
Vol 2 Chapter 1696: Who scares who

When hearing this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but laughed.

Laughter Cang Guba is absolutely unrestrained.

There are both unexpected surprises and the joy of meeting old people.

in fact.

When he met the old Taoist priest for the first time on the deck of the Xuantian ship, he felt that he seemed to have known each other, but he did not know whether it was related to the era of infidelity, or for other reasons.

Later, after chatting with the old priests on the deck, he felt that the old priests had a familiar feeling.

No matter it was a sloppy look, or a tone of speech, talking and behavior, words and deeds, Gu Qingfeng could not help thinking of a person.

That's Huode.


He didn't know if it was, not to be sure.

after all.

It's been a long time since he saw Huo De.

And when he left the secular world, he also reshaped the flesh for Huo De. As for what Huo De has become now, he does not know, even if Huo De is still alive, he does not know.

In order to confirm the identity of the old Taoist priest, he deliberately dragged the old Taoist priest into this space.

When the old priest said that the maiden maiden saw him, he had to call the grandfather, and the emperor saw that he had to call the grandfather respectfully.

Especially when the old Taoist priests talked about their relationship with the Emperor, Gu Qingfeng finally affirmed that the old Taoist priest in front of him who was stubborn and full of swear words was not someone else, it was definitely fire virtue.

Gu Qingfeng laughed because he didn't expect to meet Huo De, an old boy, in this vast and vast wilderness.

He was so happy and so excited.

Sleeping for thousands of years, and waking up for decades, he has never been as happy as he is today.

Even when he met the Daxing epic in the forbidden field of the Quicksand Little Secret World, he was pleasantly surprised but not surprised.

This time when he encountered Huo De on the Xuantian ship, he felt a kind of excitement in his heart.

His friendship with the Daxing episcopal can only be said to be a friend of wine and meat, and the relationship of this friend of wine and meat may at any time become an enemy.

In contrast, the friendship between Gu Qingfeng and Huode is not so simple as a friend of wine and meat.

Speak up carefully.

What Huo De said just now is not exaggerated, at least, Gu Qingfeng thinks it is not exaggerated.

At that time, it was indeed Huo De that led him to the path of practice, and it was only with the help of Huo De that the foundation could be established. At that time, he suffered a great calamity in the Yunxia faction, and it was Hue that saved his life.

and so.

In Gu Qingfeng's mind, he has always regarded Huo De as a relative who is also a teacher and friend.

That's right.

Just loved ones.

And looking at the heavens and the world, the barren world can make Gu Qingfeng be a loved one. There is no second person except Huode.

Under this.

How can I be unhappy and not excited to see Huo De this time?


He recognized Huod.

Huode did not know that he was Gu Qingfeng.

Huo De saw Gu Qingfeng laughing so madly. He thought that Gu Qingfeng was laughing at him for blowing his cowhide, and was furious, pointing at Gu Qingfeng, and yelling, "Well, you bunny, do you think I'll blow cowhide again? It seems , Don't show the real guy, your kid's mother doesn't believe it, right? "


Huo De turned it in his palm and pulled out a glass, which was as big as a baby's fist, and it didn't look exquisite or even look good. The colors were black and white, as if there were infinite changes like Tai Chi Yin Yang. What? This is the wine glass that the emperor refined that year, called the Taixu glass. When he was leaving, he gave it to Lao Tzu, saying that it was a token. As long as it was in the wild, no one knew it. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at the wine glass and laughed suddenly.

Don't say it.

This too-empty cup was indeed made by him that year, but he lost it later. As for how to lose it, he also forgot that he never thought it would be in Huode's hands.


Huo De held the Taixu Cup in the palm of his hand and said proudly: "You may not know what the Taixu Cup is, or you are wondering whether the Taixu Cup was made by the Emperor himself, alas ... if your kid has a little vision If that's the case, you may wish to sacrifice God's knowledge to investigate. As long as the investigation is over, you will know that what Lao Tzu said is true and false. "

Say nothing.

Huo De simply closed his eyes and stopped looking, just holding a too empty cup with his hand.


Under normal circumstances, when Huo De said here, when the cup is too empty, the other party will be afraid of it.

Because the Taixu Cup was indeed made by Gu Qingfeng himself.

And it is also made with the unique Nine Ancestor Fire.

As we all know, in the heavens and the earth, only the Great Emperor Jiuyou possesses the fire of Jiuyou.

and so.

People with a little knowledge, as long as they offer sacrifices to investigate, they can detect the Nine Flames contained in the Taixu Cup.

After a while.

No response from Gu Qingfeng.

Huode pondered that the kid must be scared, and opened his eyes, and said, "How? Can you detect the nine ancestral fires contained in the too-virtual cup? Now I know whether Lao Tzu is true or not?"

"Yes, this thing is indeed made by the emperor." Gu Qingfeng asked saltily: "But what?"

"What, what? And how? I said Tuzizi ~ ~ You are not big enough, but you are not too young."

The old priest pointed at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Do you think that the Emperor Youfei was gone? So, you are not afraid at all?"

Huo De seemed worried that Gu Qingfeng didn't believe it, and sneered: "Your boy doesn't want to think about how much You Emperor exists? For so many years, have there been less news about his death? Which one is true Dead? At that time, the Three Thousand Avenues couldn't kill Youdi, and the crying father who was beaten by Youdi, even the old man who was known as the cause and effect incarnation and the fate messenger was next to him. Knowing that the Emperor was almost a saint, how could such a master die so easily? "

"What's more, if the Emperor really died, would the maiden wait for him for so many years? Do you think you are smarter than the maiden?"

Huode continued: "Boy, to tell you the truth, You Emperor is not dead at all, and now live well, not only live well, but also drink a little wine every day, Xiao Qu'er listening, it is called a happy escape, the previous paragraph Lao Tzu also met and drank with him. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at Huode here, and the more he smiled, the more he did n’t reveal his identity, and he wanted to tease Huode, the old boy, and said, "You said that Youdi is still alive, not only alive, but a few years ago you still Have you seen him? Did his mother drink alcohol? Is this really the case? "

"Crap, do you think I was scaring you?"

"No, actually ... it's a bit of a coincidence."

Huo De was a little hesitant and asked, "What a coincidence? What a clever way?"

Gu Qingfeng nodded and said, "I'm not disbelieving in you. To tell you the truth, I know that the Emperor You are still alive. As you said, not only are you still alive, but you are still moisturizing, and, a few years ago, I've been with Youdi, drinking and listening to music every day, but why have I never seen you? "

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