
Vol 2 Chapter 1669: Demon King


Gu Qingfeng looked at the elegant woman, thoughtfully.

"Uncle Gu, this little girl looks like a big Luo Jinxian, but it just looks. I wonder if she should be in disguise. The true cultivation is definitely not as simple as Big Luo Jinxian. If it is Big Luo Jinxian, It ’s impossible to make me fall into **** with just a glance, and these mysterious and terrible means are not understandable by the big Luo Jinxian. "


After a pause, Lei Lei said, "I even suspect that the immortals on this little girl may be in disguise. Is her true identity an unknown?"

"You're right, this little girl is indeed not a fairy."

Upon hearing Gu Qingfeng's words, Lei Lie couldn't help but seemed to be frightened. He said, "Uncle Gu, do you always know her?"

"do not know."

"If you don't know that, how do you know she's not a fairy."

"I can see you."


Lei Lie took a spit of saliva, and although he had already set up a matrix method quietly just now, he did not worry that what he said was heard, but he still choked his throat and said in a low voice: "Uncle Gu, if this little girl is not Immortal, what is her true identity? "


When the magic word fell, Lei Lie suddenly hesitated, his face changed and changed, and after a while, he asked, "Really? Is she really a devil?"


"That's too ... too much."

In the wilderness, demons have always been scary.

This has been the case since ancient times.

Never changed.

Although the number of demons is small, Mo said that with the immortal and humane, even with the monsters and ghosts, even the least number of Buddhas are more than the demons.


Because the devil is born with evil and terrible power,

This is innate, and it is also incomparable to Immortal, Buddhist, and Demon Taos. Like Luo Jinxian, the great Luo Jinxian, even if he meets one of the most common demons, he may not be able to beat it. If he meets one, The enchanted demon doesn't need to fight anymore. If he can run, he can run, if he can't run, he can only wait for death.

The magic method is not something that ordinary people can imagine. In many cases, it can directly erode the minds of others, devour others' consciousness, and even the soul without even having to take action.

Although Lei Lie claims that his friend has three demon ghosts and nine demon monsters, but it is only the name. He does have demon friends and demon friends. As for demon friends, he has not cultivated for so many years and met the number of demon. Very few.

"Gu ... Gu Dao, Lei Dao, you are here."

At this time.

An old man came over. It was Huang Lao. When he came to the deck and saw Gu Qingfeng, he originally wanted to honor the Chixiao Master, but he didn't say it after all.

The Master is a kind of rare existence in the wilderness. If not, the Master would not be a legend.

If so many people on the deck were to be heard, they would certainly attract attention.

And if the word "Xiaoxiao" is added in front of the master, it is difficult not to attract the attention of others, and it may even cause a series of misunderstandings. Although the existence of the emperor was taboo in ancient times, In your mind, Youdi is definitely a man standing in the sky. Many people are extremely worshipped and admired. If others dare to sing themselves under the name of Qixiao, this is to Youdi Disrespectful.

Huang Lao is a cautious person. After thinking about it before and after, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he feels that it is better to be a friend of the Tao.

"Lao Huang, you are here just right, sit down quickly, I tell you."

Seeing Huang Lao, Lei Lie dragged him over and said in a low voice: "Do you know what the real identity of that little girl is? Speak it out to surprise you."

"Little girl?"

Huang Lao was confused.

"It's her!"

Lei Lei shook his lips at the elegant woman sitting on the other side of the deck and said, "It was the last time I teased that little girl."

"You mean Yun Yun Fairy?"

Huang Lao asked: "What's wrong?"

"Fairy shit! He is a demon! It is a real demon!"

"Is it a demon?"

Hearing that Yunyan Fairy is a demon, Huang Lao is also surprised. He is the same as Lei Lie, only knowing that Yunyan Fairy may cover up his true identity, but he does n’t know what it is. Identity is a demon, and he really startled Huang Lao and immediately asked: "How did you know?"

"Uncle Gu said."

Lei Lie has long realized that the Taoist name of Gu Qingfeng is a bit inappropriate, but it seems a bit too strange to call Gu Daoyou. Look at Gu Qingfeng lying on a chair, leaning Erlang's legs, looking relaxed. ~ ~ It looks like a grandfather who respects and treats well, so he directly called Grandpa Gu.

"Gu Daoyou, that ... Yunyan Fairy's true identity is really ... the magic?"

"That's right." Gu Qingfeng held the wine glass, raised his glass, drank a small drink, and continued: "However, the existence of that little girl is more than magic."

At this moment, I said Lei Lie, even the Huanghuang Lao Xian, who has been practicing for nearly 100,000 years, still wonders what Gu Qingfeng said.

"Uncle Gu, what do you mean? What's more than just magic?" Lei Lie stared at a pair of tiger eyes and asked curiously: "What is she?"

"That little girl has destiny."

"With destiny?"

Lei Lie and Huang Lao couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioner, looking at each other, they saw the shock and panic in each other's hearts.

The existence of the demon itself is already scary enough. If the devil still has destiny, it is not only scary, but horror!

What is destiny?

The ancient destiny is Xingjun. If there is such a destiny on the devil, it is the demon.

The ancient destiny is the throne. If any devil has such a destiny, it is the devil.

Remember this.

Lei Lie had a feeling of scalp numbness, and was even a bit uncomfortable in speaking. He stuttered and asked, "That little girl ... no! Yunyan ... What is the fate of Yunyan Fairy ...?"

Gu Qingfeng looked at Lei Lie's scared look and felt a little fun, and looked at Huang Lao, his expression was also extremely disturbed. Gu Qingfeng was dumbfounded and couldn't help joking: "Guess ..."

Raylie shook his head.

He couldn't guess and didn't dare to guess.

"The destiny of the little girls should be the ancient king of the ancient times, and be regarded as a demon."

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