
Vol 2 Chapter 1674: Small 0 fortune

Anyone who has heard of the Shangguan family knows that the Shangguan family is definitely a noble family in Miluo Tianyu.

The ancestor of the family is not only an old Xuanxian, but also an elder of Miluo Tianyu Xianfu.

Many of the elders in the family are either the elders of the Xian Dynasty in one side of the world, or the elders of Xianfu in one side of the world.

Moreover, in each generation of the Shangguan family, more than one person has been sealed for nine days, and at the same time, each generation also has an outstanding talent.

Shangguandong is the hero of his generation.

At a young age, he was sealed for nine days, and he was also a distinguished Luo Shangxian.

According to reports, he has practiced for only a few hundred years, but now he is a great Luo Jinxian who is a complete successor of Jiuyi. He has two great fortunes, one is the bright light of the nine days, and the other is the five elements of Changhong. This is Xiao Qiancaihua's "Changhong Guanri", a famous and catastrophic wasteland in ancient times.

Since ancient times, there have been many creations passed down, whether they are congenital or acquired.

And without exception, it can be called Xiaoqianzao.

Whenever Xiaoqian created, it is infinitely changeable, mysterious and powerful, so powerful alone is enough to deter the immortals.

Changhong Guanri is a small thousand creations, and it is also one of the more famous ones in the ancient times.

Speaking of which, Changhong Guanri and other Xiaoqiancai are still legendary figures in this ancient era. The floating emperor realized it, and it was his fame and fortune.

It is said that the floating emperor was not the emperor, but the immortal who was enshrined in nine days.

In the wild.

Every immortal who has been enshrined in the nine days has a blood vein, and this blood vein itself is a great daylight creation.


On a certain day, the Emperor of the Floating Life realized the five elements of Changhong again. By coincidence, the Emperor of the Floating Life found that under the fusion of the two great fortunes of the Big Sun and the Five Elements Changhong, the changes were endless, mysterious, and powerful. There is Changhong Guanri, a famous earthquake in ancient times.

Under the influence of the Emperor of the Floating Life, many immortals who have been enshrined in the wild for nine days have begun to pursue such things as Changhong Guanri.


If you want to condense the small thousand creatures like Changhong Guanri, you need to realize that the five elements of Changhong are fused with the big day light. The big day is bright, but all the immortals have it, but not all the goodies of the five elements Changhong can. Comprehend.

Some immortals with profound fortunes may be able to realize the five elements of Changhong, while some immortals can hardly realize the five elements of Changhong.

How to do?

Easy to handle.

Since it is impossible to comprehend the five elements of Changhong, create a fake of the five elements of Changhong.

Although the five-element Changhong created is just forgery, and combined with the great daylight, it may not condense the true Changhong Guanri, but it is at least a lot stronger than a great daylight. If the five-element Changhong created is strong enough, Not impossible.

As the elite of the Shangguan family, Changguandong's five elements of Changhong are naturally understood. Therefore, his small Qianchanghua Changhong Guanri is also a real creation, not a falsification.

When Shangguandong appeared on the deck, some people stood up to say hello, even some seniors who had practiced for tens of thousands of years were no exception.

Shangguan Dong is a fairy who has been enshrined for nine days, and he is also a Luoshang immortal. His status is not noble.

Although there is no explicit stipulation in nine days, those who meet the immortal must salute, but most of the people who greet are Miluo Tianyu, and the Shangguan family is a big family of Miluo Tianyu. Some people want to tie the Shangguan family, and some people just do Show that you don't want to offend the Shangguan family for negligence, that's all.

of course.

When Shangguandong appeared on the deck, many people didn't get up or say hello.

They are all other people in Tianyu. They don't have to bother with the Shangguan family, nor are they afraid to offend the Shangguan family. They are naturally too lazy to get up and say hello.

Shangguan Dong nodded to the crowd in response, then raised his eyes and looked over. When he saw Yunyan Fairy next to a man in white, his eyes became complicated instantly. He was surprised, unbelievable, doubtful and jealous. .


He came to the deck this time, not by accident, but by the news.

This is indeed the case.

At first, he didn't pay special attention to the Yunyan Fairy. He thought it was just a normal big Luo Jinxian. Later, when he was drinking in Chunmanlou, he found that Lei Lie was playing the Yunyan Fairy. Without opening his mouth, Lei Lie was paralyzed with sweat and sitting on the ground.

It was also because of witnessing this scene that Shangguan Dong knew that Yunyan Fairy was a hidden master. He wanted to take this opportunity to get to know him, but was rejected.

Do not!

That is not rejection.

Ignore it.

Because Yunyan Fairy never said a word to him from beginning to end, even without a word.

This makes Shangguan Dong, who is proud and proud, ~, also feels bad.

Because he did not know the identity of the Yunyan Fairy, and saw Lei Lie scared to the ground with his own eyes, knowing that the Yunyan Fairy was unfathomable and he did not dare.

It was later learned that many people on the ship had come to invite the Yunyan Fairy, and as a result all of them had been rejected. Even Mo Dasong, who had died on the Immortal Road, was also invited to come out, and was also rejected. It was learned that After the news, Shangguandong, who was not very willing, was relieved.

At the same time, he was more curious about the true identity of the Yunyan Fairy, and he also wanted to know what identity background and existence of the Yunyan Fairy. Eyes.

And just today, he heard the news that there was a man on the deck blatantly making fun of Yunyan Fairy. Instead of being angry, Yunyan Fairy accepted his invitation to drink with him.

I heard that the man had neither cultivation nor creation, but was just a mortal, and when he was with Lei Lie, Shangguandong immediately remembered the man he had met in Jinyang Tianyu.

When I came to the deck and saw it, it was the man who killed the monster in Jinyang Tianyu, because he was also present at the time.

And many people at the time speculated that this man might be the legendary superior.

to be frank.

Shangguandong didn't know if Gu Qingfeng was the legendary superior, nor did he care about this issue at all.

Because in his eyes, humanity is a humble avenue. The so-called master is nothing but the humble human life.

As an innate immortal, he is also a Luo Shangxian who has been enshrined in nine days. Even if he deserves his destiny, he despises him, not to mention that he is still his destiny. When he thinks of him, he is not a deity. All are humble ants.

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