he was quite agreeable. Today, with his understanding of original sin, cause and effect, and destiny, he also feels that the so-called original sin is just a poor man with wrong cause and effect.

"Either the Tao, the Buddha, the heavens and the earth, the nature, the cause and the effect, the fate, we should all have a heart of awe."

The ancient breeze shrugged and made no comment.

The young girl stood up, stared at Gu Qingfeng, and asked, "Are you laughing at me?"

"I look like I'm laughing at you?"

"You are laughing at my aunt and grandma."

"I do not have."

"You have it."

Looking at the girl, Gu Qingfeng said, "You look like you're looking for the stubble on purpose, what's the matter? Want to make a comparison?"

"Ha ha."

The young girl laughed without saying a word, but looked up at Gu Qingfeng up and down and said, "Your existence ... is very different ~ ~ What do you mean? Why am I different?"

The girl stared at Gu Qingfeng and said, "You are the original sin, and I can feel that your original sin and my original sin are not pure original sins, but belong to the same original sin. Perhaps it should be said that the original sin belongs to the same person. "

"Can you feel it?"

"Stumped you can't feel it?"

The ancient breeze shook his head, he really didn't feel it.

不可能 "It's impossible. Our original sins are all from one person. We can feel each other. Since I can feel you, you must also feel me."

Gugu Qingfeng frowned, rubbing his chin, could not help but fall into meditation.

Last time he heard Bai Chou said that the people of the original sin can feel each other, especially the original sin belonging to the insincere, and it feels like blood is connected and telepathic.

Strangely, Gu Qingfeng himself felt nothing.

He can feel him, but he can't feel it.

Now again, this girl can feel the original sin on him, but Gu Qingfeng can't feel the original sin on the girl.

He said that no blood can be felt even if there is a connection between blood and telepathy.

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