
Vol 2 Chapter 1686: Qing Qing Shang Xian

The teacher inherited the floating emperor who was famous today and is also a disciple of Changsheng Pavilion, one of the 72 blessed places.

With such a background of identity, it may be an exaggeration to say that it is rampant, but no one dares to mess with it.


Even without such a strong background, no one will provoke Qing Qing to immortal.

Because Qingqing Shangxian is not only built up profoundly, but also powerful and unparalleled in nature.

In addition, Qingqing Shangxian also possesses the fascinating appearance of the city and the country. He is not only kind-hearted, but also approachable. In this barren world, this has countless pursuers in all realms.

Among them are many outstanding people in the various heaven domains, and many immortals who have been enshrined in the nine days, including those who died on Shangcheng Avenue, even the stars who have inherited Heaven.

Mo Baiyu is one of them.

to be frank.

In his capacity, he would not normally take this kind of passenger ship. Even if he went out, he also had his own Xuantian ship.

This time I went out to find opportunities and experience breakthroughs, so I didn't use my own huge ship.

After hearing the news of Qing Qing being immortal, he couldn't help letting the people around him drive his Xuantian ship, which would only delay too much time, so he had to take the Xuantian ship that belonged to their fairyland.

Originally, Jin Lao always wondered why Mo Baiyu, who had just gone out to practice, would return to his house inexplicably, and was still very anxious. After taking the passenger ship in his wonderland, he not only replaced the original owner, but also made him responsible for sailing. He was urged to speed up on the road. Hearing that Qing Qing's ship was ahead, he finally understood.

Jin Lao has been following Mo Baiyu for many years. Naturally, he also knows that Mo Baiyu has always loved Qing Qing and immortal. Every time he hears the news of Qing Qing and immortal, unless he is in retreat and cannot go out, he will let go of everything else. Things, went to meet with Qing Qing Shangxian.

I thought that Mo Baiyu's mood had matured for decades after this retreat. I didn't expect that after hearing Qing Qing's visit to the immortal, she would be the same as before, at any cost, just to win the beauty.

This disappointed Jin Laoduo more or less.

of course.

It's just disappointment.

Disappointment does not mean that he cannot understand. Although he has cultivated for a long time, he has forgotten even himself, and his heart has long been ignorant of what it is.


He was also young, and when he was young, he was desperate for all those who pursued admiration.


He didn't understand.

I don't understand. If Mo Baiyu wants to test the man who claims to be the grandfather, what does it have to do with Qing Qing?

Could it be that Mo Baiyu wanted to use the identity of Qingqing Shangxian to test that person?

"Jin Lao, have you been with me for so long, and you still don't know who I am?" Mo Baiyu said solemnly, "Qing Qing Shangxian is like a noble goddess in my mind. For her, I can kill my life. Do n’t even want to, how can you use her to test that person? ”

"It's old and confused, why don't you know that the Lord is good enough to mention Qing Qing?"

"Ha ha."

Mo Baiyu smiled slightly, as if he was selling Guanzi, and said, "Jin Lao has also seen Qing Qingxian with me, right?"

"Seen many times."

"Since you have seen Qingqing Shangxian many times with me, have you ever encountered Qingqing Shangxian going out alone?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Lao probably understood what Mo Baiyu meant.

Qingqing Shangxian has always had many suitors, including Mo Baiyu, who admires Qingqing Shangxian a lot.

Therefore, every time Qingqing Shangxian goes out, he can be said to be clamoring for each other, not a huge ship, but a group of fleets.

Only one of them belongs to Qing Qing Shangxian, and the other ships may be those who are chasing away thousands of miles to accompany Qing Qing Shang Xian's admiration.

"According to the information I have received, there are really many acquaintances among the people accompanying Qingqing Shangxian this time."

Mo Baiyu had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Among them are Yunzhou, Yuanwu, Mufeng, Qingyue ..."

Mo Baiyu said more than ten names in succession, and Jin Lao, who was listening, secretly said something.

Most of the names that Mo Baiyu said have been heard by him, without exception, they are all vertical wizards in the major celestial realms, and their identity backgrounds are stronger than one, either this fairy or that fairy, Either born in this great fairyland or the big family, among them Yunzhou, Yuanwu, Mufeng, Qingyue, and Mo Baiyu, all are the top immortals who died on Chengxian Road.

"Their temper is not as good as mine, especially Yuan Wu, but he is famous for his hot temper, and he likes to be in the limelight. If anyone speaks out in front of him, he is still in love. In front of Qing Shangxian, hehe ... I think Yuan Wu will certainly not miss such an excellent performance opportunity. "

After listening to Mo Baiyu's words, Jin Lao next to him couldn't help but nodded, feeling that this was completely feasible.

In his mind, although the existence of the man who claims to be the grandfather is unfathomable ~ ~, if there are many masters present, he will not be able to turn around.

You should know that most of these people mentioned by Mo Baiyu are the treasures of the major Wonderland families. Every time they go out, they must be surrounded by experts such as clouds.

What's more, there is such an unparalleled existence as Qing Qing Shangxian, regardless of her background or strength. Every time she goes out, a master of Changsheng Pavilion will accompany her.

Even if the man who claims to be the grandfather is really terrible, there is nothing to worry about. At least, with so many masters, Mo Baiyu's life will not be threatened. As long as Mo Baiyu has no worries about his life, Jin Lao will be assured. Already.

Moreover, he was also curious to know what kind of existence the professed grandfather was.

The smile on the corner of Mo Baiyu's mouth became more intense, saying: "The man who claims to be the grandfather, abuses Xiandao in front of me. I may be able to tolerate it, but Yuan Wu will certainly not be able to tolerate it, so even if there is no need to wait for the big boat to reach the Luotian Maybe I do n’t need to do anything at all, I can know exactly who he is, it ’s a man and a ghost, even if he takes this opportunity to kill him. ”

When I heard that Mo Baiyu not only wanted to test the old master, but also wanted the life of the old master, Jin Lao quickly said, "Lord, that man is just a mischief to immortal Tao. It's such a big move. "

"Just a mischief?"

Mo Baiyu snorted coldly, and the smile at his mouth suddenly closed, staring at Jin Lao, and yelling, "Jin Lao, I don't think you seem to understand one thing. He just abuses Xiandao, and disrespects Xiandao. I didn't care at all. What really made me care was that Yunyan Fairy rejected my invitation, but accepted his invitation. Not only did he accept his invitation, but he even obeyed his words, why !!!! "

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