
Vol 2 Chapter 1671: Teasing fairy

"Well, isn't it so evil?"

"Uncle Gu, we're not kidding you."

"Dare you bet?"


Since learning that Yunyan Fairy is not a demon, Lei Lie is no longer as restrained as he was just now, and his bold nature is revealed again, excitedly saying, "Uncle Gu, what are you betting on?"

"Just bet on anything."

"Both of us are good drinkers, so bet on the bar. If you can call Yunyan Fairy's little girl and have a drink with us, I will admit defeat, and I will take the oral conviction. Brother, I treasure myself most Take out the fine wine. "

Gu Qingfeng nodded and applauded, and said, "This is good."

"But ... Hey, Uncle Gu, if people don't give you face, then you lose, and then you have to take out the best wine you have collected."

"no problem."

"Okay, brother, I'm waiting for good news here."

According to common sense, if you want to invite a woman to drink, don't talk about the good-looking at first, at least you need to talk elegantly and politely, like a gentle gentleman, and then go to invite, so at least hope Bigger, no woman will accept the invitation of a rough man.

Even if a burly man like Lei Lie had previously dressed up Yunyan Fairy, he wanted to see how Gu Qingfeng was going to invite Yunyan Fairy, but he never thought of it, Gu Qingfeng When inviting the Yunyan Fairy, He said nothing elegant and polite. He even walked over, even without even standing up.

Still lying on his back with his legs crossed, he slammed his fingers at Yunyan Fairy and shouted, "Big sister!"

Don't say it.

The loud sister of Gu Qingfeng did attract the attention of Yunyan Fairy, not only the Yunyan Fairy, but also many people on the deck.

When everyone's gaze looked over here, Lei Lie was very embarrassed and turned his head, pretending not to know Gu Qingfeng, even Huang Lao felt a little awkward, and coughed twice.


Who would invite a beautiful woman to drink like this?

And the big sister shouting?

This is too cheesy.

No matter how big it is, you can't shout big sister, at least have to respectfully shout a fairy.

Only then did Gu Qingfeng look at a leisurely look. Lei Lie thought he would be a master of love, but he did not expect to be a rookie, he couldn't even compare himself.

"Big sister, come and drink two glasses of water and wine with Grandpa."

Gu Qingfeng said another sentence, and when this sentence came, Lei Lie could not wait to find a place to drill in.

The deck of the Xuantian ship is like an open square. Although many people are practicing in retreat and resting at the dock, many people are drinking or drinking tea or playing chess on the deck. Maybe it's just a chat or exchange of practice experience.

I heard someone shouting a big sister, and it seems that they still want to invite Yunyan Fairy to accompany him to drink. Some people on the deck shook their heads, some laughed, and many looked busy.

The Xuantian ship said that big is also big, and small is also small. Anything will spread soon.

They also know that since boarding the ship, many people have come to invite the Yunyan Fairy. There are not only Yaxian Guigui from Shangguandong who has a great fairyland itself but also the name of a fairy, but also like Lei Lie. There are many such immortal immortals from large families who are not short of money.

However, all of them have been rejected, and since Yunyan Fairy has entered the ship, she has never accepted anyone's invitation, including the invitation of the young master of this huge ship.

At this moment, watching another person openly invited Yunyan Fairy, and everyone couldn't believe it, the man shouted viciously, even the big sister, even claimed to be the grandfather, and asked Yunyan Fairy to accompany him to drink Two cups?

I don't know how many people have seen him.

People who do not know how to live and see have seen a lot.

But like the Lord in front of him who was so ignorant of the heights and heights of life, everyone on the deck saw him for the first time.

Although they do not know the true identity of the Yunyan Fairy, everyone knows that the existence of the Yunyan Fairy must not be simple. If not, how dare they reject so many Yaxian Haoxian in the various heavens and again.

Mo said they were so.

Even Lei Lie, who was sitting at the same table with Gu Qingfeng, and Huang Lao were frightened by Gu Qingfeng's bold words.

Lei Lie had ignored the embarrassment in his heart and persuaded his throat to persuade him: "I said, Grandpa Gu, although the Yunyan Fairy is not a demon, her existence must be no small, how can you call her over like a maid? You drink two cups and you call yourself Grandpa, you really ... really ... "

Gu Qingfeng didn't pay attention to Lei Lie ~ ~ Instead, he hooked his fingers like a distant Yunyan fairy and motioned for her to come.

Next to it, Lei Lie saw clearly that Gu Qingfeng's behavior was no longer inviting Yunyan Fairy, but a joke, a downright, outrageous joke.

Everyone on the field was a playful expression, and they all looked at Yunyan Fairy. When they wanted to come, such a blatant joke would definitely anger Yunyan Fairy, and the guy who uttered the joke would definitely not have good fruit .

Lei Lie thinks the same way, he has deeper experience. When he was drunk before, he had played with Yunyan Fairy, and speaking of it, he was not a teaser at all, he just wanted to invite Yunyan Fairy to a drink. Not only is it not a joke, but it is also very polite, but the result is to anger the Yunyan Fairy, as if falling into **** instantly.

Now that this uncle Gu, so naked, can the Yunyan Fairy give up? It's no wonder he doesn't kill him.

Lei Lie stiffly peeked into the past, and found that the Yunyan fairy sitting alone in the chair alone drinking in the distance was looking here, exactly staring at the ancient Qingfeng.

To everyone's surprise, Yunyan Fairy was not as angry as they imagined, and there was no emotional color on the cold face, nor was it cold, nor was it expressionless, giving it a very elegant appearance. a feeling of.

"Sister, isn't it boring to drink alone?"

In contrast, Gu Qingfeng, still lying on his back, leaning Erlang's legs, tilting his head slightly, and holding an unhappy smile on the corner of his mouth, is just a lively rogue II ancestor, saying: "Come and sit and accompany your grandfather to drink two Cup, talk together, talk about life, exchange feelings, isn't it beautiful? "


Yunyan Fairy whispered two words back, and got up and came over to this side.

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