
Vol 2 Chapter 1678: Exorcism

The old priest was not polite. He came directly from a chair and sat down, staring at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Boy, look at this picture, it is neither immortal nor Buddha, nor is it a demon or a ghost. It is like a person. "

"Yes, Grandpa is human."

Maybe it was too long to sit and tired, Gu Qingfeng stood up, stretched a lazy waist, and said, "Also, it is above the man, the man is also."


The old Taoist said dumbly, "This is not only an ancient but also a rare existence."

"The word" Master "is as old as a Taoist, and as rare as a Taoist."

Gu Qingfeng held a jug and poured a glass of wine for himself, looking at the old Taoist priest, and said, "Right?" He said, he still passed the jug.

"Oh, interesting, really interesting!" The old priest took the hip flask, and poured himself a glass of wine, and asked: "You said that you are a superior, and as far as I know, there are several types of superiors. You What kind of superior is it? "

"Me? It's the kind of master who's doing nothing, eating, drinking, having fun, waiting for death."

"Nothing to do? Eat, drink, play? Eat and wait for death? Hahaha! It's interesting, I have never seen such a master before."

"I'll see you this time."

Gu Qingfeng raised his glass and said, "You say that you are a Taoist priest. As far as I know, there are several types of Taoist priests. What kind of Taoist priests are you? They are fortune tellers, or are they looking at Feng Shui, or what?"

"I don't set up fortune-telling or show Feng Shui to others. The old way is the most traditional Taoist priest."

"What is the most traditional one?"

The old Taoist drank the wine in the glass, glanced at the opposite Yunyan Fairy, and smiled, "Old Tao, I am both a demon priest." He also glanced at the beautiful young boy named Yi Xingxing, who said, "I also catch monsters." Taoist priest."


Upon hearing these four words, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help it.

"Yes, the old way is the Taoist priest who exorcised the demon, and I have a problem with the old way, the little devil and the little devil, the old way is inconspicuous and too lazy to catch. Just catch the kind of devil's son. "


Gu Qingfeng just smiled and didn't answer.

"To kill the demon." The Yunyan fairy didn't look up, she just drank and drank, and said softly, "Do you have this ability?"

"If the girl doesn't believe it, let's try it. The old way must let you see if the old way has this ability."

"it is good."

Maybe it was seen that Yunyan Fairy had the intention to work with the old Taoist priests. Gu Qingfeng walked over and put his hands on Yunyan Fairy's shoulders. Yunyan Fairy shivered, as if struggling, trying to stand up, but was beaten by Gu Qingfeng. His hands clenched again and said, "What's the best, Yunyan sister, the old Taoist priest will drive the demon and catch the demon, and you will let him go and make fun of it."

Having said that, he said to the old Taoist again, "Old Taoist, there is no magic here to drive you, and no demon to catch you. You have to drink as much as you want. Yaxing, otherwise I would be unwilling. "

"Oh, boy, you're crazy."

"No way." Gu Qingfeng shrugged, and gently pressed his hands on the Yunyan Fairy's shoulders, while smiling at the old Taoist priest, "Ye was so crazy since he was a kid, he is used to it."

Looking at this scene, the old priest glanced at his lips and muttered, "Boy, you are so stupid that you are fat."

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Don't you agree?"

"Yes, I am very dissatisfied with the old priest."

"Well, let's drink first, drink now, and let Minger take a break. Grandpa and I will tell you how to write this word."

"Okay! Just as you said, let's drink and drink before. Old Taoist priests should see and see how much your kid weighs a few pounds and dares to be so crazy in front of the old Tao!"

next to.

Huang Lao had already stood up and stood aside.

Because he noticed that this wine bureau joined with one mysterious existence, and it became more and more weird. The weirdness made him dare not to sit down and drink with these mysterious beings.

He could not see through the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

He couldn't see through the existence of Yunyan Fairy.

That's called the existence of Yixing. He couldn't see through.

Even the later Taoist priest, he still couldn't see through.

Although no one can see through these four people, Huang Lao can also see more or less. The existence of these four people is probably more complicated than one, and more terrible than one, and only the dialogue between the ancient Qingfeng and the old Taoist He always felt like he meant something.

He noticed that when the old priest said that exorcism and catching monsters, he looked at Yunyan Fairy and Yi Xingsheng separately, and also said what a demon and a son of a demon.

This reminded Huang Lao of what Gu Qingfeng had said before. Gu Qingfeng previously said that the Yunyan Fairy was a demon and a demon, but later he said it was a joke. At that time, Huang Lao felt that something was wrong. This time I heard old When the Taoist prince brought up the devil, Huang Lao realized that this matter might not be so simple ~ ~ may even be more terrifying than expected.

He didn't know if Yunyan Fairy was a real devil, and he didn't dare to think about it.

It's not just him.

Raylie felt the same way.

Although he has a bold personality and is as careless as a man, he still has a little eyesight after so many years of traveling abroad. He also feels that this wine bureau has gradually changed its taste with the addition of easy to go and the old Taoist, exact Said that he also realized that the current wine bureau was no longer able to participate.


There was a riot on the deck.

Lei Lie did not know the reason, looked up and saw a group of more than ten people came to the deck.

When I saw this group of people, especially the jade-faced man headed by him, Lei Lie couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up directly and his face didn't change, including when Huang Lao saw the jade-faced man headed by him. It was also a moment. Everyone on the deck was like this. When they saw the man with jade face, most people, whether drinking, playing chess, or chatting, all stood up.

Even the arrogant Luo Shangxian Shangguan Dong, and his father Shangguan Feixing, couldn't help but look at him when they saw the Jade-faced man.

These more than ten people are all barren spirits, and most of them are like the Shangguan Fei Xing, they are Naiwugui spirits, among them are even more advanced Ding Ren spirits.

Is it just that?

Do not.

In addition to each of these ten people, they are all immortals.

That's right!

All are immortals.

There is no shortage of Luo Shangxian.


It wasn't because the dozens of people stood up involuntarily that they were all cultivated as a great wild spirit, nor was it because all of them were Luo Shangxian, but because of the jade-faced man headed by them.

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