
Vol 2 Chapter 1694: awkward

Even so.

The guy in the old priest's hand still didn't stop, it was still a variety of magical spells, all kinds of magic weapons smashed in the past.

"Rabbit! Did you die! If you die, call Lao Tzu. If you don't die, call it too. Lao Tzu still has a lot of treasures at the bottom of the box. I have to kill you even if I smash the pot and sell iron!

The old Taoist dare not stop.

I'm afraid the ancient Qingfeng inside didn't die thoroughly.

As he smashed with Fabao, he carefully sacrificed his knowledge to investigate.

To his great surprise, after the sacrifices were presented, no ancient breeze was found inside.

in other words.

That kid is dead?

Ashes go out?

Is this unlikely?

That kid looks so terrible, how could he be so tempted to fight?

Where is this?

Why did the smoke fly out?

and many more!

Is there any fraud?

The old priest sacrificed consciousness and explored three times in succession, and was very sure that there were no traces of the ancient Qingfeng inside.

So, is that kid really dead?

The old Taoist priest was vacant, some were at a loss, and some were stupid.

Before he started, he felt that the boy was unfathomable, and even if he tried hard, he was not an opponent.

But now he was messing up with his brain, and after smashing the kid stiffly, the old Taoist priest was a little unbelievable.

I can't believe the kid was killed by himself.

Because he felt that with his own ability, he couldn't beat him at all.

Why now ...

In addition to being unbelievable, the old Taoist priests also felt a little self-blame and some regrets.

He felt that he couldn't beat the other side, so he fought desperately. If he knew that the other side was so vulnerable, he would definitely not be so **** the other side's life.

After all, the old priest felt that there was no deep hatred between him and the other person, even though his eyes were swollen and his heart was upset.

But it's just upset.

Unhappy doesn't mean you want to kill each other.

Just as the old Taoist fell into deep self-blame, the Tiancheng Thunder, Five Thunders and Fa-rectifications he had previously sacrificed gradually dissipated. Only some residual power fluctuations were permeating like smoke. However, the old Taoist felt something wrong. He seemed to see something in the Five Thunder Orthodoxy that was gradually dissipating.

Due to the chaos in the field, there were power fluctuations everywhere, and the eyes of the old Taoist swelled so badly that his eyes were not very good, and he couldn't see what it was.

He hurriedly sacrificed God's knowledge to investigate the past. Strangely, when he searched with God's knowledge, there was nothing there, empty.

It feels like seeing a ghost.

According to common sense, the inquiry of the consciousness should be more accurate than what the eye sees.

What the eye sees is the appearance of the thing, but the divinity probes the essence of the thing.

Why can't I see a thing now when I see something in my eyes.

The old priest did not believe in evil again and offered a sacrifice again to investigate, but still could not detect anything, but he clearly saw something over there, and as the Five Thunders Fa-rectification disappeared, the remaining power fluctuations also disappeared, he also gradually looked Clear that thing.

to be exact.

That's not a thing at all.

But one person.

Is a man.

A man in white.

The man was leaning, sitting on the chair with Erlang legs up, drinking a glass without a drink.

and many more!

This ... isn't this **** kid just now?

This kid is not dead?

When he saw Gu Qingfeng, the old Taoist priest sat in the void as if he was scared like a ghost.

He knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was mysterious, weird, and weird. He might not even be able to imagine it at all.


he knows.

He knew since seeing Gu Qingfeng on the deck at first glance.

Witnessing that Gu Qingfeng used evil methods to make Yunyan Fairy and other demons burned, his heart was more affirmed.

It was dragged inexplicably by this ancient breeze to this terrible place.

The heart of the old Taoist is affirmative and can no longer be affirmed.

Just knowing the existence of the ancient breeze is beyond imagination.

and so.

In the face of Gu Qingfeng, although he was unhappy because his eyes were swollen, he chose to recognize him, not only chose to acknowledge him, but also installed a grandson fiercely.

Later, he couldn't help but was forced to do nothing.

After the hands-on operation, I have also shown everything I have learned in life, and I dare not stop, for fear of giving the other party a chance to breathe.

He thought that he had shown everything he had learned in his life, and smashed all the magic weapons into one brain. Even if he could not kill the other party, at least he could make the boy drink a pot, and he would be hurt if he could not help.

However, the old Taoist priest did not think of it anyway, he used all the energy to feed himself. It can be said that he tried his best to talk about killing the other party and not hurting the other party.

This boy's mother looks unscathed!

He didn't even break any hair on his mother's body.

Is this kid human?

Is he God?

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?


What made the old priest even more creepy was that he found that he could only see the existence of this guy with his naked eyes, but when he closed his eyes and probed with divine knowledge, it turned out that ... he could not detect the existence of this cricket at all.

Obviously, when I was on a big ship, I could detect it. Why can't I detect it now?

what's going on?

do not know.

The old Taoist did not have the thought to consider this issue at the moment. At this moment, there is only one idea in his mind ~ ~ that is to run.

The farther you run, the better.


Where should the **** go?

He doesn't know where he is, but where can he escape!

How to do?

The old Taoist did not know what to do.

If you do n’t do it, you may get confused by pretending to be a grandson and pretending to be a grandson. But just now you greeted the kid by death and then admonished and pretended to be a grandson. Maybe it does n’t work either?

In particular, Gu Qingfeng's deep eyes stared at him. The old Taoist priest had a feeling of hair in his hair. He resisted the fear in his heart, hardened his scalp, raised his head, and grinned. Smiled.

"This ... this ... a little embarrassing! Had the trail just been ... just a joke, presumably the old master wouldn't believe it? Think about it, too, saying that the old master would just be a trail, and the trail would not Believe this kind of crap, right ... Master, what did you want to ask just now? Would you like to ask if you are a man in the era of injustice? "

"Actually, the trail did not want to hide the meaning of the grandfather, but the trail itself has difficulties. After all, the trail and the grandfather met for the first time, and they were not too familiar. The trail did not know who the grandfather was and did not dare. What to say to you, Master, let's talk with conscience, if you change to Master, would you tell yourself to a stranger you met for the first time? Probably not. "

"So, I hope Grandpa understands the difficulties of the trail ... Of course, if Grandpa thinks that the trail has taken the place of your old man, the trail doesn't say anything, after all, the trail really offends the master, and the trail is also willing to listen to the grandfather. If the old man is gracious, let the trail go, and the life after the trail will be yours. If the old master wants the life of the trail now, the trail will have no regrets. "

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