
Vol 2 Chapter 1691: Sad reminder!

Perhaps he did not expect to be rejected by Gu Qingfeng. The Yunyan Fairy looked for a moment, and was ashamed, angry and embarrassed inside.

The cause of shame is simple.

Gu Qingfeng previously seduced her so much that she couldn't extricate herself, but when she was obsessed with this feeling, she was crazy, even disregarding her self-esteem, and took the initiative to ask for it.

what is this?

Regardless of burying?

Or just ignite the fire, regardless of fire?

How can there be such a shameless person in the world?

Although Yunyan Fairy was embarrassed and angry, deep down was more embarrassing.

Because at this moment she was leaning on Gu Qingfeng's body. After being rejected, she wished to find a place to drill in. She wanted to take this opportunity to leave, at least, leave this guy first.


When she got up and left, Gu Qingfeng was clasping her small waist tightly, making her uneasy.

"You let me go!"

Perhaps because it was too embarrassing, Yunyan Fairy didn't even dare look directly into Gu Qingfeng's eyes, but just tilted his head and said, "I want to go."

"What to go? Don't you think?"

Upon hearing this, the Yunyan Fairy couldn't stand up for a moment, and didn't care about any embarrassment or embarrassment. Turning her head, a pair of beautiful eyes stared angrily at Gu Qingfeng, saying, "It's late! It's where you rejected me For a moment, I changed my attention! "

Say nothing.

Yunyan Fairy tried to stand up again, but it was useless. She was held by Xiaoqing waist by Gu Qingfeng. She couldn't move.

At the moment of the rush, the Yunyan Fairy flickered with black brilliance all over her body, seeming to use her strength to break free.

It was just that the strength in her body had just exploded, and Gu Qingfeng turned over and pressed her underneath, and this pressure also dispelled the smoke of Yunyan Fairy's entire body.

"You get me off!"

This time, Yunyan Fairy made up her mind to leave from here. Her mind moved, and the violent magical power in her body was working again, but just now, she immediately felt something wrong, and her body became hot instantly. She took a closer look, and it turned out that she found Gu Qingfeng's pair of evil demon hands began to be dishonest again.

Yunyan Fairy was afraid.

Completely afraid.

I dare not struggle anymore.

Gu Qingfeng asked, "Are you going?"


Looking at the ancient breeze here, the Yunyan Fairy felt like she wanted to cry without tears.

He felt like he was going crazy.

The heart has become extremely complicated.

Want to leave.

And dare not leave.

To be precise, she did not know whether she was afraid or did not want to leave.

"Okay, big sister, don't tease you, wait here for a while, wait for Grandpa to come back, and have two drinks together."

Gu Qingfeng did not continue, and when he raised his hand, the clothes still by the bed flew over.

"Where are you going?"

Although Gu Qingfeng's evil demon hands did not have her anymore, it was very uncomfortable to be ignited by the cloud smoke fairy of the flame of desire. Seeing Gu Qingfeng leaving, how could she give up?

"My grandfather has to do one thing now."

After Gu Qingfeng put on his robes, he stood on the bed and stretched a lazy waist.

"Then when will you come back?"

Yunyan Fairy was lying on the bed, covering her naked body with a blanket, her cheeks were crimson, looking at Gu Qingfeng stupidly, and her confused eyes were quite complicated.

"Soon, waiting for Grandpa."

"What are you going to do? Can't you do it later?"

As soon as Yunyan Fairy's voice fell, with a bang, the door of Neiwu seemed to be dispelled by the smoky smoke instantly.

"Rabbit! Get out of it!"

The answer appeared to be a person.

Maybe it should be alone.

Because this person only looks like a person below his shoulders, above his shoulders, and that part of his head ... especially his eyes are swollen like a toad, and the entire face is deformed.

"Noah, that's what Master wants to do."

Gu Qingfeng didn't panic about wearing a button on his collar. Looking at the appearance of the old Taoist priest, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Are you going to kill him?"

When Yunyan Fairy got up, the blanket wrapped around her revolved around her, only to see her turn, Guanghua flashed, and her robes had been put on, and said, "I'll help you kill him, you are waiting here I!"


The Yunyan Fairy has been completely obsessed with Acacia twins, and is deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

Now she only wanted to be in harmony with the ancient Qingfeng, and didn't want to be disturbed by anything. Now an old Taoist priest suddenly appeared. In order to be able to accompany the ancient Qingfeng as soon as possible, the Yunyan fairy was going to kill the old Taoist by himself.

If you want to say that the Yunyan Fairy is truly worthy of the devil, you have to do it without any hesitation.


She just wanted to rush forward, Gu Qingfeng raised her hand across her chest and said, "Big sister, don't get me wrong, I didn't say I would kill this old priest."

to be frank.

Although the Yunyan Fairy is a demon star master who inherits his destiny, his strength is very good.


Gu Qingfeng thought that she might not be the opponent of the old Taoist priest.

not to mention.

If he wanted to kill the old Taoist priest, he had enough thoughts, he didn't need to do anything at all, let alone wait till now.

"You guys, men and women ~ ~ are not good birds!" The old Taoist swollen eyes like goose eggs have only one seam left. Even so, tears can't stop Flowing out of this eye slit, he pointed at Gu Qingfeng with a peach sword, and yelled, "Especially you bunny! What the **** did your mother do to Lao Tzu's eyes!"

"Old way."

Gu Qingfeng smiled and looked at the old Taoist priest, drank a few sips of wine with his jug, and said with a smile, "Master, I have warned you that peeping at the acacia of others is to have a long eye. Is it really a long needle eye? It looks pretty serious? I heard that the needle eye is long, and it hurts my heart and heart, and it ’s so itchy, is there such a thing? "

"Rabbit! What the **** did you do to Lao Tzu's eyes! Say it quickly, or I'll let you die even if I die now!"

"Old man, it ’s not the grandfather who looks down on you. Even if you let go of your old life, you may not be able to treat the grandfather."

"You bunny! I see you trying to die!"

The old Taoist savage words and a peach sword in his hand, although he was very angry and unhappy, but to say that he was doing something against Gu Qingfeng, he really didn't have any confidence.

"Here is the Xuantian ship. Let's start here and break the ship. What should we do? Let's go, let's find a quiet place, let go of our hands and exercise."

Gu Qingfeng drank a few sips of wine, and smiled at Yunyan Fairy: "Sister, wait here for a while, and wait for the grandfather to come back, let's fight another 300 rounds."

When the voice fell, he waved his hand, the space was instantly distorted, and the person disappeared instantly. The old priest still somehow felt like he was suddenly sucked into something. As the ancient breeze disappeared, he also disappeared.

(The previous chapter seems to be blocked because the description is cyan. I am revising. Do n’t worry if you do n’t read it !!!)

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