
Vol 2 Chapter 1642: If you do n’t owe, how can you meet

Since ancient times, the breeze has gone through four stages.

When I first practiced the next year, I saw mountains as mountains and water as water.

I asked Dingxian when he stepped into the avenue, looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water.

When the silence is reborn and detached from the avenue, look at the mountains or the mountains, and the water or the water.

When I realized the four major states of mind of the Buddhists, looking at the mountains is also the water, watching the water is the water and the mountains, the mountains are the water and the mountains, and the water is the water and the mountains. In his eyes, the landscape has no essential difference. The landscape is, the avenue is, the world is, all beings are, everything is everything.

At this time, the ancient breeze is indeed like the legend, seeing the true meaning of all sentient beings, and insight into the mysteries of Tiandi Avenue.

I don't know why.

After igniting the fire of the original sin karma, she fell asleep for 10,000 years and woke up again.

The current ancient breeze is entering a state of nothingness and dimness. Looking at the mountains is neither mountains nor water, nor is it water or mountains. Is it mountains or water? He does n’t know. Everything that Zhi sees is vague and hazy, all beings are, the heavens and earth are all, everything is nothing but dim and hazy.

Why did Gu Qingfeng look like this? Gu Qingfeng didn't know.

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

She didn't seem to believe what Gu Qingfeng said, thinking that he was pretending to be confused, and she knelt down in front of a half-length Buddha statue, closed her eyes, folded her hands, and said, "I want to be alone and quiet."

"Sister ..."

When the ancient breeze just started, Mandavan said again, "Let's go. I'm so annoyed now that I don't want to see you."

这 "This ... okay."

The Mandala has already spoken to this person, and Gu Qingfeng is embarrassed to stay, and said, "Okay, then you stay alone, as for the flower of cause and effect ... I can't compensate you anymore One, but after all, I owe it to you. If there is any need for help in the future, I will do my best. "

I say nothing.

The ancient breeze was about to leave, and suddenly looked at the half of the statue again, looked at it for a long time, and said a goodbye before leaving.

Only one mandala left alone, kneeling in front of the half-length Buddha statue and praying. She opened her eyes and looked at the half-length Buddha statue reverently, begging: "The flower of cause and effect of the disciple has been refined by him. What to do, I also hope that the Great Mercy and Great Mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva will give directions. "

"How can Guanyin not hear your prayers yet?"


Wu Guanghua flashed, a spiritual incarnation appeared out of thin air.

This spiritual incarnation is empty, distorted and fuzzy, like a burning flame, and like a blooming flower. When it appeared, looking at a half-length Buddha statue, he said, "Even if Guanyin is awake, I can hear your prayers, I am afraid I ca n’t point you to it. "

Mandavan did not feel any surprise about the appearance of this spiritual incarnation, as if he had known it, but just asked why.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the ancient breeze, this spiritual incarnation like a flame like a flower murmured: "I said that he is a variable, but also the biggest variable between this world and the world. Unknown, how can Guan Yin be able to point you in the wrong direction. "

"Why it is him, why ..." Mandavan murmured: "Is this causal, is it a fate, or is it just a coincidence, just an accident ..."

"You have passed through countless rounds of reincarnation, giving birth to the flower of cause and effect. Do you still believe in the so-called coincidence and chance by now?" The flame-like spiritual incarnation said: "You should know that between heaven and earth, since ancient times There are no so-called coincidences and accidents, never ... some are just cause and effect, but fate. "

This person's voice is bland, can't hear men and women, and is as ethereal as a spiritual incarnation, and said: "No matter who you meet, he is the one who should appear in your life. It is no accident that he will teach you something ... ... So I also believe that wherever you go, that's where you should go, experience something you should experience, and meet people you should meet. "

The flame-like spiritual incarnation looked at the mandala where he knelt in front of a half-buddha and prayed, "If you don't owe it, how can you meet ..."

"If you don't owe it, how can you meet ..." Mandavan murmured, blank and embarrassed, but more helpless, said: "Is my cause and effect really grafted to him?"

"Is it important to graft him? No, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he has refined your flower of cause and effect, the important thing is that he said the words he owed you when he left, no matter what your previous cause and effect was , Your future cause and effect has already begun here. "

Brahma Vatican said expressionlessly: "In other words, my cause and effect have been grafted to him, and the reopened cause and effect has already begun from this encounter ..."


After silence.

He Mandavan asked again, "I only asked him what he is now, and he said he didn't know."

或许 "Maybe he really doesn't know."

"But he realized the four major states of mind of the Buddhist family, transcended all beings, transcended avenues, transcended life and death, and transcended worldliness. He transcended almost everything. He could see the true meaning of all sentient beings and understand the mysteries of Tiandi Avenue. Why? He doesn't know. "

Flame's flower-like spiritual incarnation responded: "When he realized the great imagination, he had already seen the true meaning of all sentient beings, and also understood the mysteries of the heavens and the avenues."

"Why can't he see through now? Is it because he ignited the fire of the original sin?"

"No, it's not the original sin."

"That's why."

"I am afraid that his realm is no longer what we can imagine. The so-called truth of all sentient beings in your eyes, the mystery of the so-called Heaven and Earth Avenue, may not be the true truth in his eyes, nor may it be the mystery ~ This avenue may not be the avenue. This world may not be heaven and earth. He is detached, but he does n’t know that he is detached, or maybe he did n’t want to detach from the beginning ... "

"Do not want to be detached? Why?"

"He can't let go. If he could let go, he would have been sanctified that year."

"What can't he let go?"

"I don't know." After a pause, the flame-like spiritual incarnation murmured: "Perhaps he doesn't even know it. If he knows it, he will let it go, because he doesn't know it, so he will fall into the Buddhist family Let the confusion be said. "

Mandavan asked: "Do you know what he is now? Is it the incarnation of original sin?"

"I hope he is the embodiment of original sin."

"Why do you want him to be the embodiment of original sin?"

因为 "Because if he was not the incarnation of original sin ... it would be terrible."

"What if he is not the embodiment of original sin?"

"Do n’t you forget that he awakened the original sin after he lit the fire of the original sin karma. In other words, he dominates the original sin, and the three bodies of the Buddha, the body of the law are the dominant, and the body of the law, The incarnation is the manifestation of the Dharma, so if he is not the incarnation of the original sin, then he is the original sin! "

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